The Jewel of Denial
(Not starring Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner)
"I didn't Realise it" !!!

"Have you ever had a fashion emergency?"

This question was posed by Marian Liu of The Mercury News...
and Jewel, while maintaining a straight face, quite serious replied:

"There was that one time at the Grammys where my dress was see-through and I didn't realize it. I was staying in one of those really trendy hotels . . . it's real dark in the room, you can't see, I tried 15 dresses and this was the one I liked. All I can say is when you're going to the Grammys you should have a spotlight on you in public, so it doesn't suddenly become very see-through.

"I was so embarrassed. I just thought they were staring at me because they liked the dress. They were staring at me because they could see more of me than I wanted."

And she told Blender Music Magazine when asked:

"Were you embarrassed by the hullabaloo over your 1997 Grammy dress?"

"There are so many see-through dresses that have come and gone, I�m amazed people made the deal out of mine. It�s funny to be involved in a scandal. Did I know? Well, that�s the embarrassing part. I�d stayed at the Royalton Hotel in New York, where the rooms are very dark. I tried the dress on in my room and had no way of knowing it was see-through.

"I assumed everybody thought I was gorgeous and wanted to take my photograph. I had no idea that the pervs were going to get a nipple shot."

Jewel Sees the Light

Otto Luck, reporter for NY Rock, offers Jewel a suggestion:

"According to Jewel, the lighting in her hotel room was so dim she didn't notice that she was slipping into a see-through gown that would serve to shock even the most world-weary members of the audience at the Grammy Awards. I sympathize completely. It's damn hard sometimes to work the light switch in these crazy hotels.

"I have a suggestion for Jewel: Drop the line. No one believes it. Instead, why not respond to any future inquiries about the dress with, �If you looked like me, you'd be wearing a few see-through gowns yourself.

"Here's the point: Jewel has stated on several occasions that it's entirely possible to be spiritual and sexual at the same time. Fair enough. After all, we humans are complex creatures. Why not accept that Jewel is a substantial and sensitive person, even if she does take to cellophane dresses."

Then Jewel's Mum said:

"We all approved it in the hotel room, where the lighting made it look like a totally fine dress.

"Then when she was out in the television lighting, it was 'Oh my! She has a risque dress.' It was a surprise to all of us, including Jewel.

"What's really funny is that, next to what Christina Aguilera wears or anyone like that, Jewel's infamous dress is modesty personified."

And what does the ASPCJ say ???

"Well Lenedra, when you find yourself making comparisons to Christina for a personification of modesty...

it might just pay to keep your mouth shut."

Justin... Intrepid Prez  
Credits.   Images: Emily of French site JewelBox   ---   Research & layout: Rene   ---   Template code: Rene & Justin

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