Title: Phoenix, Epilogue
Author: Inca
Feedback: make my christmas merry!- [email protected]
Rating NC17
AU Liam/William
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I just like to watch them play
with each other
Spoilers: AU
Summary: Risen from the ashes
Authors notes: Dedicated to all. Seasons Greetings!


They had been in the papers for weeks. Faith had packed some when
she shipped over a box of Liam's paintings. Liam had loved seeing
his mug shot in the paper next to Will's face. He'd cut it out and
stuck it in a scrapbook full of grass shoots and fabric.

They had first arrived at
Indonesia in the coastal town of
Yogyakarta, after being on board the 'Alana' for almost a month and
a half.
Liam had gone bloody stir crazy and once he figured out they were on
the ocean began screaming about sea monsters every time he was
afforded a chance. There wasn't much they could do about that until
the first stop they had made, at the
Marquesas Islands, where he'd
bought an armful of sleeping pills, tranquillisers and other

They hadn't been planning to stop so early, but had made a detour
because the crew was getting sick of hearing Liam's bloodcurdling
screams echoing around the hallways of the 'Alana'. And they were
getting very angry.

Will hadn't even given a second thought to Liam's medication and he
had crashed down off them like he had lost his footing at the top of
a staircase. He was heavily dependent on them and without … he saw
things everywhere, fidgeted like he was being electrocuted, became
paranoid and edgy and tearful.

Gunn, the leader of the group, the captain, had taken quite a liking
to him anyway, and on his few good days brought him up top and let
him steer, keeping a close watch on him. But mostly he stayed fogged
up on tranquillisers, mewling quietly as Will petted his hair and
made sweet promises that they'd be alright soon.

The crew was dropping things off in
India. Will had never asked what
they were doing, and assumed he wouldn't get an answer even if he
got curious. Yogya was on the way, and they stayed there for a
while, a year, Will being surprised at how many people had lived
there. He'd gotten a job as a waiter to pay the rent and buy food
for them while they were there. Apparently it was quite a novelty to
have a white waiter in Yogya and he was paid well for his services.
Liam painted, and Will made sure he bought him a new canvass at
least every three weeks.
He worked six, sometimes seven days a week, always exhausted, always
collapsing into bed the moment he walked through the door, trying to
come home in his lunch hour to make sure Liam ate.
Starting over. Saving up to buy a house for them. The place they
stayed had one bedroom and one kitchen dining area separated by a
batik curtain.
Liam loved it.

A few times Will had come home to the tiny shack/flat to find him
gone, and combed the streets calling frantically for him until he
found him in a park or sitting dreamily on a bench somewhere. He
never strayed far. He didn't want to lock him in, although it was
tempting He was terrified he was going to get lost, or someone would
attack him, evil seemed to be able to sniff him out, but Liam just
enjoyed being able to go outside when he wanted to. And he was so
friendly to the neighbours that pretty soon; they always seemed to
know where he had gone.

The neighbourhood wives took him under their collective wing and
included him on their outings, much to Will's pleasure. They cackled
and clucked over his art appreciatively and took him to artist
villages, taught him how to make pottery, took him to markets with
Javanese art which he cooed over and started to incorporate into his
own work. He painted for his wives group and pretty soon people
started buying things from him. They loved the strange scenery he
did, a mix of American and Indonesian, temples and skyscrapers,
batik warehouses and Dennys' coexisting in the picture, looking like
a fantasy.
There was a huge language barrier for a long time, but Liam didn't
make lots of sense anyway so it seemed to work for him. He learned
Indonesian dialects faster than Will, probably through the wives.
One day he suddenly changed to talking in the language of his
friends, not understanding that Will couldn't follow it. He got him
speaking English again, Will could understand English, English was
accepted, more inner city than outer.
Will only ever picked up scraps and was amazed that Liam could hold
full conversations with storekeepers or his new friends.

They stayed in Yogya for a year, Liam getting more and more well
known for his foreigner art, and soon his paintings and drawings
were mostly supporting them and Will was able to cut down on his
workload, exhausted.

They moved from the shack, with much `nooo Angoo, missi youuu!' and
crying from his friends, and moved into a bigger house closer to the
inner city, with indoor plumbing and actual doors. Which Will
definitely appreciated.
Liam seemed just as happy and excited with this house as he had the

The wives in
Indonesia seemed to stay home, where they were living
anyway. Again Liam made friends and the bored wives loved him. Word
of mouth spread and soon, Liam was at the opening of his own
exhibit, Will standing proudly behind him as Liam struggled to
remember to read his cards on which he'd written his speech. It was
a bit disjointed, but he'd written it himself and only twice did he
make mention of cats and only once for both milk and stars.

Applause was loud. Liam had changed from insane inmate to eccentric
artist so quickly.

Will got a new job as a translator of documents. He was okay with
the written Indonesian, he just had trouble with the quick spoken
words. People didn't seem to care about his failings, as he was
white and English. That was fine with Will. He met another man
working there, Jean, a French man who had married a Gamelan player
in the state orchestra who had performed in his hometown. His
English was almost impeccable, thank god, and Will became fast
friends with him.

He was alarmed the first time he met Liam, but then did as most
did, wrote him off as an eccentric creator and enjoyed him on an
amusement level. Jean often came over to their house for dinner, and
it was good to have someone to talk to. Liam, on his bad days,
didn't make for the best conversation. All stars and whiskers. Will
loved that, but sometimes he needed to talk about other things too.

At the exchange rate, one American dollar to about nine and a half
rupiahs, Will had almost fainted when at Liam's fifth show he had
sold a painting for ninety five thousand. Will had converted it back
for him, expecting him to get excited, but he just smiled and nodded
and told him that it was rare to sell one for that, but it had
happened a few times before. Will started wondering how much money
Liam had before. He then wondered what had happened to it.

They again upgraded. After almost two years in
Indonesia, they
finally moved into a big house with a pool that Liam had squealed
and dive-bombed into, in his clothes, in front of the woman selling
them the house.
The neighbourhood was even more welcoming having heard of Liam,
never seen him. Will didn't let his picture get into the papers.

Liam had got better. He had his good days and his bad days still,
but happily, there were more good days to remember. `Clear' Liam, as
he was known, had been released more and more often, saying he was
happy, focused as he ate breakfast with Will every now and then. But
mostly, he still listened to the stars, had a short attention span
for anything that wasn't paint or naked, and still didn't say all
his sentences out loud. But it didn't matter, Will was completely in
sync with him. He didn't want him to change. He'd fallen in love
with him the way he was.

He hadn't slept under the bed once.

Their house was large, with a huge backyard with a huge aqua pool.
Mainly one story, it boasted an upstairs that was just their
bedroom. It featured a king size bed ending in front of floor to
ceiling closet mirrors.
They both liked the mirrors.

They entertained. Will's friends and Liam's, art colleagues and
critics. People simply thought the notes stuck around the house
like, `Do NOT use the stove' in the kitchen, `Are you alone? Then
you can't use the pool' stuck up on the back door, and `Don't leave
the house by yourself' stuck on the inside of the front door, were
merely an avant-guarde art statement. Seeing as Liam was known for
his avant-guarde art.

The notes were effective. Will didn't have a team of guards to make
sure Liam was alright every moment, and after he'd burnt his hands,
or got lost outside, or almost choked to death in the pool for what
felt like the sixty eighth time, when he was meant to be watching TV
or painting, Will had introduced the reminder notes. They were
everywhere, in the bathroom –to remind Liam to turn the shower or
bath water off, laminated all over the pool gates, on every power

Will loved the pool, but Liam always wanted to be in it. He wanted
to eat every meal in the bloody thing, and he'd found him out there
one day, with a canvas, trying to paint while standing waist deep in
the water. It didn't help any that it was hot all the bloody time.
He'd left him to his own devices early on, and the first few times
had been fine. He'd work and Liam would swim. One day though, he'd
left Liam alone and still thanked god he'd stopped working long
enough to realise Liam didn't have a towel. He gone out and felt his
heart stop beating as he saw Liam lay slumped across the wet tiles
outside the pool. He'd run over, performed rudimentary CPR on him,
crying as he started coughing out water. He'd rolled him on his
stomach, and lifted his feet up onto the gate, so his chest was
angled down and had hit his back as he coughed up the liquid out of
his lungs. He'd scared Liam by yelling, screaming, demanding to know
what he thought he was doing.
Apparently, the stars had thought it would be tremendous if he
breathed in the pool water. He'd felt sick after taking in a huge
breath and pulled himself out of the pool before collapsing.

Will still twitched every time Liam talked about the stars.

They had a dog, a little Jack Russel, just last year. Liam had loved
it immensely and named it Will for a week, but things became
confusing so he changed it's name to Doyle. Will had loved it too,
quietly pitying and smirking at the poor thing as Liam constantly
followed it around, cuddling it for hours until it barked to be let
go, washed it about six times a day, dragged it into the pool with
them and then stolen and slept on its bed in front of the courtyard

But Doyle had died. Will hadn't realised Liam had been feeding it
things out of the fridge, and found the poor thing dead one day,
crumpled on the dining room floor, a chicken bone cracked and lodged
in it's throat. He'd looked in to make sure Liam was alright, and he
was, sitting mesmerised, watching a documentary about bear and
salmon, and had taken the stiff body outside to bury it in the

He'd told Liam after he had buried the body, and for weeks Liam had
cried and moped around the house with Doyle's collar in hand,
refusing to speak.

Will had decided not to get another pet.

Even now, almost two years later, he still caught Liam out in the
yard whistling for the damn thing, holding its leash up and looking
confused. He didn't deal with death very well.

"Daddy you've drifted again."

Will sat up and blinked, shaking the thoughts from his head. Liam
was lying on the couch fanning himself with a magazine as the heat
of the
midday leaked through the windows and walls. Will still had
trouble believing that this was his life now. That … he had got
away, with Liam, and started to actually live the pipe dream. He
pulled himself away from his usual state of `staring out the window
thinking' and came to sit on the couch at Liam's feet.

"It's so hot." Liam whined in a little boy voice, smiling good-

"I know baby, air con's out, remember?"

"Pool?" He said hopefully. He ran his finger under the smaller,
smoother collar Will had given him a few years ago, separating his
skin from the leather for just an instant. Will still liked the
thicker one, the Christmas present from years ago, but the thin cat
like collars were better for the heat. He'd had them specially made,
the same design in black, blue and red, with `Angel' stamped into
the leather around the small buckle at the back.
"I wanna go in the pool."

"Sure pet." He got up. "You're gonna go green all the time you spend
in that pool."

"You always say that." He pulled his shirt off over his head with a
grin. "And I think I'd like being green." He said, standing tall and
beautiful in just long baggy swimmers. His short spiked hair was
gelled today, with Will's hair gel. Will had taken him for a haircut
after he'd decided to be creative with the scissors and chop his
hair into ridiculous geometric patterns.

Liam was healthier now, fed on expensive foods and eating out all
the time, snacking from the cupboard whenever he wanted to. Will
loved the little budda belly he'd gained. It was gorgeous. He
reached out and pulled him into a hug, the hug just a cover for him
to rub his hand over the little bit of flesh. Everything else was
toned and muscled. His shoulders had been built up to the point they
were an absolute sin now. Will had found himself feeling small
compared to him at times, like he was a young boy. He wasn't bulky,
his muscles were long, not thick, but he was strong. And very fit.
Swimming around in a pool every five minutes did that to you.

"Daddy…" He whined, trying to pull his hand away with a giggle.

Will wrapped his fingers around the smoothness of the collar and
pulled him back.  "I love it."

"I hate it." He pouted.

Will pushed him back on the couch and held him down kissing and
licking around his navel. Liam could get away, so it felt alright to
hold him down now. It was just a game. Always games.

"Stop it!" he laughed, almost kicking Will in the groin as he
flailed around. "I wanna swim!"

"You get to swim after I play with your belly." He nibbled at the
trail of hair.

Liam slipped out from beneath him and ran through the backdoor.

"Liam! Don't run near the pool!" He yelled as he picked himself up
and ran after him. He kept forgetting to get those bloody non-slip
tiles put in.

But Liam was fine, running over the sproingy grass and jumping,
knees pulled up to his chest to bomb into the water with a huge
splash. Will slowed to a walk and pulled his shirt off as Liam
resurfaced, hair wet against his head, huge grin on his face. He
looked up at him, shirtless. He made a small meowing sound and
sneezed. Will crouched down and petted him for a moment before he
giggled and swam back.

"Come in." He purred, eyes full of entendre.

"Nah, I'll stay here." He said heading for his usual long deckchair
in the shade. As he headed over to it something wet slapped into the
back of his head, the water trickling down his back chillily, as
Liam giggled from the pool. He looked down at the floor behind him
to see a pair of wet shorts. He smirked at Liam who was swaying in
the water, still giggling.

"Wanna play with me Daddy?" He breathed, eyes jumping around.

Will sat on the chair with a smile. "Maybe later…" he teased,
comfortable in the fact that he'd be sliding into Liam within the
next half-hour.

Liam pouted. "I wanna play in the pool." He drifted over to Will,
hands holding the side. He looked gorgeous, faux sad pout, wet
eyelashes and hair black with water lying down over the top of his
forehead in spikes.

"Hmmm, maybe later." He said, feigning disinterest.

He bobbed. "Now?"

"Later." He smiled and pulled his sunglasses off the table next to
him, putting them on, so he could watch him as he lay back looking

Liam pouted at the water and swam around for a while, looking like a
water nymph as he flipped and dived under. He got bored soon enough
and climbed out to sit on the side, bareassed apart from the ever
present collar, twisting around to check to see if Will was


Will tried to pretend he was sleeping.

"Daddy? Are you awake?"

He got up and Will felt his cock wake up, watching Liam's bob around
as he walked over to him, flesh half hard in front of the trimmed
hair around the base and balls.

"Daddy?" he whispered, leaning over him, trying to see through the
dark glasses. He lent one knee between Will's, resting it on the
deck chair and crouched down so their noses were a hair width away
from each other, his body and hair dripping onto Will's.

"I love you." Will said suddenly, arms already up to catch Liam as
he fell back in shock. He pulled him back down on top of him,
laughing at the uber-pout on his face that came from being tricked.

"That was mean. I thought you were asleep."

Will just laughed as Liam tried to pull himself away, mock upset. He
held his dripping body closer, placating him by running a hand down
to cup and squeeze at his backside as he half knelt, half lay on him
awkwardly. Liam snuggled closer to him, crushing his chest with an
elbow.  Will wheezed while he laughed and tried to get Liam to sit

He could feel the sticky flesh of Liam's cock on his stomach. He
reached down to tug at it, pulling the foreskin over the head,
running his thumb over the wriggly under vein. He reached further to
cup the soft wet balls in his hand. Liam started jiggling, trying to
dry hump his cock against Will's forearm. Will took his hand away
and rubbed it across his barely there belly. Liam stood up in a huff
as Will collapsed into laughter again.

"Daddy." He stated, a little irritated as he wandered back into the

Will laughed, his cock hardening as he watched the water slowly
swallow Liam up, groaning as it stole his hard cock from view, the
side of his buttocks, before he dived disappearing completely. Will
stood and pulled his shorts off, standing naked as he watched the
shimmering body against the base of the pool, gliding smoothly
through, twirling underneath like a fish, offering his naked flesh
up to Will. He came closer to the surface and popped through
swimming over to him with a naughty look in his eyes. Will leant
down for a kiss and fell back on his butt as Liam spat a stream of
pool water into his face.

He wiped the wet from his mouth with the back off his hand and dived
in after the grinning sprite, hands sliding off the slippery body as
he tried to grab him under the water. He came up for a breath and
saw Liam at the other side of the pool, grinning as he rose and fell
with the water.

"You have to catch me." Liam teased.

Will groaned. He hated this game which is probably why Liam liked it
so much. Liam was about double the swimmer Will was and always
easily made it away. The longest game had gone for almost two hours,
Liam letting Will get close enough to stoke and feel his naked body,
enough to keep him hard and wanting before slipping away again with
an easy glide and a smile.

Will swam over to him, swimming along the centre of the pool to cut
off any escape routes, but Liam easily dived underneath him, felt
the movement of the water as Liam cut through it. He had to rise for
air, and looked over and Liam was at the opposite side of the pool

He frowned. If he went low, Liam went high, If he swam through the
middle, Liam swam beside him, if he went for one of the sides…

Bloody hate myself for getting a place with a big pool. Just
should've ripped it out, gotten a shagging lap pool.

"Angel cat, come here." He tried, speaking in a sultry voice.

"No, have to catch your kitty, oooh, bad kitty. Got out into the

Will jumped up and suddenly dived, bobbing up from the water to see
where Liam was. He heard a splash to his right and turned to just
swipe his hands across Liam's foot as he swam past.

He rose up. "Baby!" He said, snorting the water out of his
nostrils, "I don't like this game. Its frustrating."

"That's cause you lose." He smiled, poking his tongue out. He raised
himself out of the water, sitting on the side, and spread his legs.
He was getting harder. He started playing with his cock, one hand
back on the wet tiles to support himself. He feet drifted lazily
through the water.

"But if you win," He said softly, eyes on Will's "Look at what you
get..." He ran his fingers up his cock and stuck them in his mouth,
losing himself in the taste, in the show.

Will wanted to bash his head against the poolside. His cock was
getting harder, which made swimming even harder. Liam always seemed
to have at least a semi and somehow learned to swim with it.

"Angel-cat, if you come here, I'll play with you in the pool
everyday all week." He bargained, desperately.

Liam thought about this, idly flicking his long tan fingers at his
cock head. "How long each day?"

"Uhhh, half an hour."

"Six hours."

Will coughed. "Six hours in the bloody pool?"



"Five and a half."

He was so horny he would agree to anything within reason. "Three."


"Pet!" He should really be rolling his eyes at himself. Liam didn't
understand haggling.


"Three and a half."


"Alright six. But I don't have to be in the pool all six hours."

"Twenty six."

Will just looked at him, blankly. He was horny. He wanted to slide
into Liam's tight wet channel, he didn't want to figure this out. He
also wanted to get out of the pool. He swam to the steps.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked, worried and whining.

"Bedroom pet, I don't want to stay in the pool."

Liam stood up, pouting, and slowly tottered after him. "Can we come
back out after we play?" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah, why not?"

Liam wrapped his arms around Will, legs around his leg, hard cock
pressed against his hip, and left him to manoeuvre them both inside
in that position. He pried them apart once they reached the stairs
and led Liam to the bedroom. The bedroom was large, overly large,
the bed on a raised platform, the floor wooden like the rest of the
house, for coolness, the bed soft with light covers and the door
open to the large white bathroom, the screen door to the balcony in
use to let the air in. He opened the main door to let Liam wander
inside and latched himself to him, stomach to Liam's back, kissing
the nape of his neck, running his hands around Liam's body to pluck
at his nipples, tickle his sides, touch his lips. He finger combed
Liam's wet hair back and kissed him, pulling a large soft cushion
off the small couch in the corner of the room. The couch was there
just for somewhere to put this cushion. It was soft, and large
enough for Liam to get both his knees and hands on it, but not soft
enough to let the hard feel off the wood through to make it
uncomfortable for his kitty when they were playing on the floor.

He settled the cushion on the floor in front of the mirror as Liam
purred. He knew what was happening. He let Will lead him to the
cushion and help him kneel down on it. He meowed at himself in the

Will pulled some oil and lube from the bedside table. He covered his
hands with the oil and started massaging Liam. Liam was relaxed so
he didn't need it but he loved getting massaged and Will loved the
feel of him beneath his fingers. Liam purred at his reflection,
watching himself intently. Will crawled round to the back of Liam
and reached between his thighs to cover his hard cock with oily
fingers, while sliding another into his hole. Liam wriggled. Will
gave him a lick up his cheek, tasting the pool water, and pushed
another finger inside him. The slippery ring was trying to close
around his finger and keep them inside, he could see the muscle
working, feel it around his fingers. He pushed another in and
twisted them, hearing Liam hiss. He worked the cock slowly. He could
smell Liam was aroused, tingling on his tongue, in the back of his
nostrils, the sharp tang of Liam in heat. He looked up to see Liam
still watching his own face in the mirror with interest, saw his
eyes widen and eyelashes blink rapidly. Will slid another finger in
and watched Liam's mouth open silently with the stretch, his
eyebrows draw together a little. Will bloody loved that look. He saw
it behind his eyelids when he closed them and it never failed to
make him hard.

He wriggled his thumb in as well and heard Liam squeak. He wasn't
going to fist him, wasn't going to push his knuckles in, but he
loved looking at Liam's body stretched around his fingers. It was
beautiful. His cock was getting impatient at the lascivious view. He
looked around to see that Liam's head was hanging down, overcome by
the feeling. He twisted his hand around the tight foreskin and
Liam's head jerked up, face almost in pain. He pulled his other hand
out and knelt behind him.

"Watch me Pet, look in my eyes." Will breathed, pulling the head up
by pulling the back of his collar towards him.

Liam swallowed and lifted his eyes to look at Will's in the mirror.
He prodded the hole with his cock and then jabbed the head inside
quickly, watching the penetration show on his lover's face. They
both groaned. Liam closed his eyes.

"Baby, I want you to look at me the whole time." Liam's eyes
obediently flicked to his, immediately, and Will gripped his hips
harshly at the show of submission. "Good kitty." He breathed.

Liam smiled before his face tensed, eyes pleading for more, mouth
open as Will slid his full length inside the welcoming body. Liam
groaned and his asshole twitched at the invasion.

"Baby…" Will groaned, breaking the eye contact as he slumped over
the body around him. His hands trailed up to pinch Liam's nipples as
he tried not to shoot. Liam was purring and yelping with the
feelings, jerking like he was connected to a live wire.

"Daddy." He pleaded. "Daddy, fuck me now. So hard, move, Daddy"

Will let his hand find its way to Liam's cock and started stroking.
His hips started moving a moment later, as Liam arched his back,
innately opening his hole up more for the cock inside him. Will
picked up the strength of his thrusts, one hand back on Liam's hip
to steady himself. He lifted his head and Liam was watching himself
being fucked in the mirror, groaning and rolling his head around.
When Will watched Liam watching himself, he always wanted to come.
This time was no different, tremors of lust so strong they almost
blacked out the blood to his brain, swept through him as he watched
Liam. Liam was perfect. So bloody perfect.

He slammed into him, Liam's knees lifting from the ground on some
off the thrusts, grunting and whimpering, eyes closed now,
completely enthralled by the fucking his body was receiving.

Will pulled out, and yanked Liam up, lying him on his back on the
cushion, body parallel to the mirror so he could watch himself as
well. He lifted Liam's legs up over his shoulders; knee walked
himself closer and slammed back through the relaxed muscle. He saw
Liam wriggling beneath him, and beside him in the reflected angle.
Liam's hands dropped to his lap and one started tugging at his hard
cock, the foreskin pulled back to expose the head, red and leaking.

He grinned, and twisted his head as he slammed into the slick
channel, so he could kiss the sole of Liam's foot. Liam whined and
started pulling harder.

He'd only found out about Liam's foot fetish by accident. He'd woken
up one morning with an itchy foot, to find the blanket flipped up
and Liam crouched down face intense, tracing patterns on Will's feet
and in between his toes with one hand, the other fisting a dripping
erection. He'd seen Liam watching his feet before, mainly when they
were outside, but had thought it was part of Liam's endearing
fogginess. He still giggled every time Liam got excited over it.
Feet didn't do anything for him, so the twenty minutes of foreplay
they sometimes went through that existed solely of Liam playing with
his feet wasn't done for his own benefit.
He guessed Liam was a little embarrassed by his kink, on some level,
because he'd never mentioned it.

He watched himself, his lips sucking at the arch of Liam's foot and
he giggled at the thrashing body, fucking itself on his cock. He
looked up and Liam had one hand fisted in his hair and one around
his collar. He grabbed his stiff prick and gave a few simple basic
pulls and twists, mouth still around the side of Liam's foot. The
sight of Liam arching up, led by his prick as he shot over himself
made Will's cock scream for satisfaction.

Liam lay back, spent, and tried to sleep while Will's cock pounded
away inside him. He always did that, closed his eyes, tired, and
though it should put him off- the lax body beneath his, the fact his
ministrations had pushed Liam into the blissful loose state just
made him harder.
He came, watching Liam's mouth form a small `o' as he felt Will's
come fill his channel, a smile, his sleepy eyes opened to watch
Will, always watching him, as he started breathing again, back from
the spine tingling void of his orgasm.

"Meow." Liam purred softly.

Will lay down on top of him and watched them both in the mirror,
brown and white, his body being shifted by Liam's breathing. Liam's
hands were limply around his waist. He kissed the neck, running his
tongue under the smooth collar.

Liam's head was hanging slack off the pillow and on the ground. That
couldn't be comfortable. Will lazily pulled himself up.

"Come on baby, that's not good for your neck." He held his hand out
and Liam took it limply. He hauled him up. "On the bed."

Liam cooed quietly as Will manoeuvred him up the stair and onto the
cool white sheets. He kissed him, grabbed a tissue from the bedside
table and wiped the come off his belly for him. Liam just closed his
eyes, humming an almost tune.

"Beautiful, baby. I look at you sometimes, and I just can't believe
how beautiful you are." Will breathed, kneeling over him, finally
feeling the sticky heat surround him. He was sweating from the

Liam smiled, and opened his eyes a little, to reveal a sliver of
chocolate. "Stay here. With me."

Will never got as tired as Liam did, and usually left him to sleep
or rest it off while he cooked or worked or watched TV. But on
Liam's request, he immediately pulled himself up next to the hot
sticky body and wrapped himself around it, hearing a coo in his ear,
feeling a random kiss pressed against him, half on his nose half on
his cheek.

"Love you Daddy."


He had to do one more piece for the show and he was stuck. He sat in
his huge blue and yellow art studio and looked around. It had been a
rumpus room originally but Will had transformed it into an art room,
Angel's art room, with shelves of paints and inks- all his. He used
the easel Doyle had made him. Most of his work was now at the
gallery, ready for his show tonight. It was weird and funny and
colourful to have shows again. People wandering around mewling and
smiling and happy at his paintings. 
Taking them home and hanging them on a wall.

He'd made sure Will had invited Tuti and Atin and all the other
wives from the neighbourhood, that had been so nice to him when he
and Will had first arrived. They were coming in on a bus tomorrow,
an outing, just in time for the show. Angel loved the neighbour-
wives. He thought they were beautiful, with their small brown hands
and slanted eyes.
Atin had just started teaching him Balinese dance when they had
moved. Atin was so graceful when she danced, small and light,
smoothly lifting her leg up behind her back and posing, her fingers
and long nails stretched as far apart as they could. He wished he
saw her more, Atin was his favourite, she was their left side
neighbour, and she was the first to invite him on the wives outings.
Will had been so nervous, like a mother bird when he had left with
the group the first time, and so happy when he'd come back. It had
been hard for Will in that time, now that he looked back on it. They
never saw each other when they first got to Yogya, Will was always
up at the restaurant.

He was happier now. They both worked at home, and each knew not to
disturb the other unless it was really important. Or if they wanted
to play. Or if there was something he wanted to ask Will. Or if he
had to see his mane.

He decided he would paint Atin dancing. In a pose. In gold and
stars. There was already a painting of her, but it was just her hand
in the dance pose in front of her face, Rodeo Drive in the
background behind her.

He didn't sell any paintings of Will. They stayed with them, no one
else was allowed to look at Will everyday. His hair was still white
and the stars were adamant he kept that a secret. He got to run his
fingers through it every night, and was worried that another kitty
might take Will's attention, like Jean, the man from Will's work,
with Will-pale skin and his black hair and hazel eyes. Black cat.
Jean made jokes that Will laughed at with his deep belly chuckle,
but Angel couldn't follow them and he didn't like him. Angel was
glad Will worked from home now, because he wouldn't see Jean and his
elegant hands and shiny nails everyday.

He got up to find Will. He felt nervous. Will was in the study, he
could hear the keyboard click clacking away mutely, through the
doorway. He paused at the frame, and saw Will faced away, shoulders
hunched, arms and hands moving over the keyboard. Behind him,
through the window was the backyard beside the pool, the levels of
the garden up the back against the fence, lined with rocks. They had
a fountain, which was nice, the birds would come. They were so
bright, so colourful, like from his dreams, oranges and yellows, and
blues and greens. He wanted one as a pet but Will was hesitant. He
thought it was probably because Doyle would feel left out.

He walked quietly up behind him. "Daddy?" he said softly, reaching
out with his hands to curl them around Will's shoulders. Will's
hands came up, as they always did, and squeezed his fingers.

Will turned his head and tilted back so he could look straight up at
him. "What's up Pet, you hungry?"

"No." He wanted to sit on Will's lap.

Will let him do that sometimes. He purred.

"Anything wrong sweets?" Will asked, his fingers rubbing Angel's own.

He smiled down at him. A lion. Protector. Why did he come in here

"I forget."

"That's alright. You want a drink?"

Angel shook his head. Will leant forward, clicked two keys and then
spun his chair around so he was facing him. Angel immediately tried
to sit on his lap.

"Wait, baby, here." He grabbed Angel's waist and pulled him over to
the couch, lazing on it as he tugged Angel down on top of him. Angel
wriggled down a bit so his head was resting on Will's chest, his
legs bent up, his arms around Will as he watched the garden. Will's
hand played with his hair. A knot in his stomach. Unhappy.

Why was he so…


"What are you nervous about Baby? Your show tomorrow?"

Yes. That was what he was nervous about. Will always knew. This made
him hug him closer. He didn't know how he could live without Will to
help him, to hold his hand, and smile at him happily with his blue
eyes when he stumbled behind everyone.

"…love it, don't worry."

Oops. He'd forgotten to listen. "Daddy?"

"I said, don't worry about it, the people always love your work,
it's always sold. People want little bits of you. People know how
good you are. You're so talented pet."

Angel pouted into Will's shirt. "That one man didn't like it." He
was referring to the critic. The mean one. Who had said buying
Angel's work was like selling off the ideals behind art.

"That critic was a bloody close-minded effin' crackpot" Will barked,
his anger soothing Angel, "who needs a bloody slap in the face to
make him wake up into this century. `Decadence of post modernism'?
You can't even do that."

Angel nodded. He liked his art. He nodded again. Fingers trailed
along the back of his neck.

"How many pieces are you off your goal?"

He frowned. "How many…" He repeated trying to make it make sense.

"How many paintings left?"


"What's that going to be of?"

"Atin. Dancing. In gold."


"Yes. Will be."

He could pictured it now, her small frame bent, feet precariously
balanced, her arms stretched either side like wings, long curled
nails on her hands, face blank and unreachable gold around her eyes,
stretching them out, making them more like a cat's.

"Sounds pretty."

"Yes." He didn't realise he had said that out loud. He kissed Will's
chest through his shirt. It was a bit too humid to play right now,
maybe later in the evening. He sat up, kneeling on the edge of the
couch. Will sat up looking at him.

"Ready for tomorrow? Apart from the painting of Atin?"

"Yes. Atin will be there?"

"Yes pet."

He pursed his lips. He felt bad when Atin was there because he
talked to her in Indonesian, and Will didn't follow it that
well. "Manning will be there?" Manning was a recluse artist that had
moved to Indonesia from England. He loved Angel's work and Will
normally talked to him at the gatherings. It would be good if he was
there so Will wouldn't be alone right away.

"No," Will smiled. "You worried about me being alone?"

He purred. "I know you'd make friends."

"Pet, you always try and take care of me." He rumbled leaning up for
a quick kiss before falling back down, eyes grateful and happy.
Angel felt warm under the gaze.

"But don't worry Jean's coming straight from the office."

He felt his smile slip off his face and his eyes fell to around
Will's collarbone. Jean kitty.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I thought you liked Jean." Will sat up and rubbed
his arms. He pouted. "Why don't you want him there?"

"I don't mind." He said looking into Will's eyes. The stars were
wary. They were wondering if he had images of a Jean kitty flashing
behind them.

"Is it just because hes never been to one of your shows sweets?"

Angel nodded.

"You're just worried because of what that critic said. Don't worry

He nodded again, giving Will a little smile.

"Love you baby." Will breathed, beguiled. Angel loved that look, and
he threw his head back and purred falling onto Will, feeling strong
hands wrap around him in the heat. "It will probably take you a
while to do your painting. I'll come in and watch in another couple
of hours, kay?"

He moaned, running his hands over his body as the buzz ran through
him. He loved it when Will watched him, it made his body flush, his
cock wake and dribble to think of Will silent and captivated,
watching his every move. It had only started being such a turn on
when they had reached this house though. He wondered if it had a
spell on it.

"Sex spell."

Will's gaze ran up and down his body, as he licked his
lips. "Definitely." He said roughly, leaning forward and pushing
Angel up into a sitting position. He bowed down and started kissing
his belly through the shirt.

Will loved his belly. He hated his belly. He loved that Will loved
it, but it was fun to pretend he hated it. He blinked hard at the
thought. "Daddy!" He said snippily.

Will mocked his pouting and pulled him back down, pulling his shirt
up and rubbing his hands over the fleshy meat. Angel struggled to
get away. He liked it when Will did it even though he pretended he
didn't want to. He tried to play the game in bed, but Will didn't
know the rules so when he said no, Will's hands dropped with a smile
and he had to kiss him all over to show he really was interested in
playing that night.

"Grrr Daddy, I'm leaving." He pouted, continuing the game.

"Okay pet." Will smiled, hauling him up. He patted his butt as he
walked away and Angel smiled. "I'll be in soon yeah?"

His painting of Atin.

"Yes, Daddy."

He wandered back through the hot white corridors to the art room. He
sat at his easel and sketched a few preliminary lines, making sure
everything would be balanced. The paintbrush was part of him, and it
coloured the canvas quickly, no time, only paint and more paint and
the beauty and the colours and songs starting to show up. Atin's
hands with long gold nails. Swathes of gold wrapped around her,
shiny slides, heavy folded drapes, almost see through windows to the
brown skin beneath. Eyes lined with liquid gold, dots of it around
her eyebrows. Her lips are red.

He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand and cracked out the
soreness in his limbs. He looked around the room and realised it was

He blinked. It was cooler now, the heat of the day sucked out by the

"Gorgeous Pet." He whipped around to see Will sitting on a supply
cupboard near the door, smoking. "I can almost see her move." He
stubbed his cigarette out and flicked it into the bin.

"How long have you been there?" He asked. He didn't even know. He
had a slight burr of pain needling through his forehead.

Will looked at his watch. "About two hours."

Angel smiled. He kissed the air at him and Will walked over,
standing behind him, looking at the painting, running his fingers
through Angel's hair as he sat gazing at Atin.

"Beautiful." Will hands rubbing his arms. "How much more needs to be


"Ah good." He leant down and kissed Angel's temple. "Wonderful, Pet."

Angel stood up, feeling a slight sway, his mouth was dry like there
was sand in it, his head dizzy. "I need some water." He said.

How long had he been there?

"I gave you a bottle earlier, but you didn't seem interested." Will
said, smiling at him.

Angel looked to the table beside his seat. A bottle. He picked it
up, clicked the lid off and swallowed the entire contents, feeling
the liquid sooth his headache almost instantly. He felt sticky from
sitting in the hot for so long, felt the old sweat in the creases of
his arms, behind his knees, over his lip. He shook himself.

"I need a shower."

"Okay, I just had one, so you do that while I get some dinner."

Angel nodded and slipped out of the room after giving Will a quick
kiss on his bottom lip. He slipped upstairs to the bedroom and
turned the cold water on. It was a game, to see how long he could
stand the ice cold water before he turned some heat on to take away
the bite. He took his collar off so he could wash underneath,
remembering when he hadn't and his skin had gone all white and
peeled and Will had tried to take his collar away all together. Will
worried about too much.  

He stepped under the freezing water and immediately bent his neck
like a turtle, bringing his shoulders up, arms cross up over his
chest, face squinched up as he laughed. Ice water. He counted, then
lost track and put some hot water on. He grabbed the soap and
lathered himself up, smelling the pool on himself from that morning.
He smiled. Will had been in the pool that morning as well, had
bought him some of those foam pool noodles. His and Will's pool. He
washed his hair with the sweet honey smelling shampoo that Will
wouldn't use and then slipped out of the shower, carefully, Will's
voice echoed in his head `careful pet, always careful on wet tiles'
and wrapped himself in a huge fluffy towel that went down to his
calves. He grinned at himself in the mirror and went to the bedroom,
seeing the white sheets on the bed, purring inside his head at the
thoughts of all the times they'd played in the bed. So many times.
Angel couldn't even remember them all. He had a tally somewhere,
probably in the art room.

He dropped the towel and went to the mirrored cupboards to look for
some clothes but got distracted by his reflection. He smiled. He
looked happy. His hair was black and flat and shiny from the shower.
He didn't feel scared, couldn't remember the last time he looked
scared. No collar. He frowned. Red one tonight.
He opened the cupboard and pulled out the gold box he kept his
collars in. He slipped the red one around his neck and buckled it
up, just like a real cat collar. He put the box back, closed the
door and smiled once again at his reflection. He purred. He was a
cat. He could see his pointy ears, whiskers, had a tail, his fur was
tan and Will petted him everyday. He was in heaven. Maybe he had
died, but he felt that the safe part inside his head, where he
hibernated, had actually become this room, and he could curl up on
the end of the bed and nothing could get him. The room in his head
had no doors, but this one did. A white lion protected them, prowled
past them and kept the things out. He went to the white bed, and
curled up on the end of it watching himself in the mirror. Purr for
Will. Come and pet him. He smiled at himself and the door opened.

"Enjoying the view pet?" Will asked, one dark eyebrow raised. His
hair wasn't slicked back, but had dried messy from the pool earlier.

He purred. Will slunk over to him, moving like water in black, eyes
on him the entire time. He stood and patted down his curled body and
it was everything to Angel. He meowed and flipped up onto his knees
to get more pets. Will sat down beside him, running his hand down
his fur, from head to tail.

"Noodles for dinner sound fine? With chicken?"

"I want milk and fish."

"Tasty combination." He patted his fingertip down Angel's nose,
stroke after tiny stroke and then went back to patting through his

"I want cat nip."

"Cats don't eat cat nip, sweets."

"I want," what did he want. "want, I want," he looked at Will's lap
and licked his lips. He wanted the salt bitter green grass tang on
his tongue. That's what he wanted.

"I want you to come in my mouth." He murmured, wanting to kneel down
at his feet and watch his face as he fucked himself between his
lips. He shivered, hoping that would happen tonight.

Will laughed, deep belly laughs.

"Baby, you can't live off spunk." He leant down and kissed his

"I want chicken, and the green…" what was that leafy green called?

"Much better try, sweets. What about chicken and noodles?"

Mmmmm. Yum.  "I love chicken and noodles." The stars sang louder in

"Thought so."

Will stood up and Angel rolled out of the bed and stretched. He
wasn't hungry, not right now. He wanted to do other things. Will
walked to the doorway and turned around, waiting for Angel to follow
him. Angel shook his head, smirking as he saw Will's blue eyes trace
along his naked body. He felt like a snake, slithering, he moved,
rolling his body on the spot, mesmerising Will like he was a cobra.

"Not hungry pet?" Will said, the roughness in his voice signalling
his mood. He wanted to be inside. Angel let his head roll back and
he purred, cupping his rising cock.

He turned his back on Will and still rolled, swayed his body,
letting Will see him from every angle, making Will want to touch
him, want to lick him, want to show how much he owned him. He
started fisting his cock at the thought. He heard Will come up
behind him, felt his jeans scratchy against the wet smoothness of
his backside.

Will started to kiss his neck, wet kisses, saliva and tongue around
his hairline. Hands around his waist and chest, holding him close
against his hard body, against the texture of his clothes. He wanted
to play. He wanted Will to make him do things, show how powerful he
was, reminded of how much he belonged to a lion.  "Nooo, Daddy…" He
moaned, trying to start the yes no game.

Will pulled away, breaking all contact simultaneously with a hurt
look, but Angel turned, grabbed his hand and tugged him
back. "Yessss…." He hissed, leaning forward and poking his tongue
out to taste the skin below Will's lips.

Will watched him for a second before pulling him close, roughly
pushing his head back with the force of his kisses. Angel batted him
away weakly, "no…"

Will let him go and raised an eyebrow, worried and confused.

Angel was starting to enjoy this version of the game anyway. He
leapt back onto him, wanting to start the next round, but Will held
him still by his arms.

"Angel cat, if you want to play, you say yes, if you don't want to,
say no."

Angel smiled.

"Don't say no, when you mean yes, cause I get confused." He watched
him as he talked, making sure he was paying attention.

"It's a game Daddy, the yes/no game."

"That's a bad game."

"No it's a fun game," He purred, feeling like his body was pumping
liquid sex instead of blood. "Cause I pretend I'm saying no, but
you're such a lion that I eventually say yes anyway, cause I can't
help it. And you make me mewl and twist and beg."

Will snorted. "I know that game, but I can't play it with you,

"Why not?"

"Because, one day, you might say no and mean no, but I'll think
you're playing the yes/no game and I'll force you to do things you
don't want."

"Never, you wouldn't hurt me."

Will smiled, cocking his head, watching him, his eyes full of
adoration. Angel lapped it up. "I'd never hurt you on purpose baby.
But it's a dangerous game. And you know how careful I am even giving
you sharp cutlery, and that only goes in your hands."

Angel frowned. Why was he talking about forks? Will shook his head.

"Don't worry baby, just none of that game. Alright?"

"No." He grinned.

"Baby…" Will sighed.


"Angel, I'm seri –"

"No but really yes." He purred, angling his hips forward to rub his
hard cock against Will's. Will would never hurt him. He just wanted
him to pretend he could, and then be gentle and loving like usual.

Will smiled and gently unstuck himself. "I'm gonna go get dinner

"No!" Angel protested.

"No but really yes?" Will asked.


"No, really no." Angel clarified.

"So that's yes really yes, you do want me to go?" Will asked, a
smirk on his face.

Angel was confused. "Nono."

"Pet. Can you see how it can get confusing?"



"Nes, means no, but really yes."

Will blinked. Angel trailed his fingers up Will's arm. He was hot.
His skin was burning hot. Angel wanted to lick it.

"Nes." Will repeated.

"Nes means no but yes."

Will frowned. "You really want to play this don't you?"

He nodded, feeling the liquid sex running through him again.

His face creased into more of a frown. "Alright, but if I want to
stop, we stop."

Angel nodded happily, raising up onto his toes and lowering himself
over and over. Will leant forward and caught him in a kiss. Angel
moaned as Will pushed him back against the wall, almost roughly,
pinning his body, his mouth locked on Angel's own scraping and
violent and beautiful. He pushed at his chest to get him away and
smiled around the invading tongue as Will's hands grabbed his wrists
and trapped them behind his back.

"You want to fuck don't you?" Will asked, grinding his hip against
Angel's hard cock, making his belly squiggle in anticipation.

"Nes." He moaned, shaking his head.

"I know what you want."

"Nes! Nes!" He fought back, pushing against Will as he tackled him
against the bed cover. Will sat on his legs and held his wrists over
his head. "Let me go Daddy…"

"Never letting you go. You're mine." He rose up and kissed the
restrained wrists, tongue hot and mouthing against him.

He leant down and whispered hot wet air into his ear. "You'll want
it once we start…" He promised and Angel nodded before realising it
was a bit too early in the game to be nodding. He shook his head
instead and watched Will running his hands over his body like he
owned it. He groaned and bit his lip shyly at the wet precome that
darkened his pants.

"You stay here." Will growled, getting up and pulling his shirt off.

Angel decided another layer of the game should be initiated and flew
off the bed and out the door, hearing Will close behind him. Arms,
loving arms, arms around his waist, wrong for the game, hugging him
close, and dragging him back to the bedroom. Will tossed him onto
the bed again and he giggled.

"Oh so you think that was funny?"


"Well just to make sure you don't get away again…"

Angel refrained from clapping his hands as Will pulled out the long
straps of soft leather they kept for special games they didn't play
often enough.

"Nezzz!" He screamed, ending it in a giggle.

He put his arms up against the bed head for Will to tie his wrists
and Will smiled. He tied them tight enough so Angel couldn't move
but loose enough that he could pull his arms out if he wanted to. He
wanted Will to tie him tightly so he could never get away, to show
that he trusted him, and loved him enough to let him do anything to
his body, but he never did. Even when Angel pouted and pleaded.

Will was undoing the buttons of his shirt, slowly, revealing inch by
inch of his skin. Will was so white compared to the brown of his own
skin. Stayed out of the sun, cause he said he just burnt. But that
was silly of course, the sun could never hurt him. He was Will.

Will parted the shirt and ran his thumb lightly down Angel's chest,
feeling every breath under the skin, his heartbeat, his blood. The
sliding touch travelled to his pants and undid them. A mouth on his
crotch, over the pants, sucking and licking at the wetness and Angel
was trying to pretend he didn't want it, even though his cock was
hard and angry that it was separated from Will's mouth by his pants.
He pushed his hips up, trying to get more pressure from the mouth
but it wasn't working. He whined.

Will stripped Angel's pants off, and the air was cool against the
sticky heat of his cock. He wanted it surrounded by Will's mouth,
the soft tongue licking and slurping at him. He raised his hips, but
Will pushed him down. He shivered, smelling the salt in the air.
Will stood and he watched him slowly slip his jeans off, blue eyes
watching him the entire time. His cock bounced free as soon as it
could, swollen and dripping to match Angel's own. Angel purred. That
cock wanted to be inside him. Pushing into him. Making his body
stretch to accommodate it.

He wanted to come.  Will cocked his head and slid his hand down to
the freshly freed cock to grasp it. He put one hand on the bed and
leant down to whisper into his face. "I'm going to fuck you. I'm
gonna hold you down and keep you still and Im going to fuck
you `till you whine, `cause that's what you want."

Angel couldn't keep his eyes open at the lust tremors that were
running up his spine, firing at the nape of his neck and making the
hairs stand on end.

"I'll show you who you belong to." He said, a smirk that made
Angel's body slack and ready, prowling closer to him. "How do you
feel?" Will murmured, sliding down onto the bed, reaching out to run
his palm over Angel's sac.

"Stars…" As the delicate flesh circled and the feelings made his
thighs twitch.

"Truthfully. What do you feel right now?"

"Open." He closed his eyes, listened to the stars murmuring
excitedly at the back of his head. "Vulnerable."

"You like that. I'm in control, aren't I?"

He nodded, eyes still closed.

"I'm your Daddy." He heard Will's voice, over his face, felt the
heat of the words on his lips. "And you're my kitty. I could do
anything I wanted to you right now, and you couldn't do a thing,
because I own this body."

Angel shivered and closed his eyes more tightly as he felt the hand
palm over his ribs.

"Such a pretty kitty, too."

Will placed his hands on Angel's hips to keep him from dry humping
the air. He couldn't help it. The words were telling his body to
fuck. A kiss, rough, teeth clashing and clicking, a bite on his lip
that swelled blood to it but didn't leak. This game. It was like
playing with fire.

"I love fire." He murmured.

"Spread out on the bed for me." He spread his legs eagerly. Angel
felt giddy, like his brain had flipped over when he felt something
smooth against his eyes, something silky being tied around him so he
couldn't see.


"Have a problem, kitty?" Will's voice said, and his hands came back
down to trail over his skin, that was now super sensitised that he
wasn't allowed to see it. He could feel every hair as Will's fingers
made them bend, every cell heated by the passage of his fingers.
Will made his flesh jump and tickle, he knew exactly how to play his
body for the highest brightest sensations.

And he should. He owned it.

He felt a tongue on his calf, licking down.

"Daddy…" He panted. He loved it when Will played with his feet. His
eyes opened under the blindfold in apprehension. He wanted to see
it. "Please…."

Wet slippery tongue around his ankle. "Daddy…!" he said, almost

He could feel the tingle of Will's fingers brushing against the sole
of his foot, running up through his toes. A finger, a wet finger,
prodded his hole, pushing inside quickly, a burn as the second wet
finger slid in too quickly, and a third.


"I'm going to take you. You're here for me, what I want." He licked
up his foot, and then his toes were covered with tickly wet hot.

Angel felt like he couldn't breathe properly. He was so excited.
Will was acting like he did with others, lion, roaring, showing who
led and who followed and submitted. He felt a bite on his nipple and
his legs were being spread. Wet cock, hard cock, hard for him,
pushed against him in a dull throb until his body gave way and
allowed the head inside.

"Oh, baby…" he heard Will say, like he was in pain.

He slammed the rest of his cock in and Angel howled. He was going to
come. He needed to right now and they hadn't even started fucking

"DaddyDaddyDaddyDaddy…." He panted, small breaths, not enough to
fill his lungs as Will drew out. His cock felt like it was right
next to burning coals, uncomfortably, painfully hot, he wanted to
reach down and pull himself off, but he couldn't relive it, his
hands were tied. He groaned and twisted and he was going dizzy.

Will slammed back inside and he yowled. "Touch me Daddy!"

"No, pet. No touching. I don't want it. I want you burning for me."
He pulled out, the empty stretched feeling hollow behind his too
full cock before returning home, pulling away and slamming back.
Angel had his mouth open, trying to suck more air in, trying and
failing, only little tiny breaths, cat breaths, as Will showed him
who belonged to who. His anus was tingling from the treatment, his
nipples were swollen, everything was begging to be touched, but
nothing. His cock didn't understand his hands were held back from
touching it and was screaming for his fingers. His skin was so
sensitive; he could feel every puff of air, every inch of Will's
skin touching his own. He wanted to see what Will looked like
fucking him like this, like he was a wild creature who had found him
sleeping in the woods and dragged him home.

"… mine pet, all fucking mine, you'll do whatever I want, whatever I
say..." Will's voice, his own underneath it, agreeing over and over,
needing the words.

"I'm your fucking Daddy, Angel, I own you…"

Yes, yes, his body was sparkling, he couldn't see it but he knew it,
he was glowing.

Will's hand brushed against his cock but it was all he needed, he
came, feeling his hot spend land on his stomach and some on his
thigh. He groaned and his body loosened, like nothing was connected
to anything else. Will was still going, the sliding easier, and he
felt hands around his wrists and they were being let go.  Will
pulled out of him and he whimpered. He wanted more. More lion. He
felt hands pulling him up, and he felt heavy, but he wanted to stay
with the hands. He didn't take off the blindfold so he clumsily
followed Will's now gentle voice.

"Come here baby. Here, spread your legs over me, kitten." He grew
hard again, tried to, his cock giving little indignant flares of

He was sitting on Will's lap, his back resting against Will's chest,
his knees beside Will's, his feet back past Will's butt, shins on
the bedspread, kneeling over him, Will's lips kissing along the nape
of his neck, teeth nibbling around the buckle of his collar. Will's
hard cock found his hole again and pushed inside quickly. He mewled,
feeling himself stretch from a different angle. His channel felt
bruised, but in a good way, a hot, well-fucked way. And the cock was
rocking into him, he could feel Will's thighs tensing and relaxing
under his own, in time with the rhythm, and Will's lips were at the
top on his spine, kissing the skin, sliding along it as he panted
loudly, tinged with grunts. Will's fingers were around his cock, the
others around his waist, hand on his belly, gently guiding him up
and down, making him rock a little around the cock inside him. He
leant his head back and lay his body against Will's, his back
curving to stay on Will's cock. Will was burning, like a fever, his
skin wet with sweat as he rocked against him. He reached back to
steady himself, hands against the flat back of Will's hips, fingers
on the soft skin of his cheeks.

"Now, you can see how beautiful you are…" Will panted, and even hit
breath was hot wet.

The blindfold slipped from his eyes and they were on the end of the
bed, facing the mirror, and he could see his body arched back,
Will's white hand around his prick, pulling him off, white globs
sticking to his skin from his last orgasm, and his entire body
rocking, his stomach tensing as Will's cock pushed into him. He saw
Will's hand around his waist, white body behind his, but mostly
Will's face, his cheek resting against Angel's, twin blue eyes
watching him filled with devotion and burning with love. He came
again, from the sight, his orgasm long and almost painful, setting
his teeth on edge, made him yowl like a slapped cat, but
brilliantly, dazzlingly bright. Beautiful. Calm. When he blinked
back to the room, Will was panting, his forehead against the top of
Angel's back, and Angel's asshole was twitching around the cock
twitching inside, and he could feel come leaking out around it.

He purred, tiredly. "You came Daddy." Angel breathed, feeling the
slippery wetness drip.

"When do I not, pet?"

Angel watched his face flinch as Will pulled himself out. Suddenly
he was bone weary, his body was already asleep but his brain hadn't
been told, and Will was lying him on his back, on the bed that was
softer than ever before, and he felt loved and wanted and fuzzy. He
felt like his brain was full of cotton wool.

"…ove you kitten, love you so much…"

He purred. Will love.


"What is it, sweet?" he asked, fingers running through his shower
and sweat-wet hair.

"Do you own me?"

"You own yourself baby, that was just the game." He sounded a little

"I want you to own me." He opened his eyes and looked into blue.
Pool blue. Star blue. Nothing more than for Will to own him. He
didn't need anything else.

"I want you to own yourself. But you belong to me. Does that make
sense? Like I belong to you."

He blinked. He never thought about that. Will belonged to him. Kitty
to a lion and lion to a kitty. Even lions need whiskers, need sugar.
Maybe Will needed that too.

"I like that."

Will smiled, the skin crinkling near his eyes. "Good, baby."

Angel nodded. "You're beautiful. Beautiful lion that belongs to me."

"Yes, pet." He smiled again and leant down for a kiss. Angel happily
opened his mouth, wanting Will to lick inside. He did. Will kisses.
Will angled his head and lay a kiss over the collar. Angel melted.
He never wanted to move.

"I'll bring your dinner in here," Will said, standing up happy-
tiredly, beautiful and white and every inch of his skin gleaming.
His hair was messy. "We'll eat in bed."

Angel nodded happily watching Will's backside as he left the room.
Noodles. Maybe Will would feed him. He smiled and closed his eyes.
He liked eating in bed.



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