hello, my name is jerry. i've been an computer gadget and interweb junkie, pirate, pioneer, artist, musician, comedian, idiot, adhd mastermind, level designer, writer, wannabe, and machine since 1994. 2008 was my offyear. depression creeps up on all of us. i was in a band from 1996 to 1999 writing depressing music from the surroundings i put myself into but began to mature as i kept writing on my own, but have since left the band members and moved into comedy again and characters just for personal amusement and understanding that i'll never be famous and i don't have to be to be happy nor would i ever enjoy being famous to begin with. from getting too in touch with the dark sides of everything i had become very sensative to the world. but, to make a long story short i've found ways to cope with the nature of things and forget about my flaws, by doing things artistic and positive, and visiting the family my little rebellious years disillusioned me from. i still want to follow a childhood dream of making games, whether for fun or just as a dayjob. i still haven't decided on where i want my future to go or what it can possibly be but its never too late, so i'm going to sit it out for a while. i am a fan of old 90s dos games, especially sidescrollers and puzzle games, and nitemare 3D and doom were my most favorite. i did buy doom, however, only for its map editing capabilities. ever since i got my first atari at the age of 5, i wanted to make games. ever since i played piano at 4, i wanted to be a musician. i also didn't talk my entire freshman year mainly because i lived inside of a computer and listened to nirvana. fitting in became less and less of a dependency of mine and only not until college did i actually feel i suffered from it. i have always entertained myself for the most part and tried very hard to please others. i shift in character from time to time like everyone else. there's really no need for anything personal other than the technical aspects of things that i like to do i suppose. but enough about all of this. let me sum everything up by just saying i'm a nerd who has been called a jackoff of many trades. I look at game design books, write and record funny songs with my friend will, compose music for games and for self, program, write, design levels on graph paper for doom, wolfenstein, mario hacks, and my own games (yes i know, i need to get with the times). i have a trilogy i've started a few years back but left for a while called the triax trilogy, with the first game having the working title of visions. this site is more or less a put-together-when-bored mix of everything i've done, just to have a website to list at various sites i post creations to.

i graduated in december of 2005 from itt technical institute with an associate's in multimedia, postponing my bachelor's degree in game design for a while. itt was very expensive and i did not like that, though i wasn't really the main shareholder of that investment. my employment has all been non-technological to this point with the brief exceptions of calltech and a place, the name fails to come to me, where you take snippets of live calls with computers and send people to the right prompts.