Memories of Stevie

"Stevie's talent was so natural & genuine and above all truthful. It is not learned nor can it truly be imitated. When I play from my soul to my fret board & I'd like to think Stevie is watching going "that's it & you've got it." Man what a powerful influence he has had on me both in music and in the way I live. Thank you Stevie."
Eric G.

"Stevie was like a flame... he never burned out."
Reese Wynans

"Stevie Ray Vaughan has had an immense influence on many guitar players--myself included. You may be able to learn the songs that he played, but nobody will ever touch the stream he drew from...ever."
Chris Plumstead

"Stevie was the best guitarist ever... Thank GOD for him."
Doyle Bramhall

"The first time I heard him was in 1995 and ever since I was in awe of him. Thanks Stevie! R.I.P."
Evan Bloomer

"Stevie was pure heart soul and passion. Playing the blues was the blood that ruled his veins, the fire that ruled his soul, and the love that ruled his heart... There will NEVER be another Stevie... His passionate music came from a place so deep, and so real, that it can NEVER be matched... Stevie died almost to the EXACT minute my dad died... I like to think they said hello to each other on the way up there... Stevie's music helped to pull me through that period, and still pulls me through, now... I will always love and have a very DEEP connection to Stevie because of that... I miss him, and love him very much..."

"The thing that amazed me the most is the fact that he never seemed to be lost when he was playing. So many musicians are so meticulous in their playing, but Stevie just rolled with it. He really didn't play the guitar... instead, he used it as a channel to his soul. You could tell just by watching him that he could feel the energy flowing effortlessly through his fingers."
Brian DeBaun

" was funny, one night at an open-air concert... Stevie was winding down the show... gettin' into Riviera Paradise and some foolhardy stagehand must've figured a rolling bank of fog would enhance the show... Stevie stepped up to the mic, raised his head ever so slightly, and said... "Would someone turn off Mt. Olympus?" I thought that was beautiful... no special effects needed when this cat was on."

"Stevie never played anything the same way once, let alone twice. He always played like he was breakin' out of jail."

Jimmie Vaughan

"Stevie was like family to me. When he died, I felt as bad as if I had lost my kid. I still can't believe he's not here anymore. As a bluesman, he was as good as anybody... ever!"

Buddy Guy

"I saw him the night before he died, and he was happier than I'd seen him in about five years. He was particularly excited about finally doing an album with Jimmie, not only his brother, but his idol as well"
Jeff Healy

"What I admired the most about him was the stern kindness he showed his band. They always came first; he always made sure they were taken care of , he loved those boys."
Gregg Allman

"I didn't get to see or hear Stevie play near often enough, but every time I did, I got chills and I knew I was in the presence of greatness. He seemed to be an open channel and music just flowed through him. It never seemed to dry up."

Eric Clapton

"The most lasting memory I have of Stevie is his passion. I don't think there's any one who tears into a song the way he did. I think Stevie Ray was coming from some place so deep and so beautiful that there is no one that you can compare him to."

Bonnie Raitt

"He never had to stop and think, his execution was flawless and his feeling was impeccable. He could play as fast as anyone, but no matter how fast he played he never lost that feel. His guitar was his means of speech, and he spoke beautifully. I would say you could feel his soul, I know I did"

B.B. King

"First time we played together, he was about fifteen or sixteen.We played in a band called Blackbird. Even then, and all through Double Trouble, it's like I never got "used to" playing with him. What I mean is I never took it for granted. It's like he'd do stuff every night that would just blow me away! I'd just stand over there and just couldn't believe it!"
Tommy Shannon

"I first saw him in 1975. My roommate at the time was playing in a band with him, and he said, "Why don't you come out and see us! The band's real good, and I think you'll really enjoy it!" So I did. I went to a place called Soap Creek Saloon, in Austin, and when I walked in I just could't believe it! This guy was like.........I thought this guy was like a human diamond, or something. He had this "Power." It's like when he played, it was like he "was" the music! I felt that way about him to the very end."
Chris Layton

"Stevie, I was 10 years old when you passed. It wasn't until I was 16 that I heard the guitar that changed my life forever. You see, when I heard you, you made my stomach churn and my hairs stand on end. You had more power and passion than anything I had ever heard. When I saw Live at the El Mocambo it changed my life infinitely for the better. That applies also to the people I turned in to you since then. My father and numerous of my friends. God Bless you Stevie. I think of you a lot."
Ross MacLeod

"Stevie, Every day I listen to your great art. You are always with us."
Kleij Cholland

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