Title: Phoenix Chapter Eighteen
Author: Inca
Feedback: And we'll play the cute yet nonsensical game-
[email protected]
Rating NC17
AU Liam/William
Disclaimer: Whedon owns, and I bet he plays with them too
Spoilers: AU


He could still smell the smoke in his hair. He'd finally worked up
enough endurance to go to `Désirer et L'âme' last night, and had
woken to what smelled like twenty people puffing on their cigarettes
under his sheets. It was just him. He hadn't changed out of his
clothes or washed his hair and he reeked of it.

He needed a smoke.

He slipped his feet out from under the covers and stood, immediately
sitting back again and fighting the urge to vomit that came from the
swaying. He rubbed his throat, flicked his tongue at the nasty taste
in his mouth and tried again, standing slowly. As he padded his way
to the bathroom he flung his shirt off and grabbed a soft pack from
his bedside table. He turned the shower on, the hiss soothing as he
pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a match.
He slipped out of his jeans, cigarette clamped between his lips,
thankful that he'd at least taken his boots off before he'd
collapsed into bed early that morning.

He pinched the cigarette out, using his fingertips and feeling the
sharp burn against his skin and stepped into the spray.

He felt groggy from drinking so much. He couldn't remember how many
beers he'd had. He sighed and tried to soothe his rolling stomach
with the water. A mix of boredom, egotism and desperation had
demanded alcohol last night, and now it was all churning in his
belly. He felt like he was going to throw up where he stood.

He'd gotten nothing. But it seemed like he was closer to whatever he
was looking for. Somehow.

Maybe he was just hungover.

The club had been underground, naturally, and had been filled with
mainly people dressed like himself, which was a relief. A few of the
girls were white-faced and wearing red silk but not many. The
lighting had been horribly dim, and the drinks tended to lean
towards red wine. He'd had beer.

He scratched the side of his face.

His friends from the last party hadn't been there. The barman said
Wednesday was a slow night, so he decided to try on Saturday. One
more go.

He wondered vacantly if Harlen was one of these types. He wondered
if he'd gone to the club.

He closed his eyes. Harlen would probably be long gone by now. His
brain was trying to work through the hangover to convince him that
he couldn't find Harlen. But he was weakly arguing back, voice
strained even in his head. For some futile reason he believed
someone could point him to the trail.

He turned off the shower, thought better of relighting his cigarette
and made his way to the kitchen looking for something greasy. A
splintering headache had started pulling his mind apart into painful
jagged little shards.

He had nothing in his fridge besides some suspicious milk. He rubbed
his temple wearily, found some aspirin and decided to get some
McDonalds on the way to work.

His body let out a groan at the prospect of work.

He rubbed his eye and slowly made his way back to his bedroom in
search of clothing.


He could see big yellow ants outside. They didn't seem to be
bothering anyone except himself so he decided to be quiet about them.

And they were yellow, so they were interesting to watch. They were
kind of –


"Yes?" He turned back to the group to see all the faces in the
circle watching him.

The clamour of the other groups in the hall suddenly leaked into his
head. Speaking and crying, sporadic shouts and the buzz hum of
murmuring. He looked back but the ants had moved on. Probably for

"No that's bees." He corrected himself.

"Yes." Said Dr Banning. "Now as I was saying, we're splitting into
smaller connection-groups to talk about your own personal trust
bridges. You picked three so you get to choose who's going to be
your help partner or partners."

Gibberish. It was all gibberish. He frowned and tried to concentrate.

"Try… to pick someone different this time?" the small man said

Pick someone? He looked around the circle. "Doyle."

Dr Banning let out a little sigh. "Alright, you two can go to the
corner and start discussing what we brought up in the group."

"Okay." He answered. What were they talking about?

Doyle stood up with a smile and walked with him to the corner of the
room as more people were split up. He lounged against the wall and
Doyle leaned next to the barred window, peering out at the grounds.
They stayed for a moment in silence before Angel started tapping
against the wall to the music. Doyle picked up the beat and tapped
against the window bars, making a higher tinnier noise.

Dr Benning came over. "You two are discussing trust issues right?"

"Of course we are." Doyle answered. He turned to Angel. "So, do you
have any trust issues?"

Angel thought for a moment. "None that I can think of."

"Oh well there you go."

Dr Benning sighed and glared a little at Doyle before flouncing off
to listen in on another group.

"How's your woodwork going?" He asked Doyle, remembering he was
making … something. Wasn't quite sure what.

"Oh yeah, its great. I should probably work more while I'm in the
woodwork room and smoke less, yeah?" he laughed, looking back out
the window again.

"Almost done?"

"Still gotta do some wood burning… I'm not sure though. What do you
want for your birthday?"

"Birthday?" Angel asked foggily.

"Yeah." He smiled, but not patronisingly. "Next month? If you want
me to make you something, I should probably start now."

"Ummm…" He couldn't think. Too hard.

"An easel? Could make you your own."

Angel lit up. "Okay!"


He imagined it would be even more fun painting on his own easel.
More swirls.

"My own. Can you put my name on it?"

"Sure. I'll start today."

Angel purred. He could paint the ants. No, he wouldn't paint those
first. He could paint the easel. Hmmm.



Doyle looked at him for a moment and then smiled tightly. He dragged
out some cigarettes and offered one to Angel. He shook his head.

"Um, was talking to Harris."

"Yeah?" he said.

"Last session."

"Oh okay." Angel smiled. Doyle laughed a little.

"That wasn't the whole story. It …" He puffed on the cigarette and
looked out the window for a moment. "I'm up for parole again."

Angel looked to the ground. The stars stopped singing to listen
closely. He frowned a little and then looked back up. "Parole?"

"Yeah… and there's a good chance, well Harris says there's a good

Angel blinked, his face blank. "That you'll get out?"


A horrible yowl sounded through his head, and he shook it to calm
them down. He looked at the ground again. He was happy for him, but …

"sad too."

"I'll come back, like. Every week, and visit you." He said, looking
a bit sad himself. He scuffed the ground with his toe. "You'd still
see me a lot. But… I wouldn't be here all the time."


Doyle was going? He was leaving. But … no. Angel was more upset than
happy now.

"Yeah well next month, I'm up."

"Before or after my birthday?" Angel asked, even though he couldn't
remember when his birthday was or what day it was today. But the
stars were bawling and it was starting to make his eyes water.

Doyle smiled, and his lip trembled a bit before steadying. "After.
Don't worry about that."

"I'm glad you're … that you can." He said. He imagined Doyle walking
around outside. He wondered what kind of clothes he wore.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah me too."

"How long have you been in here?"

Doyle looked up at the ceiling and squinted. "Eight years, and …" He
looked back down to Angel and smiled. "Eight years, one month and
almost two weeks."

"That's a long time."

"Yep. And I've known you for almost six years now."

"Six years. That's a long time." He said softly.

Doyle laughed and slapped his shoulder. "Im gonna start a business.
And when you get out, you can come help me."

"Yeah?" He brightened again. It made him feel better to know he'd
see him again.


"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. But I'll be my own man. No one to tell me what to do.
After eight years of asking permission to piss, I'm not having a

"Okay." That sounded good. "And what would I do?"

"Anything you wanted."

"I'd be… I wanna be a painter." He said, thinking about people
cooing over his work. And then taking it home to put up on their

"Okay, then there you go." Doyle smiled and offered him the

He took a drag and handed it back. Angel was pleased. He could paint
and Doyle could … do what his job was, and Will could live with


And they'd have a big house and a pool. Angel hummed, happy the
stars were excited. He liked being in water. Just not the ocean.
Doyle could get a girlfriend, and then they could all go in the pool
and Will would be on his shoulders and they could play that game
where you tried to push the other person off the other shoulders.

"Nice." He said. Will would have to be on his shoulders, because
Will was a little bit smaller than him. He nodded. Now, depending on
whether Doyle had a girlfriend or a boyfriend –

"Angel?" Angel turned around and Steve was standing behind him.

All the good feelings immediately vanished. He didn't say anything.
The stars immediately starting singing out of harmony. They really
didn't like him.

"Wanna come out back and help me move things." He asked, his eyes
fixed on Angel's.

"Umm …" He said, stalling for time, not wanting to go at all.

Doyle looked at him and then at Steve. "I'll go." He said. "Angel's
been feeling a bit off anyway."

"Oh." Steve said, looking between them. "Alright then. Just a few
boxes." He turned and started walking away.

"Sure." Doyle said a little sarcastically at the retreating back.

Doyle smiled at him.

"Thankyou." He said.

"'Salright. Why didn't you want to go?"

The stars were lapping up the squiggles from Doyle going for
him. "The stars didn't like him." There was an echo of black behind
the gratefulness.

"Oh, that's fine. See you at lunch yeah?"


Dr Benning came and collected him, bringing him back to the group.
He looked out the window hoping to see the ants come back.
Maybe with honey.


Will sat in his office, his head slumped on the desk. He didn't
move. He could hear the clock ticking slowly.

He had a glass of water near his head but didn't think he could
drink it.

He'd made a phone call to Kate Sutherland's office but she wasn't
in. The secretary was going to ring him back.

His gluggy mind `wheeee'd' in sarcastic joy.

He groaned.

He'd almost crashed his car twice on the way over. He really
shouldn't have come.

The phone rang in his ear, shrilly and demented and evil. He almost
cried and snapped the phone off the cradle before it could be any
more hateful. He heard it up to his ear carefully, as if it might
start ringing again at any moment.


"Dr Telleck?" A tinny woman's voice floated through the connection.


"Ms Sutherland will meet you, if you're still interested in making
an appointment. Today in half an hour is the only time she is free.
Sorry about the short notice."

He hauled himself up. "No, fine. Come to her office?"

"Yes. Do you need directions?"

"Nope, be right over."

"See you then Doctor."

He hung up the phone and built up enough courage to leave the room.
He walked quickly down the corridor, stopping at the vending machine
long enough to buy some breath mints before making his way
determinedly to the front exit.


He stopped as his lover's deep voice drifted quietly through the
hallway. "Angel, what is it?" He asked, turning around to see a
timid Liam poking his head out the hall doors. "Aren't you meant to
be in group now?"

"Yes, but I asked. It's alright."

He came out of the doorway and walked up to him. He looked a little
anxious but didn't say anything.

"Pet," he said softly, "what's the matter? I'm in a hurry."

"Can we talk?" he asked, his gaze resting on Will's mouth.

"As long as it's a quick talk. I have to go see Kate."

"Kate?" he frowned, the almost upset look on his face drifting off.

"Your lawyer."

"Oh yes." He stared at Will with a content vacant _expression. A
small smiled lifted the edges of his mouth. He looked at his hair.

No, please, don't get distracted by my hair –

"White lion all –"

"What's wrong, Pet?" He said, cutting in on him and feeling bad
about it, but he couldn't deal with this right now. His head was
throbbing and he felt like he was gonna have to throw up before he
drove to see Kate, unwilling to face the thought of his car and
driving in his current condition. And turning corners.
His stomach flipped unpleasantly.

Liam looked confused and then a cloud of uncomfortableness settled
over his face. "Daddy, I was …" he paused and licked his lips,
trying to find the words.

"What is it Pet?" He said gently. "Come on, just say it."

"I .. and … are you very busy?"

"I'm in a rush yes." He said nodding his head and then regretting it
when Liam and the hallway swayed sickly to the side.

He needed some more aspirin. Or a toilet.

"So was the… " he trailed off and then stood staring at him again,
maybe waiting for an answer to whatever he'd just said in his head.

"Didn't hear you Pet." Will breathed, trying, trying very hard not
to get irritated.

"I … I don't remember." He said, wincing a bit at the end of the
statement, thinking that would upset him. He'd picked up on Will's
mood. "Im sorry."

"I have a hangover Pet. It's a bitch. I have to go." He said,
squeezing his arm to reassure him.

"Oh." He said looking down. "But what if …"

He trailed off again and smiled into Will's hair. He made a little
purry rumble.
Will breathed deeply trying to be calm, hating himself at the same

Do not get angry with him just because you're sick.

His head was swimming. He was going to be sick in the next few
minutes. He had to get outside, get some fresh air. Bile was
bubbling up his oesophagus, burning like liquid fire.

"I love you Pet. I love you very much." He whispered and Angel
looked a little happier. "What's wrong?"

"The stars are all worried Daddy. I'm nervous. My stomach's in

Will nodded minutely, not enough to upset his body. "What about?"


"Steve. Steve?" He didn't know a Steve. Must be one of Wiltho's.

Liam looked at him. "A man named Steve." He said like Will didn't

"Okay. Right. So what's wrong with Steve then?"

"He's strange and the stars whisper about him."

Okay. He breathed slow and deep trying to keep his stomach from
emptying its contents. "Well you stay away from him then."

"But Daddy the stars are all black and maybe even frightened." He
said, trying to convince Will of something.

"Okay. Don't go near him."

"But –" He broke him off with a quick peck on his lips.

"And I have to go Pet, immediately." He could feel sweat on his
temples and his mouth building up saliva. "You go back into group
and don't worry about Steve alright?"

Liam's slight frown didn't waver. "Dadd –" He cut himself off and
smiled unhappily, before he turned and walked slowly back to the
hall. He looked at him over his shoulder as he reached the door,
blew a small kiss and went inside.

Will didn't make it outside, but did get to the patients bathroom
before his stomach turned itself inside out.


"So, Dr Telleck, what did you want to see me about?" Kate asked,
eyeing his hair.

"I'm here to ask what the possible courses of action are for
reopening Liam's trial." She curled her lip almost subtly at the
undertone of sick on his breath, mostly hidden under the mint.

"There are no courses of action. If there were, I, being Liam's
trusted attorney, would have already pursued them." She looked at
him hard, as if by asking he had doubted her ability.

"Nothing. At all?"

"Dr Telleck. I tried. I tried for the past six years. I tried every
avenue, every chance no matter how trivial. Liam will have to wait
for parole." She said, a combination of boredom and pleading
sneaking into her tone. She almost rolled her blue eyes, but
restrained herself. She moved over to her desk. "Now if that was al–"

"He won't get it." Will stated flatly.

"Excuse me?" she asked, flipping her head towards him, a curtain of
shiny blonde falling away from her face.

"He won't get it. He'll never be seen as rehabilitated in the eyes
of the board."

"Isn't that what you're there for?" She asked snippily.

"Some people don't benefit from therapy." Especially when they
didn't commit the crime they have been treated for.

"For six years Liam has not once asked me to defend his innocence."
She said, growing frustrated.

"Liam is insane." He walked towards her. "Sometimes he doesn't even
know where he is. He doesn't belong there though."

She stared at him for a moment, holding his gaze, before she lowered
her eyes. "To reopen a case I need new evidence."

"How do I get that?" Will asked in a sigh, still weary from last
night, weary from no one helping him, weary from the whole god
damned bloody situation.

"I don't know. That's not my job. My job is to present a case."

"What about Liam's testimony?" He asked, his stomach nervous at what
he was proposing. Liam wouldn't like it.

"No. The testimony of a convicted, criminally insane prisoner
doesn't hold much weight in a court."

He sighed again. He suddenly felt very tired. Wanted to crawl up
under warm bed covers and sleep. "And everything was already
presented, so it can't be brought before a jury again." He recapped.


He rubbed his eye. "Alright. I'll … I don't know. Thankyou Ms

She seemed to take pity on him, her artic gaze softening. "You
really care about him don't you?"

Will's insides froze but his face betrayed nothing. "I care because
he doesn't deserve to be there."

She nodded and the telephone rang, jolting Will's headache awake.

"I have to get that."

"I'll show myself out."


He was planning to go back to the ward, but his stomach was still
rolling. He heaved a sigh and drive to his apartment. Guilt pounded
against his chest from the inside out. He and Liam had a session
today. He'd never missed one of their sessions.

His stomach bubbled and he burped, bile raising in his throat.

He just couldn't.

He got to his apartment and called Harris, nonchalantly telling him
to inform all his patients he would be out the rest of the day.


"No kitty. Not today." Will said sitting on the couch.

Angel stayed on his cat bed. He meowed forlornly. He put his hand on
the ground like he was about to get of the velvet.

"Busy, Angel cat. Not today."

He brought his hand back off the ground and watched him, while he
played with the dangling name on his collar. He pouted sadly. Will
was reading a book. He didn't have time to pet him today.

He flopped down onto the bed. The fire wasn't burning and he was

Squiggles danced across his back and he tried to rub them off. It
felt like someone was staring at him. He looked out the dark
windows. It was very dark.
Someone was out there and he didn't like it.

He wanted to call out Will's name. "Meow." He couldn't make his
name. He got up from the bed to walk to Will to show him he was

"No Pet. Bad kitty. Stay there." He folded back down slowly. "No
time today." Will kissed the air at him which made him feel a bit
better. He looked out the dark windows again, but all he could see
was his reflection.

His eyes blinked open and he frowned. It was still dark. He normally
slept through till morning, unless he was having a nightmare. But
that wasn't a nightmare. He hadn't had a nightmare in a long time.
It was just a sad dream.
He told himself not to overreact. Will was just busy one day, that's
all, he –

His eyes flicked over the door and his breath caught in his throat
in a bubble.

Steve's face lingered in the glass square for a moment longer, dark
against the light of the hall, and then disappeared.

His breathing returned slowly to normal. His heart was still
thumping and the stars were falling in shock around him. He knew his
face matched the stars.

He started shivering a little. He watched the glass square a moment
No Steve.

He whined and slipped out of the bed. His hands twisted in each
other for a moment as he stood next to his mattress and then he
cautiously went to the door and tried to see out the window.


No Steve.

The stars weren't relieved. They wondered, frightened of how long he
had been there. He couldn't see very far. His stomach flipped. What
if Steve was right next to the door? Just out of his eyesight. But
he could feel him? He backed away from the door, keeping his eyes on
the window and grabbed his pillow.

He slipped under the protection of the bed and tried to sooth the
trembling colours from the stars.


Refreshed from his day spent kneeling on the cold bathroom floor in
front of the toilet, Will meandered off through the halls towards
the staff room, looking for coffee. The staff room was empty so he
took his time, filling the cup with extra sugar, wanting it sweet

He started to make his way to his office, while making little points
in his mind of what he had to do today. He felt bad about missing he
and Liam's session. He'd probably forgotten by now, but he'd brought
along chocolate and a few boxes Mc Donald's cookies.

Liam had a penchant for them.

He allowed himself a small grin. He hoped –

"Dr Telleck?"

Will turned to see Allen, Liam's friend, standing behind him looking


"Can we talk for a moment?"

Will blinked, a little confused. He wasn't Allen's therapist. "Um …
sure. What about?"

"In private, yeah?"

Will felt unease settle in his stomach like curdled milk. He
swallowed. "Sure."

He told himself not to be worried. There was no need to be worried.
He led them to his office, and opened the door letting Allen in. He
closed it behind them softly. He threw his briefcase on his untidy
desk, crunching the papers, and then sat down in one of the couches,
Allen sitting across from him, sallow face stern and eyes blinking
rapidly. He brushed his dark hair back and rested his elbows on his
knees, leaning forward.

Liam wouldn't tell, Liam wouldn't tell, Liam wouldn't tell. Of
course Liam wouldn't tell. What are you thinking?

"So … what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked, trying to be

"This." He pulled out a Polaroid and tossed it onto the coffee table
between them. His heart stopped beating before he even saw the

He and Liam kissing happily in the parks near
Buckingham Palace,
Liam's eyes looking into the camera as he tried to line up the shot.

He made no move to touch it. He didn't think he could if he wanted
to, he couldn't move. His muscles were frozen except his eyes, which
were getting steadily wider.

He swallowed.

"Want to tell me about that? Cause I thought Ags was just going for
a workshop. Not to, you know, fuck in a hotel room like he's been
telling me."

He swallowed again and opened his mouth, but he couldn't. He had no
tongue, no voice. There was a void behind his eyes.

"Well …" Allen said angrily. "Speak!"

He found his voice, but he couldn't look away from the
photograph. "It's not what you think." He stated, knowing how stupid
that sounded, the cliché spilling from his lips before his mind
could catch up.

Allen raised his eyebrows. "I think, you're using him `cause he
doesn't know any better."

He found the courage in his innocence to look at the man. "I'm not."
He tried to fit all the emotions he was feeling into the two words.

He stared back and rubbed his eyebrow closing his eyes
wearily. "Liam's beautiful. I can understand why men want to be with

"He is … but that's … that's not why I'm with him."

"Do you love him?"

"I do. Very much." He gazed down at the picture again. Everyone was
finding out. It was only a matter of time. "Please don't take him
away from me." He whispered, not even realising the thought had left
his mind through his mouth.

Doyle stared at him. He crossed his arms and leant back in his seat.

"Tell me a reason. One reason you love him. If I don't fecking like
it, im going straight to Wiltho's." He waited.

Will swallowed and let a short smile slip onto his face as he looked
down at the picture. They were so happy then. No worrying about
court cases and three months in the hospital ward and Wesley's
presence pulling on the edge of his mind.

"Because … because he `asn't got a bad bone in his body, no
meanness… Because he wants so little out of life even though it owes
him so much." He knew he'd only asked for one, but they didn't seem
like enough. Nothing seemed like enough.
"He has a good heart and it comes through in his drawings – he's so
talented. He's what people should be. Without spite or agendas, not
trying to get anywhere or be the best over anybody, just … free, and
guileless. And I love him."

It was a desperate attempt to show what he felt. Desperate and
pathetic and his bones were itching with it. He couldn't even
explain why he loved him. Not with Liam. Because Liam lived so
simply, everything else just became more complicated for Will. He
wished he could live like Liam did. Liam was at peace. He didn't
want for much of anything. He was Will's idea of perfection.
He sat and looked sadly at the picture and waited for Allen to say

"Yeah." Allen said cheerfully. "That'll do me."

Will looked up and Allen was smiling at him. The world seemed to be
spinning backwards. He blinked. "…wha?"

"I understand."

"…You do?"

He does?

Wait, what?

"Yeah. That's why I love him … in a totally non-sexual manly way of

"So … you don't mind? You're not …?"

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't fucking him just because
he's got a pretty face." He thought for a second. "Or because you
got off on crazies."

"No. …" he stumbled, trying to clarify.

"Alright then." He stood up and turned for the door. He picked up
the Polaroid and waved it around. "I'll give that back to Ags."

"Wait. You don't think its wrong…?"

"Well … it's definitely questionable – you being his therapist and
all." He said sternly. "But Angel loves you, he doesn't just fall in
love with people everyday. I've never heard him say he loves anyone
except his family. Now, from what I can tell, you're either carrying
on like this because you are really in love with him and you just
want it secret because of the backlash, or you're in love with him
cause you're as insane as he is. And either of those are fine with

He turned for the door and Will followed him in a stupor. "But …?"

He turned around, smiling a little, like this whole situation amused
him, or he found it cute. "Look I know Liam's insane. But he's got a
good heart. Just because he's insane doesn't mean he can never be
loved again. Right?"

"Yes I agree … but … you don't…"

Allen suddenly stared at him maliciously and spoke over his
stumbling words. "But if you ever hurt him, or I find out you are a
sicko? You're as good as dead. Pure and simple, I will fecking kill
you." He said flatly. "And I'm a prisoner, I've learnt six ways to
kill a man with my bare hands. Or I'll just hire one of my buddies
to shoot you in the head."

Will stared at him and blinked.

"I'm serious. But if you're motivations are pure, you've got nothing
to worry about, `ave ya?"

Allen thumped him on the shoulder with a grin and slipped out the

Will stood there staring at the wood for what felt like three hours,
his mouth hanging open and his face slack the entire time.

He activated, coming to life as though he'd been sleeping on his
feet and shook his head. He let out a little crazy laugh and
abruptly stopped.

He couldn't figure out what he was feeling. It was all mixed up –
relief and fear and shock. All of them. Gratitude. Hope.

Another laugh bubbled from his lips and suddenly his thighs were
jelly and he couldn't stand up any more. He fell into the couch and
just lay half on it, his face frozen in shock.

"What just happened?" He asked the coffee table after running the
minutes over and over in his head until he had worn them out and
still not having an explanation.

It refused to answer.


Angel sat in the art room and stared out the window for inspiration.
He pursed his lips. Nothing. Even the swirls were dim today. The
stars were singing but their hearts weren't in it. They were just
singing for something to do.

He was bored. And because he was bored his mind kept slipping to
last night. He had hoped that was just a dream, but he'd woken up on
the floor under his bed. He shuddered at the thought of Steve
watching him while he slept.

The door opened and he turned to see Doyle walk in, cheerfully.

"Ags, hey."

"Hi." He said, cheered up a little.

Doyle came and stood behind his shoulder peering down at his
squiggles on the paper.

"What do you call it?"

"Inspiration absent."

"Bored, huh?"

"So very bored." He agreed, tapping his pencil against the paper. He
saw a bit of tiny fluff on the sketchbook and picked it off

Doyle wanted to say something. He could tell. He looked at him with
a smile. "What is it?"

"I talked to Dr Te … Will."

Angel's interest was grabbed. "Did he say anything nice about me?"

"Many nice things. I'm not upset you and him are seeing each other

"You were upset?" Angel frowned. Worry edged onto his face. "You
didn't tell him I said anything did you?"

"I told him if he hurt you, I'd kill him."

Angel laughed. "Will wouldn't hurt me. Silly thing."

"Alright. Well then I don't have to kill him do I?"

"Kill?" he asked, his mind started to edge elsewhere. He shook it
off. "As long as you didn't say you knew me and Will love each

"Yeah … I never said that sentence."

"Good." He looked at his eyes. Pretty blue. A spark lit up his brain
and jump-started the stars. "Im going to draw you."

"How bout you draw you?"

That was an interesting thought. He'd never done that before. He'd
need a lot of gold paint. He was very gold at the moment. Gold kitty.




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