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Flies buzzed around something smeared over the taut skin. Throwing back its head, the beast opened its mouth, hissing into the cold night air. Richard could see the hot breath turning to vapor between teeth as big as his fingers.
Theba take you, then, the thief said, and ran. Back into the shadows of the market building's west corner he fled, and one of the shadows tripped him.
Her voice was muffled What did the aliens think of it? I don t know. In ten years we may begin to talk to them. In a hundred years, perhaps we will understand them.
But it had other business in the night. There was a time when he'd been a fox thin and sharp a night wanderer. But things had changed. Providence had been bountiful, dreams had come true and the fox, always a shape-changer, had grown fat and easy.
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Speak low, he warned. How have you fared? It was hot and dry and gut-wrenching bumpy, she answered in a voice husky more than hoarse, but I shall forever thank you.
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