text=09/09/06pm Remodelled About, Password Area (nofunction), Kontakt, Home, new unfinished music area
09/09/06am Yeah, I have a notebook full of plans but I was going to put way too much work into this. I like life instead
09/08/06 Removed music section for time being. Forums allow sign-ups but no posting. Getting better @ Interactions Job
09/06/06 Forums now created. I need a right menu because some won't have a back link (like cherry). 15 Total Forums.
09/05/06 Started new design for 'Cesspool of Links'. I'm trying something new (not implemented yet)
09/02/06 I'll start making small briefs on what pages I've made and minisites I've updated. This list now has a purpose!
09/03/06 I have been listening to nothing but weird al for about 4 days straight now :)
09/01/06 I began the new web redesign where small flash pages take over and intermingle with each other
08/31/06 Today I enlisted at Interactions. Its a pretty sweet job so far. But usually they all are at first. It requires silence.
08/26/06 I heard the address to the UFL's website advertised on X103. I made that :P
08/14/06 My website commits suicide. Click here for paragraph. Update: I've already restarted using frames again.
08/11/06 I'm thinking about scrapping the full flash as a temporarily abandoned site for now and going html/flash
08/11/06 The reason being, wanted my website to overlay my myspace, but they don't like flash in that way anymore
08/10/06 Created SFO3 "Website" and backdated it to April 5 on the main news here at jerryspace.com
08/09/06 Clerks II was fucking hilarious. It was a great sequel with a great ending. I left satisfied.
08/08/06 I saw the online prints of my photos from the July 3rd NIN Concert. Hmm. Hopefully the real ones look ok
08/07/06 I am an Animal Crossing Addict. Fishing, Catching Bugs, Selling Fruit, It's all going to fill my dreams
08/03/06 Will gives me free bass. No frets, a little fingernail polish, but all in all... i love it! Thank you Mr Henry!
07/29/06 If you've tried videos... yeah, I'll put preloaders on those. Fuck having to wait without knowing how long
07/29/06 Really big update... Videos work. All 4 of them. No piracy video yet, sorry. They probably load slow and choppy
07/28/06pm Buttons now work for home,news,about,music,video,games,stuff,pword,email. as for actual sites... meh
07/28/06am The time has come. I've moved the music archive over. It really wasn't as hard as I thought.
07/27/06pm Today I've been having some fun playing with colors on my flash applet. Some may change back, but...
07/27/06pm Check out About, News, and Music. I'm adding lots of stuff to my red design book for later tonight
07/27/06am Today I worked on three buttons: kontakt, home, and news. Tomorrow is ABP day
07/27/06 Today I began redoing my full website to all fit within one flash applet. This will be an adventure.
07/26/06 Will Henry is giving me a Bass guitar free. I've wanted one for six years and never got one. FREE I TELL YOU!
07/25/06 Went swimming with Heather. Forgot the sunblock on my back. It hurts to sit or lay down. Standing up too.
07/24/06 The guy who manages UFL said that my site I made for them was great. So did my boss. I beg to differ!
07/20/06 Today I bought jerryspace.com. Not intended as a myspace parody, but 10 gigs of storage
07/19/06 Mario has always been great for the Flu. I beat New SMB DS in one day, mostly at night. Great Game
07/17/06 First two projects, A basic website for UFL, and two business card designs
07/16/06 It's currently 3:20 am. and my site's back up and redirected to staticmf.com. MANY changes will come.
07/15/06 this has been the best/worst year ever. But I'm free from past bondage and thrilled for future bondage :D
07/15/06 I got a job working with Heather part-time with a guy down her road at Advanced Business Productions, LLC
07/15/06 Also this job goes by our free time, so I could stretch it into another job hypethetically? 10/hr and 10/hr?
07/14/06 Applied all over the Plainfield Hotel Scene. This dream will come sure enough damnit!!! Some are hiring 3rd
07/13/06 Heather has been hinting about "girly thoughts". I was seriously depressed before that, but.... Permagrin!
07/12/06 Walked right out of Brightpoint. Mofos fist-fight over fans, so they got rid of those and drinks. Heat Stroke?
07/11/06 I've copyrighted my shit. Juuust in case. Dunno where people stand from my college but copies were made
07/11/06 People have been saying it for years, but... Now is the perfect time for paranoia
07/11/06 Someday soon I really need to get that game going. The plot is floating around, but copyrighted :D
07/10/06 This morning I saw the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Great FX except for one scene. You'll know.
07/10/06 I seriously am questioning this whole assembly line thing. Its not what they said. And its f***ing smelting hot
07/04/06 I spent my Fourth of July with Heather. I took some pics and so did the mom. I'll post em on photobucket
07/03/06 Nails Show!!! The NIN [WITH_TEETH] tour was the absolute best concert ever! I'll post pics when developed
07/02/06 Lol. More apt fun. Queen Amber now claims I screwed THEM over. I honestly can't do anything but laugh
07/02/06 She also called my girlfriend a cough drop on her profile with her picture, while trying to show german skills
07/02/06 I really need to write out a journal on everything that went down there. I can't tell if theyre liars or crazy
07/01/06 New myspace profile: myspace.com/jplstatic2 New era new profile
06/29/06 I am a genius for letting my roommates use my name on their cellphone accounts due to bad credit. $680!
06/29/06 Now ex-roomies want more $$ for me not living there. We agreed I'd leave my washer/dryer to be dropped.
06/21/06 Envy is a very ugly thing to feel. Jealousy doesn't justify hatred. Strangly people feel it for me. I worked hard
06/21/06 to achieve grades and self-taught talents, though I act like I don't. But trust me, I am not someone to envy.
06/21/06 I'm saying this because my roommates toyed my guilt by admitting envy. It justifies what now?
06/17/06 Began Cherry site for new album. Update: Dunno if I'll do that. It will forever be an off and on decision
06/14/06 New Job at Brightpoint in Plainfield started today. Me and Heather will have that apt in no time
06/11/06 Yoko Ono Wins!!! I'm off Jack's myspace. Victory for Amber! Ah well, his choice. Guess that means no games.
06/09/06 Its my birthday!!! My gift. Home! Heather got me NIN tickets. And we're eating out at the Coachman
06/09/06 To everyone I've ever asked what that tune I hummed for 5 years was... Suzanne Vega: Tom's Diner
06/04/06 According to Amber Ward Me, Heather, and Aaron will never amount to anything in life :(
06/04/06 Did I mention.... she's been unemployed for quite a few months now?
06/03/06 No More Apartment! Fuck a lot of that BS and death threat fun! I knew Amber was coocoo but my god
05/20/06 Note from the past, you'll be reading this in the future. I guarantee I'll be out before next month.
05/11/06 I made my roommate's girlfriend cry for being a bitch and her boyfriend slammed the door on her!
05/08/06 I won't upload this until I'm moved out, but tonight I had a lot of fun filling my apartment with post-its
05/03/06 I most likely won't be updating this for a while. I'm not using the cable server anymore.
05/01/06 A very Blah day. Finished dumb song on AP @ Absolute Nonsense Profile. Doing Real Life stuff
04/14/06 I have about ten tracks I think for 'Omnium Gatherum' and SFO1+2 are at cafepress
04/05/06 Songs From Orion III Successfully Finished. Now working on second/fourth disc
03/10/06 Remixed and Rendered out twelve 120bpm tracks again in one wav for critiquing. Sent MO for new laptop AC.
03/08/06 Plugged twelve 120bpm tracks into acid to merge and render seperately. Up to 22 tracks now.
03/01/06 Returning to Songs From Orion 3. Now I'm Using Acid to arrange the Orion. We'll see what becomes of this
02/22/06 I took some images to the photo printer at wal-mart and didn't know my ass was on my usb drive. haha
02/17/06 Bought digicam and album. started new about section. photos soon. Starting LSD2 Song. Resurfacing more.
02/16/06 Final Destination 3 in theatre with Heather. Was Tired. It was really short, but I liked it. Many mistakes though
02/15/06 I started a livejournal the night before last to keep as a normal diary. Instead, its the official music blog.
02/14/06 Valentine's Day. Hope I bought just the right things. Update: I did :)
02/13/06 Currently moving website from removeable drive to web object folder on desktop. Sorry if there are glitches
02/12/06 This is your brain...This is your brain with bass...This is your Brain Remixed
02/11/06 Heather's Birthday She's really happy with her presents, all of them. This makes me damn happy
02/10/06 myspace makeover to match this site. Last big makeover. Only small updates from now on
02/09/06 Whats up to Ben Cohen, who found me on myspace. But why is your name Jamie? Jamie Maddrox?
02/08/06 I know flash but can't seem to figure out menu12.fla on the right. Any advice?
02/07/06 Started new layouts for both site versions. Heather was sick. Didn't want to bother her in her sleep tonight :(
02/06/06 Started new stupid song 'This is your Brain'. Its going to have an animation video or comic for ytmnd
02/05/06 Thinking about making a new ytmnd. Either 'Night Stocker' song or something I wrote diliriusly last night
02/03/06 A Taste of Euphoria and The Static Show (see myspace - I can't put links here for some reason)
01/29/06 Started New Stocking Job @ Marsh. Seems very monotonous but simple. Headphones and Drinks allowed.
01/28/06 Todd's Birthday Party at our Apt. Hope you had a good time Mr Todd. Happy 21st
01/26/06 pulled over and handcuffed, searched by drug dog, held until marion co said so... for stealing my own car?
01/All/06 No Updates. Walked Out of Calltech. Cable Down. Out a lot with Heather and Jobhunting. Now We're Exclusive
01/01/06 jerrylehr.com now goes to my computer. Sorry Brian, No FTP yet XD Bulletproof requires a crack first.
12/31/05 Happy new years. Mine's going to be especially exceptional this year, for I have a good date. Heather!
12/26/05 beginning hardcore site make-over and additions (only to change it all a month later again)
12/21/05 new simple design for jerrylehr.com (How long can that last really)
12/17/05 servers jerrylehr.com and cherryrounders.net fully active (they're just empty)
12/14/05 Began training at Calltech (update: I still got paid $500 to walk out the first day after training)
12/12/05 purchased two servers for $3 and Interview @ Calltech
12/10/05 Moved into new apartment with roomates Jack and Amber. A Gingerbread Cabin in Metropolis. Pics Soon
12/09/05 Graduated ITT Tech with Multimedia Associate's Degree. I got the gold cord for Highest Honors.
00/00/05 I might gather older news soon just cause. Probably not though. Just an archives folder for dead websites