Jewel's Response To This Site

It was a historic moment in the life and times of Jewel Kilcher when this site recorded its 25,000th hit.

Jewel... yes, you heard right... Jewel Kilcher herself personally celebrated this momentous occasion by... (drum roll please) umm... by... I'll tell ya... by steadfastly remaining blissfully unaware this site even exists. That's how !!!

Yeah... thankless job this... Intrepid President of the Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel.

Maybe I should have started a cruelty-free Britney site... she cops her fair amount of criticism.

Or Mariah... yeah, Mariah... I bet she wouldn't leave me standing in "Deep Water" after a colossal 25,000 hits. Mariah would have e-mailed and undoubtedly sent me an autographed copy of her ego.

So, will someone tell that ungrateful bi... err, adorable Jewel of my unwavering commitment to vigilantly maintain her honor against the endless barbs of the merciless media jackals who savagely... you know how it goes.

Ah, well... not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these. I wont be idle with despair... I'll fill my life with love and bravery and lead ....... you guessed it.

The Intrepid Prez  

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