A/N: I know my sentence structure is bad, but I’m over it unless any of you feel like betaing… That’s a weird word, actually I don’t think it is a word… Oh and I actually had an idea about where this one was starting, or going whatever, I’m really really tired atm. I had a little nap today in class though and got banished but that’s another story. I like the word banished… Oh and if you’re wondering about the title it’s the name of a song by Korn.




Spike looked around at all the screwed up balls of paper, it made him angry that Angel had such an effect on him. Why on earth did it matter whether or not Angel like his poem? It was just a poem. Angel had no right to control him like this. It wasn’t fair. He got up and stormed over to his CD player and put on some loud rock music, lying down face first, letting the music drown out any Angel thoughts. He felt something soft next to him and saw his cat curling up along his side, licking his hand. It was so easy to get affection from animals, much easier than humans. Ok now his anger was returning. This wasn’t how it was supposed to work. He was in control of his own life. Fuck he needed a cigarette. He imagined his stepmothers face if she saw him smoking inside, well actually if she saw him smoking at all, it was one of his well-kept secrets. He had many of those… almost too many. Why couldn’t Angel just get over himself and keep their relationship a secret? The stupid ponce had to do the right thing. Funny the way he hadn’t had a problem with groping a total stranger in a club, but having a relationship with a 17 yr old was strictly forbidden, seemed kinda iffy. Maybe it was just Angel’s way of letting him down gently, but then Spike thought that they had a little more than that. Fuck now his head hurt. He finished his cigarette and put it in the ashtray under his bed. He sighed, he was so emotionally exhausted that he just went straight off to sleep despite that he still had music blaring.


About an hour later Wes headed upstairs and saw Spike sound asleep with his music blaring, there was definitely something upsetting him so why wouldn’t he just tell him, he sighed and turned off the music and headed off to his room.




Angel woke up the next morning wondering where the night had gone. He realised that it was shockingly early in the morning and decided to go for a quick run to pass some time.


He came back later from his run feeling much more awake and understandably sweatier. By now the morning had gotten much warmer and he remembered hearing in the staffroom that there was supposed to be a heatwave coming up. He had a quick shower and cooked himself some eggs for breakfast.


One hour later Angel was heading into his office when he saw another teacher, shit he couldn’t remember his name.


“Hey Liam,” the other teacher said.


“Hey, how are you?” Angel replied deciding that popping in a question would make it seem like he was more conversational and help to fill the gap that would be usually taken by the other persons name.


“Good, how about you, by the way I just thought I’d let you know that you’ve been rostered onto detention today…” He finished before even waiting to her Liam’s response.


“Great,” Liam replied, he’d been suspecting that he would get something like this being the new guy and all and truthfully it didn’t phase him.


They continued chatting for a few more minutes, Angel racking his brain to remember the guy’s name but failing miserably. Angel checked his watch and realised it was time for first period, he sighed and headed off to class. It was his other 12th grade class; he didn’t know whether to be happy or sad that Spike wasn’t in it.




Spike was forever thankful that it was 5th period, thinking that the day was nearly over until he remembered that he had a detention. He took out his timetable, he could never remember what class he had. He opened it up and stared at the page. Fuck. He had English. He hadn’t seen Angel all day and he’d nearly managed to forget about him, for all of about 10 minutes. He spat out his gum and headed off to class, managing to make it on time. He watched Angel’s reaction as he entered the classroom and saw the way he tried to look like nothing was the matter, however it kinda didn’t work because Spike saw an array of emotions flicker through his eyes ranging from sadness to hurt but mostly confusion. Spike smiled glad to see that Angel at least still cared. He sat down at a seat two rows in front of where he usually sat and got out some books and some more gum.


Angel waited a few more minutes for the rest to get there and walked up to the front of the classroom. “Ok we’re going to pick up where we left off yesterday reading Hamlet,” Angel said giving them the page number and handing out the roles to several members of the class so they could each take turns reading out their parts.


They were reading from a scene between Hamlet and Horatio when someone yelled out, “Is it true that Hamlet and Horatio were gay?”


Angel wasn’t phased, “Some critics believe that, but others argue that they were just brothers …”


“They’re queer?” Another student who Angel recognised as Damian yelled out.


“Fucking fags, just like you hey Will.”


Will didn’t look up from his book he just raised his middle finger. “Fuck you,” He told them. One of the downsides about being out was that he was always copping shit from everyone about it.


“Says the gay guy,” another guy yelled out, “mate I think he’s trying to hit on you.”


Spike was so tempted to go over and punch whoever had said that but decided getting suspended wouldn’t be worth it, “If I’m gay then why would I wanna fuck a chic?”


“Ooooh,” another guy said.


“That’s it,” the jock replied and got up and headed over in Spike’s direction.


“ENOUGH!” Angel yelled and stood in front of where the guy was even though he was still not that close to Spike yet and stopped him in his tracks, the whole class quieted down. “Back to your seat.” He instructed the student. “I’m a fairly tolerant teacher, but one thing I will not allow however, is jokes made about another person’s orientation.”


“But its true,” One kid yelled out and the others snickered.


“I don’t care,” Angel said, “I refuse to allow it. I don’t care if your other teachers do. In this class it doesn’t happen, have I made myself clear?”


Angel took the silence as a yes. “Ok, back to work now.” He said his voice completely changing tones.


Spike didn’t know whether to be happy or incredibly pissed off. Angel had no right to be sticking up for Spike. Where the fuck did he come off doing that? He had to make up his fucking mind, he was either in Spike’s life or he was out… there was no middle ground. Spike started chewing on the end of his pen and looked up at where Angel was standing, looking anywhere but at him. The end of the bell went and Spike decided to stay behind and have a little chat to a certain someone named Angel.


Angel saw Spike leaning on his desk and not leaving with the others and sighed.


Once the others had left Spike exploded, “What’s your fucking problem?”


Angel decided to ignore the language, it didn’t really bother him to be honest, “What do you mean?”


“You have absolutely no right to stick up for me in class, I can take care of myself.”


“I didn’t mean anything by it, I could be sticking up for myself anyway…” Angel pointed out.


“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Spike replied.


Angel ran his hand through his hair. Spike was right: it was bullshit and Angel had to be honest with Spike, he deserved that much. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. It was like a reflex. Something inside me just couldn’t handle them acting like that to you.”


“Well you can’t have it both ways, you’re either in my life or you’re not. You decide.” Spike said and stormed out of the classroom.




A/N: Thanks everyone for their feedback so far, you guys are the best. I know I haven’t updated any of my other fics in a while but I can assure you their chapters are in progress and I won’t abandon any of them or do what I once saw someone do and kill off all the characters cos they got bored.



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