Title:  Don't Fear the Reaper 4/?
Author: Ajay
Rating: PG ish for language. 
Disclaimer:  All characters in the BtVS and AtS verse
belong to Josh Whedon and others who are not me.  I
just take them out for a walk sometimes.  Okay, so I
forget to Spike back on occasion but who wouldn't
forgive me that?
Warning:  Ummm, don't wanna do this but, character
'death' and a little Buffy bashing.
Description:  Post 'Fade Away' a wish is made, a wish
is granted and everyone will pay.

Many thanks to my amazing beta: Ghosts Forge who is so
good for my ego

News:  I am now archived at two sites.  Luba's
www.the_crypt.net and www.geocities.com/Jess_Lair.
Thanks to both people who offered to host.  And, there
goes my ego through the roof.


Buffy was angry.  More so than she had been in years.
From Giles down to her own sister, they were all
against her.   She didn't think she was asking for
much.  She just wanted some time off to go to LA.  She
wanted to see Angel.

It wasn't as if she was still bogged down with
responsibilities.  She was no longer the only slayer,
there were an army of them with more arriving every
day.  Dawn was an adult who had just graduated from
high school.

This should have been freeing to the senior Slayer
except it had become the centerpiece of her current
discontent.  She had stopped seeing the Immortal just
before Spike's appearance but he had gifted Dawn with
a trip around the world as a graduation present.  It
had included full accommodations for Buffy to
accompany her.  That was what really pissed her off.

She tried to convince Xander to go but he had refused
preferring to return to
Africa to scout for
potentials.  Besides, he was to be Dawn's mentor when
she returned to the Watcher's Academy to begin
training.  He didn't want her to become tired of him
before then.  Buffy snorted.  As if that would happen.
Dawn still had a crush on Xander.

Willow had refused to go as well citing a break
through to the next level in her magic.  At least it
wasn't because she was still hung up on Kennedy.  That
hadn't lasted long after their arrival in
Kennedy's desire to move up the ranks as quickly as
possible had driven a wedge between them.

Buffy had even gone as far as offering the trip to the
young slayer.  Kennedy had also turned her down.  At
this point Giles stepped in and strongly suggested
that Buffy pack and enjoy the next six months
traveling with her sister.

He didn't bother to tell her that he had gotten angry
phone calls from Cordelia, desperate ones from Wesley
and finally a depressing one from a morose sounding
Angel begging him to stop Buffy from coming to their
city.  She had called, announcing her intention to do
so in late June citing Dawn's graduation as a reason
for the timing.

Giles agreed with the LA gang that Buffy's traveling
to see Angel would not be good for anyone and went
against his own principles to contact the Immortal to
discuss the problem.  Morty had already decided to
gift Dawn with the trip and simply added Buffy as a

He really had nothing against Angelus.  He had just
wanted to teach the young upstart a thing or two about
how the world worked.  Meeting Buffy had been
fortuitous and he had enjoyed their time together.  He
understood her reasons for calling it off.  She had
never denied that she was in love with someone else.
It had amused him to find that it was not Angelus but
the young William the Bloody who held the Slayer's

Still, he had spent enough time with her to know that
her broken heart was leading her in the wrong
direction.  The younger vampire's final death had
driven her to decide on an action she simply should
not be doing at this time.


Faith was still debating with herself about telling
the AI gang about Jaime when Cordelia mentioned
Buffy's proposed arrival.

Fuck!  Blondie would want to show up now.  It wouldn't
be a good thing to have her arrive as she was trying
to find the solution to the 'is he or isn't he Spike'

"Anyway, Giles swore he'd find a way to keep Princess
Buffy in
Europe for now."  Cordelia's voice broke into
Faith's mental gymnastics.


"Yeah, she's going to be chaperoning little sister on
a world tour for awhile."

Faith took a deep breath, that statement had decided
it for her.

"Faith?"  Wesley's voice called.  "Forgive me for
being forward but you've seemed a little preoccupied
these last half hour or so."

She smiled at her former watcher.  "There's something
I need to discuss with you guys.  Or, well, actually I
just want someone to tell me I'm not crazy.  Or maybe,
that I am."

Okay, she had their attention if the looks she was
receiving were any indication.  Then again it looked
like they had already made up their minds in the crazy
discussion.  Here goes nothing.

"Like I said
Willow told me what happened with Spike 
but, are you guys sure that he's dead?" 

The white faces and huge eyes that faced her answered
her seemingly insane question.

"Right, then.  I went out last night, to a bar near
the hotel.  I literally ran into a guy who, if he's
not Spike in some form, has to be a direct
descendant."  She slowly raised her eyes to look at
those around her.  "I'm supposed to meet with him
again before I leave.  Would any of you like to come
with me?  See if I've lost it or not?"

Wesley's mouth was opening and closing without a sound
and Fred sat beside him quietly crying.  Cordy
couldn't seem to decide what to say but Gunn had no
problem in that area.

"Are you trying to tell us that Spike somehow faked
this all out?  I don't believe it!  No way in Hell
could he manage bringing us all back without some kind
of major mojo and Angel was adamant that Spike gave
his life for that to happen."

Faith closed her eyes before replying.  "That's why I
want someone to come with me.  This guy, he looks like
Spike but with dark, curly hair.  He also doesn't have
an accent and he really believes he's 25 years old.
He had a cousin with him last night and they were
telling me about things from when they were children

"So, what has you so convinced this is our Spike?"

"Well, the blue eyes, the cheekbones and, I noticed
after a while that he has the exact scar on his left
eyebrow that Spike had.  I know it's hard to believe

"Wolfram and Hart!" 

Everyone turned to look at Wesley.

"I'd bet my life on it.  That woman wasn't with the
Powers, she was with the Senior Partners.  Who else
would know exactly how to get to Angel in that way?"

"Son of a bitch.  You're right."  Gunn replied.  He
turned to Faith.  "They took our memories of Connor
away, at Angel's request, and gave him new memories
with a new family.  Doing the same thing with Spike,"

"Would put Angel in his place and show him that he
can't win when it comes to Wolfram & Hart."

Everyone nodded at Cordy's statement.  "When do you
want to go?"

Faith smiled at her.  "I'm supposed to call him."
She took a breath before asking the next.  "Should we
tell Angel?"

"No!"  was the immediate consensus form the table.
They looked at each other, embarrassed.

"No."  Wes said more sedately this time.  "I think it
would be best if we meet your young man and see where
things stand before alerting Angel."

"Yeah, that's IF any of us can get him out of his room
to even tell him."

"He'll come out if I have to set the room on fire."

"Cordy!  That's not fair ya'll know it's just that
he's hurt and, I think, a little angry."

"Yeah, but is he angry with Spike?"

"Now why would he be angry with Spike?  Unless,
good Lord, you don't think he believes Spike set it
all up, do you?  I mean we don't but...?"

"Fred, darling, calm down.  I doubt Angel holds Spike
responsible for his death."  He looked around at the
others.  "I wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't hold
it against...what is the young man's name?"

Faith smiled.  "Jaime Ross."

"Hmm.  Well his name isn't even close to Spike's human
name.  It rather sounds of Scottish derivation,
doesn't it?"

"Does it make a difference?  I mean, wouldn't keeping
his real name send up a red flag to you guys if you
came across it?"

Gunn stared at her.  "Girl, do you know how many
people live in LA?  Unless he's doing something high
profile we wouldn't hear of it."

"Unless he had a demon problem.  And, I wouldn't put
it passed those bastards to arrange that."  Cordy
slammed her palm on the table.  "It would be the
perfect way to hurt Angel if they did"

"Hey, white girl, don't give them any ideas, okay?"


Angel entered the hotel to find complete quiet.  Was
everyone out on a case?  Maybe the girls had gone
shopping.  There was no note, no message on the
machine, nothing.  He hated doing it but started to
dial Cordy's cell number.  Just before the last digit
he heard a noise upstairs.  He put the phone back down
and picked up the sword he had taken into the sewers.
he knew it was most likely one or more of his crew but
just in case.

He checked each room on the second floor before
hearing the sound again.  He climbed to the next level
and headed to the end of the hall.

Spike's room.  He had not cleaned it out.  Hell, he
hadn't even been up here since the day his Childe had
left.  He heard the faint sound again, almost as if
someone were opening and closing a door.  He grasped
the handle that he had never bothered to touch before
and slowly entered the room.

He may have expected a ghost, just not he one that
faced him.  Spike's duster was laying on the floor
half in, half out of the small closet.  Not ONE of his
dusters,  not the ones he had so generously been
gifted with in
Rome.  No, this was HIS duster, torn
and marred from the bomb.  The one thing that had
defined Spike for decades adn it was on the floor;
lost, discarded, no longer needed with the number of
replacements its owner now had.  But, Angel knew that
no matter how many other coats there were Spike would
always love this one best.  It had bee with him
longest, had always had his back.  It reflected its
owner as no other could.  Angel couldn't bear to see
it lying there.  He picked it up and carried it back
to his own room where he lay it on his bed, curled up
beside it and wept.


Faith waited until they got back to the Hyperion
before calling Jaime. 

Fred had suggested inviting him to the hotel for pizza
but had been out voted.  The gang felt that it would
be more comfortable on all of them to come together in
a neutral setting.

Cordy headed upstairs to check if Angel had arrived
yet as the rest of them gathered around the speaker

"Don't you dare call before I get back."  She shouted
at Faith from the landing.  The only answer was the
tongue Fred stuck out.

"Angel?  Angel?"  Cordelia knocked as she was walking
in to the room.  She came to a halt when she saw her
friend apparently asleep with the old leather duster
covering him. 

She returned to the lobby with tear filled eyes.

"What's wrong?  Cordy?  Is something wrong with
Angel?"  Fred's question had them all ready to charge
up the stairs.

The seer shook her head sadly.  "He's, he's asleep.
He's finally asleep but he's using Spike's coat as a
blanket.   It was sweet.  Sat, but sweet."

They all knew that Angel had had a hard time truly
resting and were happy to hear that he was asleep.
But, the picture painted by Cordy's words was

"Maybe we should look at it as an indication that he's
moving on."

"So, should I not call Jaime?"

"Are you nuts?  I don't care what Wes says we need to
know.  Fuck that!  I need to know."  Gunn's voice was

"You guys were friends, huh?"  Faith asked.

"Well, I was closest to him but seem to recall from
Illyria's mind that Charles and Wes both spent alot of
time with him.:

"Yeah, I really didn't know much about him other than
the torture thing a couple of years ago but Angel
convinced me he had changed when I came back."  She
shook her head at Faith's raised brow.  "Long story."

Faith nodded before retrieving the card form her back
pocket. "Well, here goes."



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