Declassification of Documents

Shortly after the investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, President Johnson sealed many of the records for 75 years. They were not to be opened until the year 2039.

On April 17th. 1995, President Clinton signed Executive Order 12958. In this "Presidential Order" the President orders all CLASIFIED government documents to be released after 25 years. This would mean that the document that were sealed by President Johnson regarding the Kennedy assassination should have been released by now, along with many other documents that were sealed in the 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's.

After 7 years of waiting, this Presidential order to release these documents, is still being ignored by the authorities.

These changes provide a greater opportunity to emphasize our commitment to open Government. [President Clinton 17. April 1995]

click on the image to see the complete text of Clinton's Executive Order.

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