Shakespeare on the rainy day -TO FLY AWAY- (Translation)

Romaji Version
Words: Miho Matsuba, Music: Tooru Okada, Translated by Jess
Album Half and, Half track 6

Only raindrops sound soft, and even the scenary, far, seems like dream.
The steamed up white glass. Letters written by a finger flowing.

That is TO BE OR NOT TO BE in the Roman alphabets.
To fly or don't to fly. What a double meaning.
Reply me the waver now.

Please listen to the languid rhythm of the fingers resting my chin.
It's a long way to go to fly away from shallow sleaping heart.

And stare at TO BE OR NOT TO BE.
To fly or don't to fly. No. I've to fly.
So, TO BE OR NOT TO BE. We have to be.
To fly high far away even a cloudy sky.
I lost my way, but I found my way.
To fly away.

The smell of coffee is floating in the room as usual.
I'm not going to rest my chin on my hand for the story ignoring me.
The steamed up white glass. Letters written by a finger flowing.
Only raindrops sound soft, and even the scenary, far, seems like dream.

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