R'mas and Hestorth's record
according to Kirina

The Hatching

Young Riemas was sitting with his friend, Savorin, in the seats provided for those who would watch the hatching at Sonria Weyr. He was still in awe that he would be allowed to witness this hatching.

Both Riemas and Savorin are residents at Jerdan Weyr. Riemas is a fosterling of Savorin's mother, Lorin.

Riemas's birth mother, had been a green rider who had died giving birth to him. The whole ordeal putting the entire weyr in shock, especially since it also involved the loss of her dragon. Riemas's father, a blue rider had taken him to Lorin, who had also just given birth to her own little boy, to raise his young son. He himself was as involved in his sons life as much as his duities as a dragonrider would permit him to be.

The young boys had been brought to witness this hatching by Riemas's father because Savorin was a candidate for another clutch of eggs and had begged permission to "watch how it was done" at this one. Savorin had a way of persuading people to his way of thinking. Riemas, on the other hand, was much quieter. He preferred, rather than taking the lead, to work hard in support of the leader, usually Savorin, to get the job done. His skill was in finishing a job. Both boys were still fairly young, only 14 turns.

Riemas is short, like most adolescent boys before they hit a growth spurt. He has light brown hair and amber eyes. His smile is genuine and by looking at him, you see a face you can trust.

As the excitement builds around the two, seated comfortably on the front row with a full view of the eggs, Riemas can't help but remember that evening meal only a sevenday ago. The weyrleader had entered the lower caverns and walked strait to Savorin with the news he was to be a candidate for a clutch of eggs at another weyr. The excitement he felt for his foster-brother was mingled with the jealosy that surged within him. When, and would, he be Searched?

The hum of the dragons surrounding the grounds grows to a maximum and the last of the candidates take their places.

The Hatching Begins

One by one, the eggs begin to crack. Carefully, each young dragon made his or her choice of lifemate and rider. There were 23 eggs on the sands, a fairly large clutch.

In silence Riemas and Savorin sat, speachless at the silent wonder of Impression. When a brown hatchling wandered up to the foot of the stands, Riemas's heart went out to him. How beautiful he was, and how lucky would be his rider. As two candidates surrounded the little one, Riemas heard a worried, searching voice, "R'mas, where are you?" and almost whimpering, "Come down here, feed me and oil my hide."

Startled, R'mas hopped to his feet from where he was sitting in the stands. Not believing what he knew what was happening, he almost sliped and fell down the stairs. Finally, he managed to make it to the bottom in one piece and knelt beside the pleading brown. "You want me to be your rider Hestorth, but I'm not a Candidate." "It doesn't matter. I choose you for my rider. I would like to have my hide oiled now. "Of course, right this way," Reimas, now R'mas stands up and leads his new lifemate off the sands.

Hestorth - Hatchling


Two Friends

As Riemas finished oiling his young dragon's soft hide, he couldn't help but love Hestorth even more. After all, he hadn't even been a candidate, but yet, Hestorth had chosen him from the stands. Boy, was his father proud of him. He had hoped to be able to Impress some day, but never thought it would be so soon. After all, he was only barely 14 turns old when he had Impressed just last Turn. Luckily, his foster brother, S'vorin had also Impressed a brown.




R'mas is short, like most adolescent boys before they hit a growth spurt. He has light brown hair and amber eyes. His smile is genuine and by looking at him, you see a face you can trust.

"Hestorth, you look great! What do you say we take a flight before the evening meal?" R'mas asked after completion of the oiling..

"I would like that. I am also hungry so I will eat when you eat." the brown answered.

Laughing, R'mas reminded him, "You'll never get full. You've been hungry since the day you called me to be your rider from the edge of the sands. At least you can hunt for yourself now."

Fitting the straps into place, R'mas climbed aboard the familiar ridges of Hestorth's neck and the two took off climbing high into the air following the warm air currents. It always fascinated R'mas to look down at the world below him. Many of his passengers had almost been sick from the view, but R'mas loved it. Being a dragonrider had forced him to make more decisions for himself.

After their ride, R'mas left Hestorth to feed while he strode confidently towards his meal awaiting him in the lower caverns.


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