Jewel's DVD: Live at Humphrey's by the Bay
Review by the Intrepid Prez
I gotta fess up here. I wasn't expecting Jewel's DVD to be as good as it is. In fact I decided to wait until it was discount priced before I purchased it. Thankfully it wasn't too long... just two weeks in fact before it was selling for 33% off RRP.

The DVD blatantly showcases 'Ye Olde Jewelle'. Not only was the concert pre '0304', but astonishingly, it was to promote 'This Way'. To my way of thinking, that spoke volumes. It was aimed at the millions of people who bought 'Pieces of You' and 'Spirit'. So, 0304 (the Lester Mendez Experiment) would have to wait... Shakira did it better.

As this site is a Jewel fan site there's no need to preach to the converted. It's simply a front row seat at a live venue with cameras tactfully positioned so you don't miss a single thing, well, except for maybe a close-up, side-on profile of Jewel's face... all nasal considerations properly adhered to as one would expect.

'Live at Humphrey's by the Bay' is a virtual time machine. You climb aboard, sink deep into denial over '0304', then simply sit back and pleasantly recall the time you were first enchanted by our lovely Jewelie Girl.

One thing (and one thing only) troubles me about Jewel's live performances. She forgets (or at least pretends to) the lyrics or chords to particular songs. She then casually invites the audience to help her out. Jewel must think this is sorta quaint... I consider it unprofessional, or at best, contrived. Would Norah Jones stop midway through a song and yell out for a chord ??? If it's just a ploy to lighten up an audience, then it's a little overdone... it just doesn't work anymore. Even Britney can remember her lyrics so perhaps Jewel should ask her how it's done.

Britney: No Amnesia Problems

Norah: The Consummate Professional

Jewel: Steadfastly Uncompromising

In retrospect, the bonus interview was, dare I say, amusing. A graphic appears on the screen with the bold title, 'Being Authentic'. Jewel explains to a mystery interviewer who, oddly, we don't get to see or even hear:

"There has never been anybody that's asked me to compromise who I am... I've never had anyone say flat out that you must start wearing short shorts and wiggling your butt more... you know, there's never been that kind of pressure."

But that was of course before the mind boggling 'Proud Mary' routine with the champion butt-wiggler, Beyonce.

DVD Tracklist

Per La Gloria D'adoraarvi --- Near You Always --- Kiss The Flame --- Rosy And Mick --- Everything Breaks Sometime --- Sometimes It Be That Way --- Grey Matter --- Break Me --- New Wild West --- You Were Meant For Me --- Hands --- Everybody Needs Someone Sometime --- Who Will Save Your Soul

Bonus features include:
  • 'Standing Still' On the road video
  • Interview
  • Photo gallery
  • Three bonus songs:
    • Love Me, Just Leave Me Alone
    • Do You Want To Play ?
    • Jesus Loves You
  • Jukebox
  • Discography

Running Time: 84 mins

So, don't hang around for the discout price, buy it now !!! Well, providing you've already bought Shakira's 'Live & Off The Record'... ya gotta get your priorities straight.


Jewel: Live at Humphrey's by the Bay ----- Rating:   4 1/2 Stars
Shakira: Live & Off the Record DVD ----- Rating:   5 Stars

Justin... the Astonishingly Intrepid Prez  

Jewel considers whether or not to dance with Beyonce at the Divas Concert

Image grab from Live at Humphrey's DVD:   by Intrepid Prez  

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