Title: Starting Over
Author: midnight
Email: [email protected]
Pairing: Spike(William)/Angel(Liam)
Rating: NC-17 
Summary: Spike moves into a new apartment building…  
Distribution: redssoulmates, Jess’ Lair
Feedback: No feedback..no fic. Lots of feedback..I
write more. I thrive on it.
Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the
characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit
goes to Joss.
Spoilers: None 
Notes: This is an AU human fic. No vamps. No seers. No
visions. Human!!! ‘’ character’s thoughts
Warnings: language, sex, m/m
A/N: I knew it would happen sooner or later. One of my
ficlet(which is around 500 words) chapters turned into
a fic chapter. This chapter is almost 1000 words.
Muses have a mind of their own!!
Starting Over  5/?
Just as Spike walked behind Angel, he spoke up. “Fancy
seeing you here, pet.” His night might be enjoyable
after all.
Angel froze as he heard the voice while Doyle just
glanced between the two men.
“Mind if I join you?” Spike asked casually.
“Yes,” Angel answered quickly.
Doyle glanced at his best friend. ‘He might just kill
me for this.’ “I don’t mind. Why don’t you take a
Angel’s eyes widened as he stared at his best friend.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he gritted through
his teeth.
“I’m introducing myself to your friend,” Doyle smiled.
“Not my friend,” he mumbled.
Spike decided to cut into the conversation at that
moment. He didn’t want Angel to be uncomfortable
around him. He just…wanted him. In every kind of
position possible. Pulling out the chair and sitting
down, he placed his drink on the table. He looked at
Angel and then at Doyle. “The name’s Spike.”
“Doyle,” he repeated. “Good strong name that. So…is
this a date? Am I intruding?” Spike felt guilty for a
minute that he was ruining a moment but at the same
time jealous thinking the man was already taken. He
smirked as he watched Angel choke on his drink and
Doyle chuckle.
“Date Angel? Not in this life.”
“You’re not into guys?” Spike asked. “I just though…”
“I’m into guys,” Doyle interrupted. “But me and Angel,
we’re just best friends.”
Angel was partly annoyed that Spike was at the same
club with him and partly thrilled at the thought of
him there. “What are you doing here?”
“What if I was following you?” Spike purred.
Angel tried his best to look bored when all he wanted
to do was melt at his words. “Wanna try again?”
All of a sudden, an older man showed up at the table,
pulling Doyle onto the floor to dance.
Spike focused his attention on Angel again. He
shrugged. “Had a meeting with the owner of this place.
He likes my music. Basically I have a try out gig next
week. If it goes well, I’ll have a steady gig.”
“You’re a musician?”
“You say that like you’re surprised. I figured the
leather, the guitar, something would have given it
“I just…didn’t think about it.”
Spike slid his hands over his hips, drawing Angel’s
eyes to him. “It’s what the leather pants are for.
Performing and all that. The chit’s like it.”
‘Leather. Spike. No, no…concentrate.’ “So…”
“So, what do you do, Liam?”
“Do? To who?”
Spike raised his eyebrow at the question. “Not quite
the line of questioning I had in mind, pet.” He saw
Angel start to blush. “What do you do for a living,
“That. Of course that. Well, I’m an artist. Mostly I
paint, but…”
“Your stuff any good?”
“People seem to think so.”
“Do you think so?”
“I enjoy what I do.”
Spike waited for an invitation to look at his artwork
but never received one.
Angel stood up quickly from the table. “Well I should
really get going.”
“Going home?”
“What about your friend?”
“Doyle? He stays after I leave all the time.”
Spike nodded his head. “Don’t mind if I share a cab
with you, do you? We are going to the same building
after all.”
“Oh…um…no, I don’t mind. Just figured you’d be waiting
for your…girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend, mate.”
“Oh. Well I guess we should get going then. I’ll…uh,
meet you outside.”
“I’ll be waiting.” Walking past Angel, Spike let his
fingers reach out, brushing against his thigh
After saying good-bye to Doyle, Angel made his way out
of the club to where Spike was standing with a cab
already waiting. He reached to open the door at the
same time Spike did and their fingers touched. A touch
that should have only lasted a second but lasted
longer. A touch that sent a spark through the both of
them. Angel quickly pulled away, climbing into the cab
Spike took a deep breath and climbed in after him.
After telling the cab driver the address, the rest of
the trip was made in silence. 
After arriving at the building, Angel paid the driver
and made his way into the door and the elevator
without a word leaving his mouth. Spike wasn’t sure
what to say either, so instead he said nothing at all.
Walking off the elevator, Angel walked to his
apartment and slid the key in the lock, unaware that
Spike was directly behind him.
“So, pet…”
Angel jumped slightly hearing the voice behind him.
When he turned around, his body was practically
against Spike’s. “I…uh…didn’t know you were still
“Had something to ask ya.”
“Ok,” Angel said, his voice sounding faint.
Spike leaned into his body, feeling the warmth of his
skin against him. “Wondering if your offer was still
“Offer?” he squeaked.
“Mmm. Your offer,” Spike repeated. “You offered to
show me around a bit.”
“You declined that offer,” Angel said disappointed.
“Should have never bloody well done that,” Spike
mumbled. “Well, I guess that’s that.” Spike didn’t
want to seem like he wanted the man too much, he was
afraid it would scare him off. “Can’t a bloke change
his mind?” Hearing silence, he turned around and
started towards his apartment.
‘Spike doesn’t want you. He’s straight. Just wants
someone to show him around. I could do that.’ “Spike?”
he called out.
He stopped and turned around. “Yeah, mate.”
“What did you have in mind?”
‘Well, that was a loaded question if he ever heard
one.’ “Don’t know yet. I’ll stop by tomorrow
afternoon. How’s that?”
“See you then,” Angel told him and then disappeared
into his apartment.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything, luv,” he whispered
after the door shut.
            Next Chapter


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