Angel Standing By
Jewel Speaks Out Against Teenage Drug Addiction

During the Australian 'Solo & Acoustic Tour' Jewel took time out to visit the Sydney Wayside Chapel's drug rehabilitation center. Displaying genuine concern for the plight of wayward teenagers, the socially conscious musician spoke quite openly about youth addiction:

"It's tragic... truly tragic", Jewel quietly said to the Reverend Daniel Jackson. "It breaks my heart to hear of the Australian youth stealing, mugging... yes, even prostituting themselves on filthy backstreets in order to finance this insidious habit."

She continued reassuringly:

"Well, I'm here to inform them, that at just at a fraction of the cost, a couple of nips of 'Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Tennessee Bourbon' will get them just as zonked."

Jewel then proceeded to generously hand out free Jack Daniels tee-shirts to the recovering inmates !!!

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