Autumn. It is an overcast day but whether it is morning or evening, I can't tell, and I am walking through a field. The grass is about knee-height, yellowing and somewhat damp. There is a forest in the distance, and off to my right is what appears to be a soccer field. As I start walking down a slight hill, I spot an owl up ahead (a barn owl, I think - Tyco alba - investigation is underway). As I continue to walk, the owl takes flight and describes a long arc off to my right-hand side.

I turn back to face the direction I am headed and suddenly I hear the rush of wings. The owl swoops down and claws at my head. I duck, the owl comes back for a second and then third pass; I'm trying to cover my head with my arms as I spin to determine the direction of the next attack - when out of nowhere, my horse blanket appears in my hands and I toss it over my head.

As the attacks are occurring, I have the brief thought that I have wandered into the owl's territory, but quickly dismiss the idea - it doesn't seem right. I press on, wrapped up in my horse blanket. The owl makes a few more passes, but soon gives up and flies off. It flies out over the soccer field, and swoops down to harass a group of children playing. I turn away and keep walking.

At this point the dream shifts; I am standing on a road outside some sort of compound. It stands in a field similar to the one described above and is the only structure around. An eighteen-wheeler is parked in front of the building and I can see John (the Best Boy for one of the shows I've worked on) loading gear into one of the belly bins. A set of cement steps leads up to a darkened glass doorway, and I have the feeling I've been inside but can't remember what exactly is in there.

A few nondescript people are coming and going, and out of their number a woman walks up to me. I have never seen her before, but in the dream she is familiar to me - I think we have been working together. She stands about shoulder-height on me, has dirty blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders, is of average build. At times she is wearing glasses, at times not; though I never see her put them on or take them off.

We chat for a bit, and she mentions that it is too bad John and I are being 'called back'. At this point, I realize that John and I have traveled quite some distance east for this job (the nature of which remains unclear) and that we are leaving a few weeks sooner than anticipated. I then realize that a mutual attraction exists between us, one that neither of us has acted upon - we both figuring we had ample time, I suppose. She asks for my address and phone number back home, so I sit with her on the steps and pull out a pen and paper. I can't seem to write legibly, so after a few failed attempts, I hand back the paper and recite my address to her. She writes it down just as illegibly, and we share a laugh.

Meanwhile, John has finished loading the truck and is sitting in the passenger seat making "hurry up" gestures at me. I know he's only goofing around, but realize it is time to go. The woman and I embrace - at which time John honks the horn - she smiles and I say "see you later, alligator" as I step toward the truck.

I get into the cab and start up the engine, John and I wave as I pull away, I give the horn a couple of short blasts and John says "you really should do something about her, you know." We laugh and I wake up. I can't for the life of me remember the woman's name, though I am certain I used it in the dream. I can't figure out why she seems so familiar to me.

A Dr. J Manifestation 2000-2005
Hit me.

Dr. J

Wake up.

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