Name: Jerry Lehr, Jr
Age: 25 (June 9, 1981)
Location: The absolute middle of nowhere, Indiana
Favorite Bands: Nirvana, SOAD, MSI, STP, RHCP
Favorite Colors: Brown, Olive Green, Black
Hobbies: Web Design, Music, Work, Heather
Interests: Going out to Movies, Watching Shows, Drives with
Music, Creating things, Friends, and Games (but only if i win).

Lets see what else...
My MYSPACE PROFILES should probably be mentioned here.
My RESUME. And of course PHOTO ALBUMS. If you want
to get ahold of me, here are METHODS OF CONTACT, but you
can find this on the bottom of the left menu too in the future.
I'm usually a pretty kept to self quiet type of person that doesn't
like to bother too many people unless I'm drinking or people get
to know me. If you were a friend in high school, EMAIL ME!!!