Tomorrow, please come now (Translation)

Romaji Version
Words: MEGUMI, Music: Shinkichi Mitsumune, Translated by Jess
Album Iravati track 10

I want to go back. I can't go back.
I want to return, I can't return
To your arms any more.

Even if I mutter
That if it is a dream please somebody wake me up,
This unchanging reality is too painful.

A present that adorned my room,
A photo which we were smiling together,
Is smashed by memories.
It's too painful, even tears don't come out.

Tommorrow, please come now.
Something will change a little.
Like a spell, I repeat the phrase.
I've never felt myself so weak
Even I can't believe the existance of the God.

The truth is,
I had noticed it a little, but
I was afraid of being alone.

Because I didn't want to admit it,
And thought it will be fine,
I was pretending.
I knew it.

You and I were different, weren't we?
I can't move that I feel like I'm faced to face with
The ideals and reality.
How useless am I?

I still can't say
That I'm glad I met you.
But I wonder if I can say it someday.
If I met a person who I can breathe more easily with
Then I can say it.

Tomorrow, please come now.
Make it one of my memory now.
Everybody says that time will heal everything.
Someday I'll say good bye to myself being a heroine of a tragedy.
But it seems like it will take more time.

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