Morning Glory

They both got to school at around the same time. Will beat Liam, but Liam swore that he had somebody pull out in front of him cutting him off. They walked up the front of the school steps together and went to go sign in.

“Hey Will, neither of us have notes,” Liam said suddenly realising a flaw in their plan.

“Yeh well what exactly would we write on them? ‘Please excuse Liam and Will for being late as they were...’” he trailed off realising that they were at school.

“True, but what should we do?” Liam asked.

“Well it’s about 11:45 and at 12 exactly the receptionist goes to lunch and so we could just write our names on the list and say that we left her our notes and she lost them.” Will said.

“Very sneaky,” Liam said smiling. They sat down at the top of the stairs waiting for the extra 15 minutes to go by. “We never did end up seeing that movie,” Liam said.

“Sorry...” Will said.

Liam briefly put his hand on Will’s thigh, “It wasn’t your fault. All I was going to say was would you like to see it some other time?”

“Are you asking me out?” Will said, not caring that it didn’t really apply since they had already agreed that they were seeing each other. Will smiled cheekily at him.

“Yeh I am,” Liam said.

Will paused as though he had to think about it. “Hmmm....let me think...” Will hesitated...

“Way to blow a guy’s ego,” Liam joked.

“Ok, I will on one condition,” Will said.


“I get to pick the movie,” Will said already thinking about which movie would torture Liam the most.

“Done.” Liam said.

“I’m thinking how about ‘Suddenly 30’” Will said knowing that Liam would hate it.

Liam screwed up his face.

“You look so cute when you do that,” Will said.

Liam smiled realising that whatever movie Will picked, he would also have to see.

“Oh I know!” Will exclaimed triumphantly. “The Princess’ Diaries. You know the second one that’s come out!” Will knew that this movie would annoy the shit out of Liam.

“Hmmm... Well I said it was your choice...” Liam said.

Will looked at Liam, “you have a black eye.” He stated and brought his hand up to Liam’s face and touched it.

“Yeh, I think that happened last night,” Liam said, “It’s ok though.”

Will ran his fingers over it and Liam winced slightly, “This is my fault.” Will said guiltily.

“No its not,” Liam said, “besides, you can make me feel much better later.” He finished suggestively.

Will laughed. They heard the bell go, and students started pouring out into the halls. They walked up towards reception and like Will had promised, the receptionist was on a break and they both managed to sign in unnoticed.

They left the office and walked out and realised it was lunchtime, they had just had breakfast.

“Looks like we arrived just in time for the best part of school.” Will said.

“Yeh looks like,” Liam said, wondering if Will would leave him to go find Fred.

“How about I help you look for Cordy, Doyle and Wes and you help me look for Fred?” Will asked not wanting to leave him.

Liam nodded and they went outside to the grounds. Liam spotted Cordelia and Doyle heading towards the tree where they usually sat and he and Will were just about to say goodbye to eachother when Will noticed a familiar figure sitting down at the tree.

“Hey isn’t that Fred?” Liam asked.

“Yeh it is.” Will said, “Looks like she’s sitting with your lot. I might just join you guys then, wouldn’t want to be rude now would I?” Will said winking at him.

“Nah, wouldn’t want that.” Liam replied as they both sauntered over towards the others.

“Hey,” They greeted the others sitting down.

They others greeted them back and motioned for them to sit down.

“Looks like someone decided to show up to school,” Doyle said smiling at them wagging school. “With a shiner,” he said to Liam.

“Yeh,” Liam replied giving them a look that indicated not to ask about the bruise.

Fred looked at Will to see if he wanted to leave as last she had seen, he and Liam weren’t getting along and she suspected that Will might have had something to do with that bruise. Will tilted his head to the side and shrugged slightly motioning to her that it was ok and that he was more than happy to stay there.

“So what did we miss?” Will asked, amazed that nobody had questioned their absence so far, despite the fact that he knew neither he nor Liam had told the others much.

“Not a real lot. Laura Armstrong is going out with Michael Giegerich.” Cordelia said.

At the mention of Michael’s name they both flinched slightly. Only Fred picked up on it and sent them both a slightly questioning look, but Will gave her his ‘I’ll-tell-you-later’ look and she dropped it.

“Hmm...” Liam said, “Anything important?”

“You can get your Bio homework off me,” Wesley offered.

“I’m good,” Will said.

“I’ll get it off you during spare.” Liam said.

“Ok,” Wes affirmed. “Oh, now I know what you missed. For French this year our class is going to Europe.”

“Cool,” Will said. “Liam and I went there with our families when we were 10.”

“Yeh, that was fun,” Liam said smiling. “Remember that old French lady, at the bakery who kept-“He burst out laughing and looked over and saw that Will was in hysterics.

The rest of the group were just looking at them as though they were on something. Liam started to explain it, “She-“He couldn’t finish it he just kept laughing.

Will gave it a shot, “She was putting a-“He couldn’t finish. He was laughing so hard he could feel himself start to cry which only made him laugh harder.

The others just stared at them wondering what on earth could possibly be so funny. And for that matter since when were they getting along?

“Well I’m sure that was funny for both of you,” Cordy said resting her head in Doyle’s lap.

“You shoulda seen it, she was-“Again Will burst out laughing.

“Ok guys don’t even bother trying to tell us. We’re good.” Doyle said.

Liam and Will stopped laughing for a moment and then looked at each other again and started laughing again.

“Anyways, guys my uncle is opening up a club,” Cordelia said changing the subject, “and it’s opening tonight do any of you want to go to the opening?”

“I heard something about that,” Wes said.

“I’m in,” Doyle said even though everyone knew that he would go where ever Cordelia was.

“Yeh I’ll go,” Wes said.

Liam and Will managed to settle down, “I’ll be there.”

Fred and Will hesitated, not sure if the invitation was extended to them too.

Cordelia looked at them, “Coming?” She asked, “I promised I’d let him know how many people were going to go.”

“You guys should go,” Wes said, mostly to Fred.

Will smiled at this, “Yeh I’m in, you want a lift Fred?”

“Thanks Will, I’ll go too if its alright.”

“Perfect,” Cordelia said clapping her hands together, the same way Liam’s mother had the night before. Liam and Will looked at each other when she did this and stiffened their laughter, thinking that Cordelia would hate them to laugh at her. She was actually really nice and very friendly. Liam imagined that it would be hard for her being the only girl in a group of guys, but she handled it well.

“So we’re going to France hey?” Liam asked. Everyone except Will shot him evil looks, “I promise not to bring it up,” he said holding his hands in the air.

“Yeh we are, its in two weeks,” Fred started, seing their shock at this she explained, “another school was supposed to go but had to pull out at the last minute, so they asked us to go, who better than a private school to fill the places at the last minute?”

“Well it does make sense,” Will said. “So where do we sign up?”

“In the office, you also have to write down who you will be rooming with, there are rooms of two for most parts and the other parts have rooms of six so that kinda works out for us.” Cordelia said looking around.

Liam and Will were surprised at the way everyone was fitting together.

“Hey Fred, wanna room with me? I know you and Will would normally go together but I don’t think they are going to allow different genders in the one room.” Cordelia asked.

Fred smiled, she was kind of shy and was glad Cordelia had asked her, otherwise she probably end up by herself, “Sure Cordelia. Who are you guys going with?”

Doyle and Wesley looked at Liam trying to work out which of them would go with him and who would go with Will.

“How about you two go together and Will and I will share?” Liam said looking at them, “That ok with you, Will?”

Doyle and Wesley looked at each other surprised but decided to ask later.

“Yeh that’s fine,” Will said a little too casually.

“Anyone want to go to the library?” Fred asked, “I need to get some books for an assignment.”

“I’ll go with you,” Wesley offered, standing up to leave.

“Cool,” Fred said accepting the hand Wes had offered. They both wondered off in the direction of the library.

“They’re so cute,” Cordelia said, “I thought you and Fred were together,” She said to Will.

“Nah, her and I are just friends,” Will said.

“Really?” Cordelia asked, “So are you seeing anyone?”

“Cordelia!” Doyle said hitting her side.

“I was just curious, I wasn’t asking for my own personal knowledge,” She said, “I mean he’s hot and everything, he has the whole athletic-punk thing going on with the muscles and bleach blonde hair..” She trailed off catching the look in Doyle’s eyes.

Will just grinned, oh yeh, she was into him. He looked at Liam and saw his brown eyes looking back at him, Will gave him a reassuring look; Cordelia was taken, and besides he was gay.

“Anyways,” Will said, “I’m going to go get some lunch before break’s over.” He got up to leave before Cordelia remembered that he hadn’t answered her question. “I’ll sign us all up for that camp too.” He finished wandering off back inside.

Liam let Will go, using this opportunity to explain to Cordelia and Doyle what had happened. Not everything obviously, but enough to give a reasonable explanation.

“So,” Cordelia said prompting him.

“So what?” Liam asked feigning confusion.

“You know what mister, what’s the deal with you and Blondie?” She asked.

“Yeh Liam, I thought you guys hated each other.” Doyle said.

“Things change,” Liam said. Sensing this might not be enough of an explanation he continued, “We were friends up until about 9th grade as you both know. But then we had an argument, he thought I was ditching him for schoolwork, I thought he was ditching me for girls... so to speak. Anyways yesterday he and I talked it over and decided that we were both wrong, yet both right if that makes sense and now we’re ok.” Liam finished.

Cordelia and Doyle still looked confused. “So your best friends again?” She asked protectively, she was Liam’s best friend and nobody was taking her spot.

“No, things are different now,” Liam said, things were different alright, he decided not to go into the details about how they were different. “I haven’t talked to him in years; naturally things just won’t go back to the way they were.” Liam finished, beginning to wonder himself about how things were between them.

Cordelia and Doyle seemed to accept this as an answer. The bell went before they could ask any more questions and they both headed of to class.


The next two periods went by really slowly. Will was excited about going to the club that night and he could tell by the look on Fred’s face next to him that she was too.

“So what’s the deal with you and Wes?” he asked.

Fred blushed, “I don’t know, he’s really sweet and he’s cute and he’s smart.”

“I already know you like him,” Will said playfully, “but the question is, does he know?”

“I don’t know, why would he like me? There are so many other girls. Pretty girls who say all the right things.”

“You are pretty and I know for a fact that he does like you.”

Fred looked up at him with hope in her eyes, “Really?”

“Yeh, Liam told me,” Will said. Fred blushed again, she was the absolute cutest thing, and if he wasn’t gay he would be so into her. “I think Wes is kinda shy.” He finished, these two were so perfect for each other and from what Liam said Wes was a great guy, however if Wes ever hurt her Will would have no problem doing the macho-big brother thing and hurting him back.

“So I take it you’re looking forward to the club tonight?” Will asked.

“Yeh I am, that was really nice of Cordelia to invite us, and then she even offered to share a room with me on camp. She barely even knows me.” Fred said.

“Yeh she seems pretty cool,” Will agreed.

“By the way I thought you and Liam hated each other,” She asked.

Will gave her a similar explanation to what Liam had given the others.

“Hmm...” Fred said suspecting that Will might be into him, she was his best friend and already knew that he was gay. “I think you like him.”

Will blushed slightly, “Can you not say anything to them about it?” he asked.

“I won’t, if you answer me this, is he gay too?” Fred said.

Will just gave her a knowing look. “I would say so.”

“Aww how cute!” She said. “Does he like you?”

“I thought you said you only had one question,” Will said, trying to distract her.

“Well now I’m asking out of friendship,” Fred replied, “So does he like you?”

“You tell me,” Will said deciding to just let her guess.

“Fine, I’ll work it our myself,” She said smiling.

The bell went, “Want a lift home?” Will offered.

“Yeh thanks, I’ll just go to my locker.” She said, “I’ll meet you out the front.”

“Ok,” Will said, watching her wander off.

Will went to his own locker and was surprised to see Liam there. “So we still on for tonight?” Liam asked.

“Yeh, I gotta take Fred home, but then come over to my place and we’ll go to that club together.” Will said.

“Ok, I gotta quickly stop by Wes’ place this arvo and have a little chat with him about Fred,” he stopped and smiled, “and I’ll be there straight away.”

“See you then,” Will said and touched his hand briefly before heading off. It was so hard for him to pretend that they weren’t involved, but he knew that he didn’t want everyone to know yet although he decided that he didn’t care if their friends knew. He knew that Fred at least suspected.


Liam managed to find Wes after meeting Will at his locker.

“Hey Wes,” He greeted him.

“Hey Liam,” Wes replied.

“Need a lift home?” Liam asked.

“Nah, my cars here, I took Fred to school remember?” Wes replied.

“That’s right,” Liam said. “Well do you mind if I stop by this afternoon?”

“Not at all,” Wesley said, “I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

They walked to the car park together and walked to their cars.

“See you there,” Liam said unnecessarily.


Liam pulled up at Wesley’s place right behind where Wesley had parked.

“Hey,” they said. “Here come to my room.” Wes said leading him inside.

Liam got inside Wes’ room which was in its usual state: covered in books and papers and coffee cups on every surface. He knew that Wes had left his maid with strict instructions not to enter into his room under any circumstances. Liam sat down on Wesley’s bed and watched Wes put his stuff away.

“So I take it you wanted to talk to e about something...” Wes prompted him.

“Yeh about Fred,” Liam said, “You know she likes you don’t you?”

“No,” Wes replied, “She’s so perfect for me...” Wes trailed off going on and on about how much he liked her. “By the way, how did you know that she liked me?”

“Will.” Liam said.

Wes looked at him questioningly.

“Will told me that Fred likes you, and apparently has for a while now,” he continued smiling at the pleased look on Wes’ face, “a few months actually, maybe more...” Liam finished, choosing not to ask him what he was going to do about it, and just waiting to find out instead.

“Which brings me to the question,” Wes paused and Liam knew exactly what was coming next, “You and Will? Last I knew neither of you were talking to each other, and now you’re suddenly talking to each other... And how did you get that black eye?”

“Well for the first part, when Will and I had our argument in 9th grade we both accused the other of not caring about our friendship, and when we were starting that assignment over at my place yesterday afternoon we started talking and-”

“He punched you?” Wesley exclaimed.

“No, Michael did that, I’ll get to that later, anyway we sorted out our differences through non-violent means,” he continued thinking about the means in which they had indeed sorted out their problems, “Anyway everything is good between us now, not like it was before but its different, good different.” Liam finished.

“And the bruise?” Wes asked.

“Well we got bored and went out,” Liam started and saw the look on Wesley’s face, “hey it was a boring assignment.”

Wes kept looking at him.

“Like I said, we got bored and went out and then I walked off to get some food and Michael came over and started beating him up. Will was doing fine but then about four of his friends came over, anyway I got involved and I guess I got hit.”

“Why was Michael beating him up?” Wesley asked.

“Michael thinks he’s gay,” Liam replied.

“Ohh,” Wesley said assuming it wasn’t true. “I still cant believe that you started an assignment straight away.”

Liam thought back to exactly how much work they had gotten done and smiled, “Yeh surprisingly enough I managed to start an assignment before the night before.”

Wesley laughed.

“So you looking forward to your date tonight?” Liam asked.

“Date?” Wesley asked confused.

“With Fred I mean,” Liam replied.

Wesley still looked completely lost and then it seemed as though realisation dawned on him.

“Ohhh...” He said. “What should I wear?”

Liam couldn’t help but smile at this. Wesley had it really bad, not that he could talk, he was running through a mental checklist of shirt and jeans combinations himself. He wondered what Will would wear, but Will looked good in anything he decided, even in Liam’s school uniform that he had worn that morning. Actually the less he wore the better Liam thought he looked. He felt a slight stirring and shifted uncomfortably trying to focus his mind to the present.

“The possibilities are endless Wes.” Liam said, humouring him. “What do you think she will wear?”

“I have no idea, she looks good no matter what she wears,” Wes stated dreamily, echoing Liam’s previous thoughts about Wes, except he doubted Wes was thinking about her naked, Wesley was much too pure for that.

Liam chuckled at the expression on Wes’ face. “Ok, someone’s got it bad.”

“I cant help it, I’ve liked her since she first came to our school, and now that I know she has feelings for me too I cant get her out of my mind.”

“Uh Wes, you couldn’t get her out of your mind before.” Liam said thinking about the conversations he had had with Wes, listening to Wesley ramble on about her.

“True. “ Wes acknowledged, “But it’s a hundred times worse now, every time my heart beats she is on my mind.”

Liam couldn’t blame him there, he felt the same way about Will, he just couldn’t tell anyone. Wes continued rifling through his cupboard trying to find something to wear. He finally held up a grey shirt and some black pants.

“Looks good,” Liam said, thinking about other certain people who looked good. “Anyway, I gotta go, I promised Will I’d go over to his place and say hi.”

Wesley raised an eyebrow at this.

“We were friends our whole lives, Wes, and now even though things are different we still have a lot in common.”

Wesley let it pass, “Ok, well I guess I’ll see you at the club tonight then, what’s its name again?”

Liam paused for a moment trying to remember, “I dunno, Cordelia mentioned it to me before, something about metal - oh that’s right, The Bronze.”

“Yeh, that’s it,” Wes said, “See you there.”

“Bye Wes,” Liam said as he left the room and went out to where his car was parked.


He drove quickly to Will’s place, he knew exactly where it was, considering that he knew Will hadn’t moved in the last 3 years and still only lived a few blocks from him.

He got to the gates which had been left open and he drove along the driveway, pleased to see Will’s Jeep parked there. He walked up to the front door not knowing whether to knock or not. He never used to knock, but then he didn’t know. He straightened his shirt, still in his uniform and ran his fingers through his hair. Ok, back to knocking or not knocking. He knocked on the door and waited a few moments. He saw a window get opened up above him and Will’s head poke out.

“Just come up,” Will yelled, “You don’t need to knock.”

Liam’s flesh tingled at the feeling that those words brought to him. Such familiarity. He knew exactly where Will’s room was, despite the fact that it had moved he just seemed able to sense where to go. He wondered briefly if the knocking thing applied up here too. He stopped and hesitated. To knock, or not to knock. Will solved the problem and opened the door from the other side. Unfortunately it was one of those doors that opened outwards and he smacked Liam in the face. Liam fell to the ground.

“Shit,” Will yelled, bending down to the ground to see if Liam was ok.

“It’s ok, I’m fine, just caught me by surprise.” Liam said.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Will asked worried. This was the second time he had gotten Liam hurt in the last 24 hours. “Here, I’ll get you some ice, go lie down.”

“I’m fine,” Liam said standing up but Will had already wondered off so he walked into Will’s room and lay down on his bed.

Will’s room was a creamy white colour and was quite large. There were two doors, Liam presumed one led to a bathroom and the other perhaps to a closet. In one corner there was a computer desk, with a blue Apple computer sitting on top, attached to a printer and scanner. Liam looked around and saw a pretty cool stereo system attached to a TV, a DVD player and what looked like a Playstation of some sort and a couple of beanbags sitting nearby.

Liam lay his head on Will’s pillow and closed his eyes. He could smell Will here, not in a creepy way though. Will walked back into the room and saw how perfect Liam looked sitting there on his bed. He shut the door behind him and walked over to Liam with an icepack in his hand. He put it down softly on Liam’s nose.

“Do you mind if I quickly get changed out of the uniform?” Will asked, “You can borrow some of my clothes and get changed too.”

“Go for it,” Liam said smiling.

Will took off the shirt, he never liked button-up shirts, except on Liam, they seemed to suit him.

“What’s that?” Liam asked pointing his chest.

Will looked at him for a moment before looking back down and seeing a huge bruise. “Guess you not the only injured one...” He said trailing off.

“Here,” Liam said beckoning him closer, “let me kiss it better.”

Will complied and moved closer to Liam. Liam kept his word and gave it a small kiss, and then opened his lips and licked it, sending shivers up Will’s spine. Liam went to do it again, but Will moved so that their lips would meet instead. His plan worked.

Liam smiled at this and kissed him back, working his tongue into Will’s mouth. Will let out a soft moan into the kiss and Liam could feel him harden. Liam snaked a hand down into Will’s pants. Will groaned and undid Liam’s button and fly on his pants and started stroking him. Liam gasped, taking in a deep breath of air and doing the same to Will. Will cried out with feel of Liam’s touch. They both moaned and came together. They lay there, still partially clothed.

“Well how about a shower?” Will asked.

“Or a bath?” Liam responded.

“Sounds better, follow me,” Will said leading them to his bathroom and locking the door behind them. Will ran a bath and they both got in, still exhausted from their previous activities so they just lay there naked. Liam lifted up a wet face washer and washed his face. “So I hear Fred and Wesley are going well,” he said.

“Yeh, she’s really into him.” Will replied opening up a bottle of shampoo and pouring some into his hand, “Turn around.” He instructed Liam, who complied. Will started massaging the shampoo into his head.

“He’s liked her for years,” Liam replied, “It’s funny how that assignment is going to bring so many people together.”

Will responded by planting a kiss on Liam’s neck, “Yeh, I think Fred kinda suspects something between you and me.”

“Does she?” Liam asked, moving himself between Will’s legs to give him easier reach.

“Yeh, she definitely does,” Will replied, starting to wash Liam’s back and slid his hands around to reach his belly.

“I’m glad.” Liam said, “Wes has never really had anyone of his own, you know?”

“Yeh Fred’s the same.” Will said, “I was too until recently, but now I have you.”

“I am, you know. Yours.” Liam said.

Will kissed his neck again, and started sucking, tempted to give him a hickey; and so he did.

Liam was enjoying the attention he was receiving so he decided it was time he had himself a little bit of Will-loving. He turned around so they were facing each other and as tempting as the situation was, he decided to resist the urge and show Will some attention. “Turn around now.” Will turned so that he was now inside Liam’s legs. Liam lathered some shampoo in his hands and instead of using it on Will’s hair he rubbed it into his back and applied pressure, giving him a massage.

“You know this is our second cleaning process together,” Will asked.

“Yeh guess it is.”

“It’s kinda fun.”

“Yeh, it is isn’t it?”

“Mmmm... So what did you say to Cordy and Doyle?”

“I told them the truth, just left out a few parts.”

“Fair enough. I expect Cordelia will pick up on it sooner or later though.”

“I think she already has.”

“Does that bother you?”

“No. I just think it will be fun to let her keep wondering, se how long it takes them to ask. How about Fred?”

“She knows I’m into you, she’s smart enough to work that one out, and she already knew I’m gay.”

“I don’t mind them knowing.” Liam said so that Will would know that that wasn’t his reason for not telling everyone.

“I know.”

“We better get changed, and ready for the club.”

“Wanna borrow some of my clothes?”

“Yeh ok, you don’t think anyone will notice.”

“Nope.” He replied bluntly.

Will stood up unashamedly and got out of the bathtub. He offered Liam a hand up, which Liam took. They wrapped themselves in towels and walked back into Will’s room. They both got dressed and did all the fiddley things like gelling their hair and putting on shoes.

“Your car or mine?” Will asked.

“Either works,” Liam replied.

“Mine it is,” Will said grinning. “So you staying the night?”

“I was planning to, if that’s ok?”

“Yeh its fine.” Will said kissing him. “Ok. So. Picking. Up. Fred. Now.” He finished between kisses.

“Yeh. Leaving. Now.” Liam said and they tore themselves away from each other and headed out towards the front door.

“Liam!” Will’s mother exclaimed from where she was sitting in the lounge room. “I thought I heard someone up there.”

Will wondered briefly what exactly she had heard.

“Aunt Chloe!” Liam said and kissed her cheek, rolling his eyes at Will behind her back. “Will and I were just heading out but I’ll see you later.”

“You’re staying the night?” She asked.

“Yeh I was going to,” Liam said, “That ok with you?”

“Of course, stay as long as you like, you know your always welcome.”

“Thanks.” Liam said sincerely.

“Actually Will’s father and I were going to go away to Hawaii soon, your welcome to stay and keep Will company while we’re gone.”

“I might just do that.”

“Anyway Liam and I have gotta go,” Will interrupted. “We’ll see you later.”

They finally managed to tear themselves away from Will’s mother and got into his car.

“I’d like it if you stayed,” Will said when they sat down.

“I think we would both like it,” Liam said.

“So you will?”

“Of course.” Liam said as though there was never any question.

“Well off to Fred’s then.” Will said.

“Yeh, this is going to be exciting.” Liam said.

“I’ve no doubt,” Will said driving off towards Fred’s place.



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