Jewel outraged at Sydney Airport

The '0304 Special Tour Edition Double CD' spent a pitiful single week at #49 in the Australian Top 50.

The third single from 0304, '2 Become 1' entered the 'ARIA Top 50' at yet another tortuous #49, then it mercifully spontaneously combusted.

Rushing to board a plane from Sydney airport Jewel ranted, to who she mistakenly believed to be a reporter, "Australians just don't get it... 0304 is about fun, OK? I'm just havin' some friggin' fun... I'm content right now... I'm a multi platinum artist...I've got nothing to prove, OK? I haven't had so much fun destroying my fanbase since 'This Way' !!!"

Upon realising there wasn't any media interest, that she was indeed stupendously ranting to a hapless eleven-year-old with a portable karaoke machine, Jewel took another generous swig from her Jack Daniels flask, then left Australia.

Despite rumours to the contrary, Atlantic Music confirmed that a fourth single, a remix of a remix of some obscure version of Intuition (featuring a bonus calender of the Blender pics), will definately not go ahead.

Image credit: Little girl with karaoke machine

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