About   'The Australian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Jewel'   Mark II
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Much was learned from the ASPCJ MK 1... this time it'll be more casual, quite laid back.

No more collecting tedious statistics and endless updates of Jewel's career. Other site do that task quite proficiently... we'll leave them to it. If you require specific Australian stats or data then email Atlantic Australia or ARIA (Australian Record Industry Association).

Hopefully Jewel fans will have a little fun here and maybe return in a couple of months to see what new stuff has been added.

An Australian section featuring a brief outline of local artist will be added, as most visitors are from overseas, we'll blatantly showcase some of our homegrown talent.

The site also invites contributions from visitors. So, should you wish to write an amusing article or send a pic or two... feel free. Just be mindful of the fine line between what's considered a humourous send-up and what's considered offensive. This site is about fun, it's not a forum for freaks to stick it up Jewel Kilcher.

On the other end of the scale... if you're a humourless 'I'd-Take-A-Bullet-For-Jewel' type of fan, then simply boycott the site and... send your hate mail to the Al-Qaeda.

So, for everyone else... welcome to our site, share in the fun and please return.

Coral, Amanda, Sarah, Derek, & Justin... one American hitchhiker and... anybody else who'd like to join in.

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