Mario Hacks


Will and Jerry, formerly Wenis, began in January of 2008 as a comedic duo of just two guys having fun with Will's recording equipment. Halfway through our recording process, by next year in 2009, will was going to be called to the guards overseas for duty, and wanted this released as a real album. He gave me full creativity to do whatever I wanted with no limits, and just wanted to see where I could go with it. I may have gotten a bit out of hand in places, so some songs were dropped. I went the nerd route and all the things I made fun of people seemed to get the wrong idea and think I was promoting. Unfortunately, since it was rushed because Will had to leave, we printed 1000 copies and handed them out free. The reception was great! Zero complaints on the touch-ups needed and zero complaints on the comedy other than we went too far in places. It was a politically incorrect vomit on the world that a lot of locals got to enjoy. Our work and moving and other factors like my new family led to it being cut off for the longest time, but now as I type this in 2018 we're getting ready with songs for when we have a way to record in some nice quality, then we're good to go for a new approach. It will be cleaner and smarter, but still funny. There will still be sci-fi stories and raunch, just not as much raunch. Think bloodhound gang meets stephen lynch and grows up a little bit. But since we're on the subject of

the first album, The Primitive Collection (later NSFW), I will get into some of the interpretations hidden in these that may shed some light on why they were meant a little different, or what put these ideas in my head:

Nuttin' Butt Luv 4 My Homiez was the first opener after the goofy Charles Manson intro track. It seems like an extremely homophobic track, but is instead poking fun at rap cliches by turning them into homosexuals. We take on the role as the homosexuals all in good fun, and don't mean any harm by it. I actually had some gay fans on youtube and in person from it. The Lost Ninja Turtles and MC Escher were two favorite things of an old friend of mine, so in order to apologize for our fight which broke up our band, I offered these to prove I could still be funny and not the complete asshole my surroundings at the time made me. Unfortunately, it didn't work. But suprisingly, I got a hell of a lot of good feedback on this one. The Tortellinis was to make fun of another old friend that always made up ridiculous stories, like his family having mafia connections. Had to let that friend go, and make some italian mobs of my own. Alabama Love was making fun of incest, not promoting it. Same with Farmyard Creeper and bestiality. There was a time when pushing the limits of crazy meant everything. That time has passed. Army of Me and a few other songs had isolation as a tone, but I wrote them not around Will, and that's when my imagining began. There will be a ton of these on the next album if you loved this song!

Artist: Nate Vaught, Brainvault Illustration
If you would like to get the two parts that made up The Primitive Collection free of charge, or by donating, you can do so here.