I did a good/bad thing. I made a song for "You're the Man Now Dog!" [YTMND.com], a novelty site that has become quite a trend. There have always been fads such as "do a barrel roll" "what is love" and "nigga stole my bike". Special thanks to Aaron Teague for showing me this site and pushing me to finally put something on it, and Kevin for getting me the original song by the Geto Boys to chop up. I must say some things though right off:
1. I am not really a gangsta, if no one guessed that.
2. I am not racist. Only against white people.
3. I did this for a friend.
4. Beware of Bad Language.
5. You must be a member of YTMND to Vote

With that out of the way, I must warn you that I do say "nigga" quite a bit in this song. The original song said it more (because I had three verses, not four mainly). If you find the original lyrics you'll see that this is the type of parody that keeps the basic structure of every line but changes it all to... straight represent the bike stealin' nigga! If anyone actually complains, I'll break the trend and change it to 'ninja stole my bike' or something. because it'd still be funny saying 'damn it feels good to be a ninja'. I promise if i redo the song, i'll try to sound less nasal. There was a lot of nasal coming out here.

"You need a job, jerry" -Todd
I slapped this flash applet all over Myspace.com on friend's comment boxes and on my profile and news, usually with no words. If you want to annoy people with it, here's the code. Do not post this in racist context. The first hotlinker I find that's using it to be a hate monger spoils it for everyone. I'll put myself through the hell of splicing up some gay porn to replace the gangsta.swf with a nice man on man anal video or something. I'll find the gayest one imagineable too.