I'm glad that I met you (Translation)

I'm glad that I met you (Translation)

Romaji Version
Words: MEGUMI, Music: Jun Toyama
Album Fuwari track 1

I'm glad that I met you.
I can't find a word for it.
It's too precious,
Even "Thank you" is not the word.

I've been spending my time with many people.
I've been trying to avoid contacts with them a little.
I don't know why I did tell you
The feeling which I couldn't tell to anybody
And just piling up inside me.

Everyone has someone
Who is special in their lives.
We just don't know when
And where we meet each other.

I can feel you
Even you are not beside me.
The distance between two of us dosen't change
Even we don't see each other often.

Learning how to go around with people well,
I just take in that as is to become adults.
Comparing the number of friends with others,
A corner of my heart
Isn't satisfied.

The reality is,
I'm not good at doing that.
I've left something.
I was bursting to change
Inside me.

"Don't change anything.
Just keep expanding
Your present goodness".
Naturally, you tell me smilingly.

I'm glad that I met you.
I can't find a word for it.
It's too precious,
Even "Thank you" is not the word.

I can feel you
Even you are not beside me.
The distance between two of us dosen't change
Even we don't see each other often.

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