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Why should this be any different. But he knew the answer to that. Never had he been faced with a disaster of this magnitude. To have a Dig Dug within his own Red Sector was, for him, intolerable.
Flute lay face up on his back with her pipes at her lips. Her head was nestled comfortably on his surging front shoulders, her knees were crossed, and she was beating time on Faran's rump with one little foot.
It had been a long flight, a minimum-energy boost, but a busy one. He had spent more than twenty hours straight in urgent communications with Selene, the space stations where he had left Chris Perry in charge and with Ted Marrett, going into deeper and deeper detail on the politics of global weather control.
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But the necromant drew back with a hiss and a warding motion, a shake of her head and a blink that broke some spell or other. Then she turned and was gone inside, though Kama hadn't seen the door open to admit her.
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