
CONTINUUM is a special case. It started in 2006 when I was asked while no longer attending the college I made the previous collection in, to do another soundtrack. I was given no idea of what the game was about, so I created a really mixed bag of goods. When the time came to throw it all together I realized I wasn't near done. I grouped each track into folders arranged by beats per minute of the original tracks. Then I pulled them into ol' ACID 4.0 and arranged them so that they were in an order that would make this one continuous CD of goods that all welded together into a supertrack. The original had 56 which has been cut in one version to 50, and another (the youtube version) into 40.

Since I had them in ACID with markers for BPM changing also the BPM of ACID's section of them, it was rather easy to pull in new arrangements made to layer over the top of them. So after adding a lot of real guitar to some of the tracks, I also decided to sprinkle some sound effects that were fitting and even gregorian chants (see: Medusa). After great praise from the class, as well as there being no video game made to begin with, this became like my cult classic amongst people as it actually was pretty damn good and it's really cool how it all fell together.