Jennifer about Sly

Jennifer says her secret weapon is a husband who loves and supports her.

"He's phenomenal. I mean he's dropping them off at school, picking them up. He's a wonderful father. I think he enjoys it and the girls don't have a problem with me leaving them because they get so much attention from their daddy."

Jennifer about Motherhood

(Quote: Hello Magazine On-Line)

"I didn't know motherhood was going to be so hard. This is a 24-hour-a-day job! I think everyone should know that right from the start.

Once you have a kid, your life ends and their life begins. It's all about the children. Every minute of the day or night, every time you have a thought, it's related to the children.

If someone invites you to lunch, you have to think whether it will fit in with your children's plans. There's no time to think about you."

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Sly, Jennifer, Sophia Rose, Sistine Rose & Scarlet Rose

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