Your Answer (Translation)

Romaji Version
Words: Yumi Yoshimoto, Music: Naohiko Nishioka, Translated by Jess
Album Half and, Half track 1
Album Vintage A track 17

Always I want to dream
But sometimes there's sadness.
I feel like I'm left alone
At the corner of the world.

If you close your eyes you can start to hear something.
See, the dawn is arriving to the dark sea.

Love is your answer.
The reason for living,
Wish it is from the kindly heart.
From somewhere under
The same sky far away,
Someone is calling you.

When you want to tell something
But you can't put it into words,
Pray in your heart.
Sometime you can understand one another.

Yes, the storm is found after it passed.
The rainbow is always shining. Look.

The dream is your answer.
I want to follow your back
Chasing the dream for ever.
If you trip over,
You just stand up.
Because I have faith in you.

Love is your answer...

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