0304 Enters Top 10 Worst Albums of 2003

Jewel 0304

"Picking on Jewel is a bit like drowning kittens: sure it might be fun for a while, but where's the challenge? This, however, was before she decided she was some sort of ironic counterpoint to Britney and began dancing. All this to those trademark Jewel lyrics: 'I will mesmerise with milky thighs and languid eyes, I'll prophesise your moans and sighs.'

Oh, will you please?"

Comments by Brendan Shanahan - Australian Sunday Telegraph
(Voting 0304 into the 10 worst albums of the year)

Sunday Telegraph
December 21 2003
Jewel: Clumsily Competing With Bimbettes !!!

Jewel Flies Solo

"Modern folkie Jewel will be in Australia early next year for theatre shows and the 'Day On The Green' outdoor concerts.

The singer, who seems to be clumsily sexing up her image to compete with the bimbettes, will perform solo as her band parted ways recently."

Peter Holmes

Sunday Telegraph
November 30 2003

(Apparently not wanting to waste too much space in his two page spread)

Sunday Telegraph January 25 2004
Jewel Critic Performs Curious Backflip

(Article by Justin - The Intrepid Prezident)

Freedom of speech, freedom of press,
sure... we all believe in that.

But from: "Clumsily sexing up her image to compete with the bimbettes" to an astonishing claim of: "Must See" !!!

From a cheap and savage shot to a worthy recommendation !!!
Why the sudden turnaround from music journo Peter Holmes ???

1. Is this a shifty ploy to improve his chances for a one-on-one interview with Jewel ???

2. Did he mysteriously receive free concert tickets and an autographed copy of 0304 ???

3. Is this a cunning PR exercise conjured up in the dark and smoky corridors at Atlantic Music Australia ???

4. Has this site exposed graft and corruption, festering uncontrollably at the highest echelons of power, in the Australian music industry ???

5. Or... are we franticly beating up this mind-numbingly boring incident until we get our hands on a more substancial story ???

Watch This Space !!!

Justin (The Astonishingly Intrepid Prezident)

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