Lullaby Soars to Number 2

'Lullaby', the latest album by talented, multi-platinum, singer/songwriter Jewel Kilcher, moved up an incredible 17 places this week on the Fisher Price Top 100 chart !!!

Rocketing past the ever popular Snuggle-Kins Panda and unexpectedly outselling the Mickey Mouse Helicopter, even though free batteries were included, Lullaby now sits at Number 2... only outsold by the newly released Tot Rod.

Clearly annoyed, Virginia Davis (Jewel's Manager) was quick to point out:

"It must be stressed that Jewel's Lullaby album was unfairly disadvantaged this month, as the Tot Rod was discounted by a massive 25%... otherwise 'Lullaby' would easily have made it to the top spot on the Fisher Price Top 100."
The Fisher Price Top 10

1: Tot Rod
2: Jewel's Lullaby Album
3: Mickey Mouse Helicopter
4: Baby�s First Bear
5: Toddler Trike
6: Baby Alexa Doll
7: Snuggle-Kins Panda
8: Elmo's Birthday Play Set
9: Dora the Explorer
10: Roll-Along Musical Pony

Pictured right: The top selling Tot Rod

Article by Danielle & Justin
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