It was about March that I was asked if I could do this. I didn't know what to expect because I had never been to a convention. I didn't need a visa and was close to Boston being the only American on the warlock team, so I was picked. On April 5-8, 2018 I promoted us at PAX East at a booth next to Kaet Must Die and Couger electronics. It was by far one of the coolest happenings that life could offer. Also it seemed to me like everyone that tried our game loved it because it reminded them of Doom/Heretic/Hexen. Sure I just did the music but this has been a dream to be part of something like this ever since even I was 14, which is probably the age our mastermind Jakub started dabbling in things like Unity software. The two publishers flew me out the 4th to Boston, Massachusettes in a region of the United States that I have never seen before, free of charge and paid for my hotel. I went ahead and paid some myself to bring my girlfriend along and turned her into a fiancee before the weekend was over with.

Jakub is a 19-year-old prodigy and a great guy. I felt pretty bad that I was the only one that could make it, but in spirit I texted them more than hourly about how well we were doing here, and a video guy in Poland was able to bring Jakub via 32" LED Screen in a nice personal-style production: