After about 40 tries... I've built another. Will it last? or Will I start over for some reason again? When I was 14 in I made the first one for scican. I learned as I went. I always had secret pages hidden (hint hint). I didn't have music on them back then, just BAND LINKS, other LINKS, and my sh***y DOOM levels. I went to college 2003-05 at ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE for Multimedia and did quite a bit of stuff while I was there, so now that I have the knowledge, the free time, and the freedom of choice and thought, I will leisurely make things for fun to share with friends, family, and other visitors to this site. If you're interested in whats going on with the page itself, check out the one-liner NEWS BRIEFS. Other website related links include AWARDS, WEBRINGS, My FORUMS (Listed on main menu), CREDITS, My other WEBSITES for various purposes, topics, and people.