Daybreak Impression

Romaji Version
Words: Keiko Kimoto, Music: Takashi Hori
Album Fuwari track 10

I feel tomorrow as I look up
The sky with dawn's stars
Starting to sink. Daybreak

If I believe in my many dreams in future
I can keep running.

If I look up the galaxy (sky)
I know that there is an infinity.
Power jumping out from inside. Light that
Keep illuminating my heart.

My future is waiting for me somewhere.
I'm going to catch it sometime.
Don't forget this feeling
Even though you meet sadness or pang.

I can't see anything yet,
But there IS my own space
Just for me.

I only have been taught rules
So now I feel as
They are nothing really unnatural.

I want to ask "Why?" in the corner of my heart,
But I hide this feeling quietly.

Under this big sky
Changing its color to red and blue,
I feel like I found the door
To the freedom. The door everybody has.

I knew that I can't do
As others decided that I can't do.
I didn't look at the reality
With a reason that I'm bound.

Sudden spark, to unbind me
I have to find my dawn
Just for me from me.

I knew that i can't do......

My future is waiting for me somewhere......

I can't see anything yet......

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