Billy's Best Second Date, Part 2
Part fourteen of the Billy's Best series

Warnings: Sex, language, casual blasphemy

Disclaimer: This didn�t happen. Ever. I don�t know these people.

Betas: Reisling, Kira, and Jeanette.

Billy�s Best Second Date, Part 2
By Lemur

�Oh, hell!� Billy broke from Orlando�s mouth with an audible pop. �I have to be on Treebeard tomorrow.�

Orlando looked more than a little confused, his lips still pouted for kissing. �So?�

�It�s hard enough to sit on that thing without...�

�Oh, right.� Orlando�s lips un-pouted. �So I guess we shouldn�t...� He leaned slowly back against the sofa�s arm.

�But that doesn�t mean we can�t do something,� Billy said, already rising to crawl closer.

�Right.� Orlando grinned and slid down to lie more fully across the cushions, resting his head against the arm of the sofa just as Billy settled across his hips. With an answering smile, Billy tugged Orlando�s shirt off over his head.

Kissing Orlando was like hypnotism. Their lips touched and Billy could feel his rationale melting away into soft and wet. They kissed slowly and languidly and Billy�s whole body curled with pleasure, like his insides were rolling into a ball, dense and wholly focused on the deliciously slow movement of Orlando�s body. He liked the soft roundness of women, but shite, there was nothing in the world like Orlando�s tight, flat belly, his narrow hips that fit his hands so well, the hardness of the muscles in his arms when they wrapped around Billy�s body. This body, so hard and so warm, so desperate for him; and he could feel it, feel it in every inch of Orlando�s skin, in the wonderful, hard length he felt pressing against his thigh. Billy shivered with a burn of new arousal.

�Are you cold?� Orlando asked, lips parting only long enough to ask.

Billy pressed a kiss to his mouth that could only be called hungry. �Not in the least.� He slid his hand down to cup Orlando�s crotch for just a moment, enjoying the way the man beneath him undulated at the contact.

All conscious attempts at tenderness gave way to the primal desire that had them pumping wildly against one another, grunting and panting. Orlando�s hands gripped Billy�s arse cheeks through his jeans and squeezed, forcing Billy�s groin harder and faster against his. Billy splayed his hands on either side of Orlando�s head to give himself leverage, a counterpoint to rock against. They kissed, but doing it properly took too much time, so instead they licked and nipped whenever the other came near.

�So would you wanna � uh � � Orlando began, only to lose the sentence in the touch of a tongue and a whimper.

Billy didn�t urge him to try again; he just kept kissing and touching, hoping to elicit that sound again.

Orlando pawed at him fiercely. �Would you wanna...oh, do that again.�

Billy complied and nipped at Orlando�s shoulder, sinking his teeth in just enough to feel resistance. The animal inside him loved how it felt to have flesh between his teeth.

�Shit, that�s fantastic,� Orlando panted. �I didn�t even know I liked that.� Billy bit again and Orlando writhed beneath him, his hips nearly leaping off the couch. �Fuck, yes. God. Oh, god, that�s brilliant.� His hands rubbed firmly across Billy�s back and down his arms. �Would you, ah...would you maybe wanna do me?�

Billy answered before he�d entirely heard the question; the animal inside replied for him. �Oh, god, yes, please.� He pressed a succession of kisses to Orlando�s ear and the side of his face, adoring every inch of him for even making the suggestion. Orlando laughed delightedly and his hands stroked the back of Billy�s head.

With a resolution set, Billy felt the urgency rise in him, that maddening need to get off and right now, who cares how and with whom, only made stronger that it would be like that and with Orlando. Billy wished for a convenient film edit to cut to their naked bodies tumbling to the bed, clothes gone without being laboriously removed, and he would press smoothly and perfectly inside Orlando, all preparation done elsewhere, in an alternate universe where such forgotten real-life details waited for an experimental art house flick to give them a home. Instead, he tried to catch his breath and forced his hips to still.

�Wait, wait,� he breathed, moaning mournfully when Orlando craned his neck up to latch onto his lips, tongue insistent and wicked. Their clothes wouldn�t vanish within a tasteful dissolve, so they would have to stop and they would have to remove them. Orlando�s untested body wouldn�t accept him without coaxing, so Billy would have to get the lube and make him comfortable. But all these things would take so much damn time and worse, they would demand manual dexterity and coordination he really didn�t have right now.

�Wait,� he panted again, and pressed Orlando back to the floor with an arm to his shoulder.

Orlando frowned. �I know, I know. I am.� He shoved on Billy. �Get off me.� Then, mixing his signals, he pulled Billy back and took a last greedy sample of his mouth. �Mm, get off me.� He wiggled himself out from under Billy. �Come on, then. To the loo.�

�No.� Billy touched a hand to Orlando�s chest, then quickly removed it before he was tempted to touch more. �I wanna stay here.�

�In the living room?�


Orlando chuckled softly. �Why?�

Billy employed the time-honored distraction technique of licking a path across Orlando�s mouth. �Because this,� he purred, �is where we are.� He hopped to his feet and immediately toppled onto the sofa when his lust-weakened knees let him down. �I�ll get the stuff. You just... Look in my coat pocket, all right?� A hand to the wall, he carefully took himself down to the bathroom, ignoring the fading image on his retinas of a compliant and shirtless Orlando crawling across the floor toward his jacket.

�Bill?� Orlando called.

Billy�s heart tripped. �Aye?�

�Grab a couple towels, too.�

Nothing casual in that tone; he�d found what Billy had sent him after. Finding the bathroom cupboards bare, Billy checked the mass of clean laundry bunched in Orlando�s hamper, dreaming of one day being folded again. He dug down toward the bottom, feeling the warmth of the dryer deepening as he went. He yanked two towels out and the heat of them blushed across his hands and face. Perfect. Warm, soft, smelling clean and pure as innocence. The scent reminded Billy of fucking. He�d have to be careful about buying that detergent.

Towels over his shoulder, he walked back into the living room. Orlando sat on the floor, reading the back of the bottle of lube. �Warming, eh?�

�Seemed like a good feature, considering.� Billy knelt down in front of Orlando, watching him, waiting.

�Someone�s been planning,� Orlando said casually, but once again, his body belied his tone.

Without meeting Billy�s eyes, Orlando set aside the bottle and climbed to his knees. He pulled one towel slowly off Billy�s shoulder. For a flash, their eyes met and the jolt of electricity between them could not have been anything but mutual. Billy�s breaths shallowed to the point of lightheadedness as he helped Orlando lay the towel out flat over the carpet.

�So what am I supposed to be doing?� Billy asked after a moment.

�How you mean?�

�With the - � Billy gestured to the lube.

�Oh, that. Well, uh...� Orlando smoothed the towel and sat down on it, legs folded and eyes lowered. �Like we did that first time, you know?� He tugged at a stray thread in the terry cloth towel. �You put a � put your finger in, and it�ll get kinda looser � like, the muscle loosens � so you put in another finger, two fingers. And you go from there. Till it�s all, like, loose. That�s what my mate told me anyway.�

�Seemed to work well enough last time.�


Billy felt his own nervousness radiating off him and suspected he could feel Orlando�s too. Strange how it just wasn�t enough to make them stop.

When they kissed again, it was much calmer, more deliberate and consciously wary, slowing down for precision, to avoid mistakes. As Orlando stretched out beneath him, Billy lowered his weight onto him, and was strangely grateful he wasn�t fifteen anymore. At fifteen, feeling this way with Orlando looking like this, he would have popped just from anticipation and the overwhelming desire to make this right and make it feel good. With age came patience and endurance. Billy had never been so happy to be old.

�Do we want to, uh,� he said in a scratchy whisper, trying pathetically to keep this from becoming what it already was, �try a different position?�

�Yeah, sure.� Orlando�s voice was a bare breath past Billy�s ear. �Like what?�

�I don�t know. You�re the one you should choose.�

�All right.�

Billy slid his hand down Orlando�s side, sliding over the textures of skin and denim while Orlando mouthed his neck, their bodies rocking again in that same primal, though slower, rhythm of hips against hips. Heat built between them, an overpowering, human heat.

�I guess maybe hands and knees or whatever.� Orlando let out a self-conscious snort of laughter. �Doggie fashion.�

Billy snickered, too, even though it had to be faked and forced through his nerves. �Sex always has the least sexy names.�

Orlando laughed again, and Billy blushed for how oddly girlish and self-conscious it sounded. He pulled back to see Orlando looking up at him, but soon enough, Orlando�s eyes slid closed and he tugged Billy tight against him, one thigh pressing even more hotly and insistently between Billy�s.

�You don�t have to, you know,� Billy gasped, swiveling his hips against the pressure even as he spoke.

�No, shit, mate.� Now, that sounded more like Orlando. �Am I stopping you?� As if to emphasize his point, Orlando�s hand slid down to Billy�s arse, grinding him so close he couldn�t possibly be uncertain about Orlando�s own interest.

�Right then.� Billy coughed. The sensation of that hard body beneath his managed to push the air from his lungs.

�You know, when I�m like this, right?�

Billy wasn�t sure what they were talking about, but he said �Aye� just the same. If Orlando felt more comfortable that way, whatever it was, that was the way they would do it.

Billy trailed his mouth downward, pressing wet and open kisses to Orlando�s skin and willing himself to be in control and be confident even as his whole body trembled. Hands stroked smoothly over his scalp and shoulders to encourage him. Billy�s gut lurched when his chin bumped against the thick fabric at the waist of Orlando�s trousers. The time had come, Billy thought: Reciprocation. He swallowed and lifted one hand to tug at the button. Orlando inhaled sharply as the zipper lowered, his stomach bobbing away from Billy�s still-attentive mouth.

Slowly, so slowly, Billy gripped the denim and pulled. He was careful to not grasp Orlando�s boxers as well. He was delaying the inevitable, the necessary, but he did it just the same.

Orlando wiggled on the towel and Billy shuffled backward on his knees as they worked together to get Orlando mostly naked on the floor of his living room. Billy tossed the jeans aside where they landed on the couch. One of Orlando�s hands slipped down to cover the rather large ridge across the front of his boxers, squeezing only gently. Billy marveled a moment at how wonderful it was to have a clear sign that his partner was enjoying himself; in some very important ways, gay blokes really did have the better hand, the lucky bastards.

In other ways, they really didn�t.

�I like your boxers.� Billy coughed when his voice caught and nodded toward the colorful purple and red plaid pants.

�Thanks.� Orlando winked. �Chose �em just for you.�

�Decided to dress subtle for me, eh?� With a faint laugh, Billy bit his lip and set to sliding the fabric down Orlando�s hips.

Orlando tried to speak, but his breath hitched when the elastic waistband released him. What he�d been about to say, Billy never knew.

Billy slid the boxers down, down, down and pulled them off Orlando�s legs to toss them aside. As he crawled back up the rather pleasing to the eye, hot body spread out before him, he came face-to-face with a very awake cock. It would be expected; Orlando would expect it, as well he should. Billy�s insides flipped unpleasantly. A bit of liquid shone on the tip and Billy felt his lips turn downward. How would it taste? And what if it tasted bad? Was he supposed to swallow? What if he couldn�t? What if he hated it? What if he liked it?

�Shit, mate,� Orlando laughed. �Your face! You look totally freaked out.�

Billy shook his head and glanced up � and a glance was all he needed to know what a bloody coward he was being right now. Head craned up and shoulders off the floor, Orlando looked down at him and his stomach tightened to hard ridges beneath Billy�s hand. Orlando�s skin felt flushed and hot, and his smile even hotter. Billy focused on Orlando�s laughing eyes because too close in his peripheral vision Orlando�s cock jutted insistent and desperate for him. Billy took a long blink. Only an idiot would be scared of ravishing a body like this. �Aye, I�m sure you were a lot better,� he shot back.

�Maybe.� Orlando set his head back down. �Think of it this way,� he said to the ceiling. �Next girl who gives you shit about it, you can tell her you know what it�s like. And she might think it�s hot.�

�Right.� Billy snorted. �Like a girl would think this is hot.�

Orlando grabbed Billy�s arm and pulled him up his body. �I think it�s hot.� He tugged him down for a kiss. Billy realized he was being given an easy out, and he felt sick with himself for taking it.

As they kissed, Billy felt Orlando�s arm rise and a moment later, the bottle of lube pressed to his side, held there in Orlando�s grasp. He pulled his mouth from Billy�s. �Shall we?� Orlando said with a smile.

�All right, pushy.� Billy rolled his eyes teasingly and pushed aside any lingering disappointment he felt. Forget it, he told himself, and focused on making everything else perfect. He climbed to his knees and pulled his shirt off over his head. On the towel, Orlando slipped an arm around the back of one knee, holding the leg aloft for Billy�s convenience. Billy�s eyes trained on that small dark hole that was so private and so intimate, he felt his face flush shyly just to be seeing it. Let alone probing it with his fingers, as he was about to do.

He squirted a liberal amount of warming lube across one palm and slicked his index and middle fingers to the knuckle. He�d already leaned over and pressed inside before he realized that he hadn�t even thought to put a condom on his hand. He didn�t know what that meant.

The walls were warm and slick against his fingers. He gasped despite every effort to seem calm. He smoothed his fingertips against satiny tissue, nearly oblivious of Orlando�s reactions, so caught was he by his own discovery. So hot inside and so very, very soft. He�d had no idea that all the hard planes and stiff lines of a man�s body contained a place as tender and silken as this. He�d had no idea that men could feel this way.

Looking up, he saw Orlando�s eyes were clenched shut, the tendons in his jaw standing out sharply tensed. Billy instantly stopped moving his hand. �Am I hurting you?� he asked.

Orlando shook his head and then, a breath flooded out of him on a groan. �No, just � Fuck, that feels good.�

Billy grinned. �Is it warming?�

The huffing sound Orlando made probably intended to be a laugh. �I�m plenty warm, yeah,� he answered. �It�s much better.�

Smiling, Billy kissed the bent knee nearest him and slipped a third finger inside. He curled his fingers up and there it was, that small, tender little spot he sought. Orlando�s body jerked, in a good way, so Billy rubbed across it again repeatedly. Orlando panted, his hips rising and falling with Billy�s rhythm, touching himself. Billy licked a swath up Orlando�s chest and settled more comfortably on his knees, easing the pressure on his aching kneecaps. He let his weight lean on the hand beside Orlando�s head, the arm stretched out. A particularly good swipe of his fingers made Orlando dig his hands into Billy�s shoulder. He hissed and urged Billy to stop, stilling the arm moving steadily between his legs. �Come on,� he whispered. �Come on.� And bumping into Billy as he moved, he turned over until he rested on his hands and knees.

His movement slowed as he settled into position and Billy recognized the self-conscious strain making the chords of his back rope-tight. He touched a hand to Orlando�s calf, the nearest part to him. Orlando breathed in and out, and waited, his shoulders slumped, his head hanging low and his whole body a bowstring - a lean, hard, sweat-slicked, aroused bowstring; Billy had to think very hard to remain conscious of Orlando�s feelings.

He touched his hands to the surprisingly firm arse before him. He�d never been much of an arse-man, but now he certainly saw the appeal. He grazed his fingers over the lubed-up hole and Orlando shivered. His fingers still wet, Billy slid his hands down and took bollocks in hand.

Orlando let out a gasped moan that, had it been translated into Shakespeare, would have been a sonnet about the lust of the heavens, a pleasure beyond the understanding of the world and the sexual epiphany of having his bollocks touched by someone who has his own and knows how to do it. Within seconds, he was moaning wantonly, his arms beginning to tremble. �Ah, god,� he gasped through gritted teeth. �Just do it already.� He risked toppling to grab a condom and fling it back to Billy.

�Right.� Billy tore at the buttons of his jeans, wondering why in god�s name he hadn�t stripped down earlier. He shoved his trousers and boxers down to his knees and grabbed up the condom. His lubricated fingers slipped on the packet as he tried to rip it. �Shite.� He wiped his hand on the towel beside Orlando�s knee and tried again. With teeth and two moderately sticky fingers, he tore it open to pull out the rolled latex within. He slipped it on as quickly as he could, threw the damned wrapper aside, and held himself, positioning for a smooth, careful entrance. The head of his cock barely touched the hole and he heard Orlando inhale, bracing himself. Billy breathed in, bracing himself as well, and pushed just a little inside until muscles gripped him. His stomach leapt and his nerves jolted at the tightness.

Orlando hissed, but it was more a sound of discomfort than pain, so as soon as the muscles loosened, Billy pushed in another few centimeters. This time, the noise Orlando made was closer to a moan. Billy thrust in the rest of the way until his hips pressed flush against Orlando�s backside.

Orlando lowered down to his elbows. �Ah, Christ, mate,� he moaned, nudging back slightly against Billy. �Fuck.�

Billy tensed his arms as he held Orlando�s waist. It felt too good to be believed, too tight and too hot to be tolerated. He waited, letting the moment of intense, fantastic crisis pass; he wanted to last longer than thirty seconds, if he could manage it. He rubbed his hands over Orlando�s back, slicking through sweat over the ridge of vertebrae. From this vantage point, it was hard to discern gender. A back is a back is a back, and a strong, toned back is always a thing of beauty, scar or no scar. Billy realized that he could easily imagine this was a gorgeous, fit woman on her hands and knees for him, letting him do what none of his girlfriends had even allowed him to consider. But he couldn�t even conjure the image of a beautiful woman when he had such a beautiful, beautiful man.

�You all right?� Orlando peered back at him past his bent arms.

�Aye,� Billy said, concentrating. Right, he thought. When Orlando was on his back, Billy bent his fingers up, so...down, thrust down to hit �

�Oh, god!� Orlando groaned.

Billy smiled; bull�s-eye, and from then on, he aimed as he thrust.

After a time, after they�d finally found their rhythm, Orlando suddenly pushed himself away from the floor and sat full back on Billy�s lap. Billy�s mind went white for a long moment; the sudden increase in depth and tightness, all of that long, smooth back pressed to his chest, and strong shoulder blades against his lips; stunning. He couldn�t have cared less that such a lean body weighed heavily on his knees.

�Sssh, just...� Orlando said, before his voice faded away into a low, rumbling moan. Billy stilled his hips and rubbed his cheek against the sweaty skin between Orlando�s shoulders. He knew Orlando wanted him to stop moving, he wanted to just feel Billy inside him, and Billy fought to comply. But his hands would continue to move until Orlando expressly, in clear and measured speech, told him he had to stop. Billy smoothed his hands up the insides of Orlando�s thighs, feathering through the soft hair, and he couldn�t help but think how fucking amazing Orlando must look right now, stretched out, gorgeous and hard.

Billy slid his hands higher on Orlando�s thighs and gripped the cock flushed between his legs. When he pumped it in his fist, Orlando rolled his hips and Billy was quite sure that he died for a moment before the renewal of their driving rhythm brought him back to life like a lightning bolt.

Orlando groaned deeply and reached back, grasping around Billy�s waist. �Fucking hell.� His hips shifted restlessly between the hand on his cock and the heated length in his arse.

Billy let Orlando set the pace; he focused on the feel of the cock in his grip, how smooth and hard, skin sliding over iron. �God,� he moaned, sucking sightlessly on Orlando�s earlobe, breathing into his ear. �I love your cock.�

Orlando huffed a laugh as he raised himself up and sank back down. �I like yours too.� His arms lifted over his head to stroke down the back of Billy�s scalp. Billy pumped him firmly, setting that rhythm himself, loving the hot skin against his palm. Orlando grunted in time and Billy knew he was close. �Fuck,� Orlando whispered. �I�m gonna come.�

�Go for it.� Billy licked the shoulder blades sliding against him.

Orlando laughed and came with a moan, spilling over Billy�s hand. Billy kept tugging until Orlando�s breath hissed out of him and his arched back straightened against Billy�s chest. Orlando carefully lifted off and flopped over onto the ground, boneless and sated. Billy tore off the condom, tossed it to the ground, and saw to himself. His eyes almost closed, a soft smile on his lips, Orlando absently stroked Billy�s thighs as Billy jerked off. Billy was glad Orlando kept his eyes shut; it allowed him to admire those lovely, delicate lips and that fit body while he touched himself. It didn�t take long until he panted erratically and burst.

�Aw, shite,� he said, and collapsed to the floor. His blood buzzed, and his cock twitched against his belly, softening and satisfied.

Breaths heaving, Billy rolled over and felt a strange desperation to his movements. He tugged on Orlando�s arm, silently yearning for him to turn and face him. As soon as he did, Billy took his mouth. Orlando�s lips spread wide for him, allowing him entrance and demanding it in return. Billy gripped Orlando�s shoulder and only realized how tight he held him when he noticed how tightly he was held. His tongue delved deep, searching, and he hugged Orlando so close, he could feel him from chest to thigh. He kicked off his trousers and moved his bare feet to tangle them with Orlando�s. He tried to push his tongue, ravenous, into Orlando�s mouth. There weren�t connected deeply enough. He hadn�t been ready to be separated.

Too tired to kiss anymore, they rocked listlessly back and forth on the towel, arms about one another. Billy buried his face in the crook of Orlando�s neck and grinned helplessly as hands stroked through his hair and lips pressed faint kisses to his forehead.

�You�re gonna be glued to me if we don�t move soon,� Orlando murmured.

�Mm, could be worse.� Billy huddled defiantly closer.

�That it could.� Orlando inhaled deeply and let Billy hold him.

They lay together for several moments longer, until Billy felt his mind shutting down, wanting to sleep. And so it did, because Billy found himself waking up on that same floor, not having moved even a centimeter. Orlando snored subtly against his shoulder. Billy smiled and closed his eyes again to fall into a sleep wherein he never lost his surroundings. For every moment of it, he felt Orlando against him and the downy towel beneath him, and when Orlando stretched, he awoke, feeling rested.

�Shower?� Orlando said with sleep-slitted eyes.

Billy lethargically nudged Orlando�s chin with his nose as he nodded. �Aye.�

In the steam-filled bathroom, Billy stood beneath the shower�s spray and washed the sticky fingerprints from the lubricant bottle. Orlando busied himself washing Billy�s back, his fingers made slippery by soapsuds. Billy set the lube down on the tub�s rim and closed his eyes. The shower pounded dully against his chest and sent water cascading down across his stomach, flowing over his reawakening cock. Just a light sensation; the tickle of goodness. How embarrassing to be hard again so quickly; apparently, he�d been transformed into a horny, insatiable teenager for the evening; but he felt he could hardly be blamed with those strong hands slip-sliding over his back.

Exhaling lowly, lustily into Billy�s ear, Orlando smoothed his soapy hands around Billy�s waist, leaving a band of bubbles. His wet chest met Billy�s sudsy back and a half-hard cock nudged against Billy�s arse. Oh, thank god, Billy thought with a soft gasp.

Orlando�s hands flowed over Billy�s chest, spreading soap only to have it rinsed away in seconds by the pulsing water. The shower spray washed Orlando�s hands clean, and stripped of his pretense, he lifted his thumbs to Billy�s nipples, rubbing in gentle circles, as he lapped at Billy�s water-spotted neck. Billy smiled stupidly and tilted his head. He felt drunk, drunk on the sensation, that splendid, rare moment in life when what turned him on most was remembering what he�d just done fifteen minutes ago. He rolled his hips backwards and heard a small whimper of want tremble at his ear. He raised a hand to steady himself against the wall and rolled again. Orlando�s hand tensed on his belly, holding him flush. Hips pushed deliciously back against Billy and he bit his lip, stifling a groan.

�Fuck, I want to do it again,� Orlando said suddenly, his body standing up straight and separating from Billy�s. �Can we do it again?�

Billy�s answer was to throw aside the shower curtain and leap out.

�Do you need me to...?� he asked, as Orlando settled soaking wet onto the floor.

�No, I think I�m still...�

�Right,� Billy said. Best not to finish sentences like that.

Billy ripped open the condom and slipped it on. As he grabbed the lube bottle from the bathtub�s edge, he looked down to see Orlando grinning up at him from the bath mat. �What?�

�We�re on the bathroom floor again.�

Billy grinned back and positioned himself. �We can�t stay away.� Covered and slicked, he slid slowly, steadily in.

Orlando inhaled. �God, that is, like, the coolest, weirdest feeling,� he said. Eyes closed, he absently stroked Billy�s tensed arms. �You�re so hard.�

Billy nipped at Orlando�s bottom lip, twisting his hips just so. �You�re so hot.�

Orlando�s tongue slipped out to touch his as Billy thrust in earnest, which he did until Orlando�s legs shifted awkwardly to his shoulders, then back down to the crook of his arms, and back up again.

�I�m losing feeling in my legs.�

Billy slowed his hips to a stop. �Good?�

�Bad. Hold up � � Orlando shifted his hips and Billy carefully withdrew. A sigh of relief hissed out of Orlando as his legs lowered to the ground. �Lay down,� he instructed. �Get on your back.�

Billy did as told, feeling embarrassed and exposed, until Orlando rose up to straddle and cover him. He felt a flush creep across his cheeks to see his mate looming above him so wantonly, to see him holding his cock steady to lower himself down and take it into his body, to see him ride him. He gripped Orlando�s thighs and let the pleasure, the exquisite sink and rise of Orlando�s body, drown the blush.

Oh, yes, Billy thought as he slid his hands up the taut body stretched above him, I could come to like this position. All of that lovely, smooth skin bare and open to his hands and his eyes.

�God, god,� Orlando panted, rocking rhythmically. �You feel so fucking good.� He sighed long and lowly, his eyes tensed closed, and trembling. �So good.� Billy shifted his hips and tore a ragged, heated gasp from Orlando�s mouth. �Shit� ah!� he cried. �God, you�re so good.�

Billy let out a heated groan. �You�re pretty good, too,� he ground out.

Orlando smirked as he rocked and his fingers reached out to give Billy�s nipples a quick squeeze. Yes! Billy decided, I like this position very much!

He had intended to give Orlando at least a few seconds warning so he could get off of him before he came, but as it turned out, Billy didn�t get much of a warning himself. Orlando�s body tightened and pulsed around him in his own climax and Billy was gone, over the top, across the crest and mind-blown before his conscious thoughts ever had time to create the sentence, �I�m coming�, let alone say it. Billy gasped, his hands flying to Orlando�s waist. The sensation of releasing inside the warmth of flesh was intensely, painfully intimate; perhaps too intimate for the two of them; but before he could utter a word, Orlando�s mouth sucked hotly on his, tongue flicking inside.

�Fuck,� Orlando growled, a rolling, heated sound in his throat. �I could feel that. That felt fucking amazing.�

Billy struggled to even his breathing. �It�ll probably feel disgusting in a bit if you don�t get off me.� His hands wandered up and down the smoothness of Orlando�s sides, following the expansion of his skin and the corrugation of his ribs as Orlando calmed his own breaths.

�Oh, it felt disgusting.� Orlando�s lips slackened as his energy abandoned him. �It just felt amazing, too.� He carefully lifted himself off Billy and collapsed onto his back on the bath mat, panting.

�You know,� Billy said, �I wonder if I�ll ever be able to go to the loo again without getting turned on.�

�Aye,� Orlando answered. Billy glanced at him, smirking, but apparently, Orlando didn�t listen to himself anymore than most people did. �Is it just me,� he continued, oblivious, �or does that keep getting better and better?�

�Aye.� Billy nodded weakly and looked to the dark ceiling. �Next time, it�ll probably kill me.�

�Oh, I hope not.� Orlando exhaled and curled onto his side, tucking his head beside Billy�s shoulder.

Billy rolled onto his side as well. �That�s for the best,� he said. He closed his arms around Orlando and shut his eyes when Orlando nestled closer. A deep, almost piercing ache of happiness filled his chest. It felt wonderful to hold Orlando without questions and without doubts; to think of nothing but how much he loved him. And he did. He loved him. He pressed two desperate kisses against Orlando�s bare shoulder, and then, his throat tight, he crushed Orlando�s slender body against his.

Orlando laughed brightly against Billy�s cheek as his hands stroked aimlessly over Billy�s back.

�What?� Billy asked, smiling.

�I don�t know.� Orlando laughed again, holding him close and pulling him closer at once. �I don�t know.�

Billy laughed, too, and he didn�t know why either.

Several minutes later, properly showered and exhausted, they pulled the covers of Orlando�s bed down and both climbed in. Orlando lifted his alarm clock and began pushing buttons. �You have Feet tomorrow?�

�No, thank Pete.� Billy grabbed up a pillow from the floor. �Set it for six and � wait, change me sides.� He swung his legs off the mattress.

�I like sleeping on this side.�

�Then give me the clock.�


�So I can turn it off before it wakes you up.�

�I don�t care if it wakes me up.� Orlando settled the clock back on the bedside table on his side of the bed.

�I have to leave a whole hour before you do; you should sleep, you idiot. I don�t want to wake you up.�

�I want you to wake me up, you prat, so shut the fuck up.� Orlando slid down to rest his head on his pillow and stared up at Billy with a resolute expression.

Billy scrunched up his face in a grimace and scratched his head to camouflage the affectionate laughter rising in his chest. �Fine,� he said gruffly. He shoved Orlando away as he turned over onto his side. �I�m going to sleep, you bastard. Stop keeping me awake.� As he yanked the covers up, he reached back for Orlando�s hand and pulled it around his waist. Orlando settled in behind him and Billy raised up to turn off the light.

When they awoke later that night, they kissed the whole way through, gasping hotly into each other�s mouths as they came, hips pumping against hips. Afterward, they wiped off, cozied up, and fell asleep again � only to awaken barely an hour later to exchange a few snogs, and � in lieu of the bottle of lube still in the bathroom and in an effort to be responsible actors with an early call � touch one another to one more release before falling back asleep.

For another forty-five minutes.

The whole night went on in this manner. Rest for a few minutes, maybe an hour or two, then Billy would wake and feel his body tingling with recent memories that he wanted to refresh, immediately. He would turn over and press a few kisses to Orlando�s shoulder, or once, when Orlando�s arm was across him already, he touched his lips to Orlando�s elbow and wiggled his hips back, enticing parts still sleeping. Orlando would awaken soon enough, just as Billy did when Orlando employed the same techniques on him, and they would kiss and rub and touch, chuckling and exchanging half-formed sentences through it all until sleep would steal over them and it was time to rest again.

For another forty-five minutes.

The next morning, Billy awoke deliriously content and the smile was on his face before he was even aware of it. He sat up, took a long draught from the bottle of water beside the bed, and turned to Orlando, whose eyes were just opening.

�Mmm, good morning,� Orlando mumbled, his words contorted by the smile across his lips more than sleepiness. Billy handed him the bottle and he took a swig. Then with eyes barely open, Orlando set the water aside and rolled listlessly on top of Billy, lining up their exhausted and well-used bodies. They both sighed tiredly and happily as they settled into the now ridiculously familiar feel of one another. Billy�s arms slid comfortably around Orlando�s waist, smoothing over his back, as they had done so often during the night. His legs parted, letting Orlando slide down between them, bringing their most insistent body parts into the sort of sizzling contact that was better than any alarm clock.

�Morning,� Billy replied. They kissed and he didn�t care that they didn�t taste fresh and didn�t feel clean. They were better than fresh and clean; they were satisfied and well-fucked.

The alarm shrieked beside their heads, not caring that they were already awake. They snickered against each other�s lips. Orlando reached over to slap the contraption off, then settled back atop Billy with a soft breath. �Good morning, officially, I guess,� he said.

Billy kissed him and gave his arse a hard squeeze in reply. Orlando kissed him back with a soft, lusty exhalation. How? Billy wondered, dazed, rubbing his hands all over Orlando�s body as he licked his mouth. How can we have done this all night and I�m still so bloody hard for him? How is it possible that my bits are even up to the challenge anymore?

He circled his hips against Orlando�s, getting lost in the heat and touch, the quiet moans and shared breaths. God, this was it. This was human intimacy.

�Do we need to leave soon?� Orlando whispered. �How much trouble would we be in if we just skipped a day?�

�A lot.�

�Just one day...�

Billy slid his hands down over the smooth and rise of Orlando�s arse, stroking down the backs of his thighs where they were trapped between his own. �They�d notice. I think. Maybe. What was the question?�

Orlando chuckled and licked at Billy�s ear. �Let�s finish in the shower, then.� He slid swiftly off Billy and the bed. �I shower so bloody much when you�re here.� Billy groaned plaintively until Orlando took him by the hand and yanked him off the mattress. Tucked against Orlando beneath the warmth of the shower, he forgave the abruptness.

The car�s headlights shot through the dawn glow, reflecting off the puddles formed on the road from when it must have rained last night. Funny that they didn�t hear a thing. Despite having a full hour till he was needed, Orlando drove Billy to the set after rattling off some inconsequential logic about how there was no sense in having two cars there when no one would think twice about them driving home together and besides, wasn�t it a nice morning for a drive? Billy accepted the ride and didn�t much care for the reasons; he didn�t want the night to end just yet either.

At the set, the car idled in the sparse car park and Billy stared at Orlando, his fingers on the door handle. And still he couldn�t get himself to just lift the damn thing and get out of the car. He had to get inside and get into costume, and make up would already be waiting for him. A quick glance around the car park and he could see they were alone. Nothing but pavement and cars gleaming in the morning sun all around them. Strangely, that observation didn�t get him out of the car any faster. �Well...� he said.

�Yeah.� Orlando�s fuzzy Mohawk jutted every which way from the towel dry he�d given it, but his eyes were bright and clear.

�You gonna go home and go back to sleep just to spite me?�

Orlando grinned. �Maybe.�

�Good, �cause that�s what I�d do to you.�

�I wouldn�t want to disappoint.� He smiled at Billy and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. He caught the plastic seam with a fingernail and made a small flicking noise. Then, he leaned forward. Billy rolled his eyes at the little flip his heart gave, and leaned forward himself to meet Orlando�s lips in what had to be the most awkward kiss of their entire acquaintance. They separated and Billy snickered against Orlando�s smile. They tried one more time. Soft, gentle press of lips. That one went much better.

�Well...� Orlando said.

�Aye.� Billy lifted the door handle and popped the door open. He even got one foot out of the car. He laughed inwardly at himself, feeling gawkish and about fifteen years old, and kissed Orlando once more because he figured that was what you�re supposed to do when your boyfriend drives you to work in the morning. �Right. Yeah.� He turned away and got the second foot out of the car.

�See you later, then.�

�Aye.� Billy stood and managed to pull his whole body out of the car. He turned, leaning over to look back inside. �Have a good day at work, honey.�

Orlando smiled widely. �Yeah, you, too. Baby.�

�Agh,� Billy said with disgust, but his smile dampened the effect. He shut the car door with a slam and stood watching Orlando drive off until he reminded himself how silly that was. On his way to the makeup trailer, he ducked into the catering tent where the crew was laying out the morning�s food. He got a glare from a catering assistant for grabbing a bagel from a freshly opened box, but the harsh expression softened beneath his smile. Billy took a happy bite and walked out with a wink. So it was true that happiness could be contagious.

His mood spread to Jill, who was doing his makeup that day. She�d spent the morning angry about her car engine failing, but one magnanimous smile from Billy and she couldn�t resist it either. �Who�s this wee darling?� he asked as he grabbed up the sweetly posed photograph of an adorably unhappy infant and gave Jill part of his bagel. Drinking fresh, cool water and enjoying his fresh, warm bagel, Billy settled in his chair, listening to Jill move bottles and gush about her sister�s new baby. His smile didn�t dim, dip or even begin to fade � until he heard the trailer door open with a clank and memory descended.

He looked up to see Dom standing in the doorway.

�Good morning, Dom,� Jill said cheerfully. �If you�re in a funk, talk to Billy. He�s giddy enough for all of us this morning.� She laughed and turned back to her brushes and creams.

Dom looked from Billy to Jill then back again. Silently, he took his seat. He turned to Billy and when he spoke, his voice was flat, measured, and absolutely teeming with accusation. �Have a good night last night, did you?�

The last bite of bagel scraped dully down Billy�s throat.

The End
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