Jewel Confronts the Troubling Issues of Our Times
An Interview with Australian 'A Current Afair'

Traditionally, contemporary musicians have been the conscience of humanity... often spearheading the endless fight against social injustice. Dylan, Geldof, John Lennon, and more recently, U2's front man Bono have never failed to fearlessly speak out.

And Jewel, from the very beginning, voiced such sentiments:
"Where there's a man who has no voice... there I shall go singing."

From her poignant 'Pieces Of You'... to the inspirational 'Spirit' album,
Jewel's gentle, yet powerful lyrics, reassured us that even though our 'Hands' might be small... we can still lead a 'Life Uncommon'.

Jana Wendt, of Australia's 'A Current Affair', met up with Jewel at ABC's Studio 17 to discuss her latest project.

Ms Wendt began by asking Jewel, "In these tragic times of turmoil, the suicide bombings in Iraq, the seemingly endless war in Afghanistan, global warming... what is the issue on the forefront of your mind right now?"

"Dog Biscuits"

"Dog biscuits?"

"Yes, dog biscuits". Jewel explained, "Look at George, see that face? Its a face ridden with anguish, twisted with pain... it's representative of all the suffering in the world today."

"Oh, it's you who owns the dog in that basket. I've just finished interviewing Paris Hilton and I naturally assumed she'd put it there.

"Now Jewel, I see you're using 'The Good Life', a Sinatra song, to peddle your dog food. Don't you think that Sinatra's classic songs should be treated with err... more respect?"

"He's dead... so I wouldn't think Sinatra would be too overly concerned about that right now, Jana. Look... take 'Intuition', it barely paid for the pressings... it wasn't until I used 'Intuition' to spruik razors that I made any substantial cash from it. Ya see, I'm a professional artist... professional... you get it? Bono's not exactly struggling to pay the rent right now... and Yoko, she's still living off Lennon's millions.

"You see", Jewel continued, "We contemporary musicians make a fortune writing songs that encourage other people to contribute their money to fight poverty, global warming or whatever, while we collect royalties even years after the issues are long resolved. Take Lennon's 'Give Peace a Chance'... it was written to protest the Vietnam war... well eventually, even Yoko's grandkids will be milking the royalties while they're happily holidaying in Saigon."

"True. So, why a jazz song Jewel?"

"Well I've done folksy albums, a Christmas album, a middle of the road album, a pop album and a autobiographical album, and now, I'm currently recording a country album. So yeah, I've always wanted to do a jazz album, Jana. Then I'll do a gospel album, then a heavy metal album. After that, I'll begin writing an operatic album... then I'll probably do a traditional Zulu war chants album next. I want to achieve those goals before becoming the lead vocalist for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir."

"How long have you been delusional, Jewel?"

"Ever since I thought I was a poet and wrote 'A Night Without Armor'".

"True. What else can we expect from you in the future, Jewel... any plans for another book?"

"I plan to write satirical stuff, I love satire, especially MAD TV's Shakira parodies, they break me up... satirical comment is at the forefront of freedom of speech... silence the satirist and you stifle democracy"

"Then you'd appreciate The Australian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Jewel?"

"Actually, my legal people are in the process of having that site shut down... parody is all well and good as long as it's Britney, Paris or pretenders like that stupid Lohan chick who're being lampooned... not unique, multi-genre artists such as myself."

"Thanks, Jewel, you've been very generous with your time."

"But don't you want to hear about my other projects? I plan to run for president, pilot a space shuttle, discover a cure for canc...."

"Maybe you should become a psychiatrist, Jewel, then find a cure for the chronically delusioned".

As the cameras zoomed out, Jewel gave Jana a friendly hug, as George vomited his new biscuits all over his basket.

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Photos of George contributed by Emilie of French site: JEWELBOX
Article: Justin
Page Layout & Code: Rhonda & Justin

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