If any of these links are broken or otherwise messed up, please e-mail me and let me know!
Thanks!!  - Trooper

CHAD & MATTHEW'S CUSTOMS: A page featuring the wonderful works of the customizing duo of Chad and Matthew.

CHECKPOINT ALPHA.COM: Features free dio-hosting, Camper's "Death Of A Friend," Spin Doctor's "Beginnings," and the Old Bivouac Dio-Archive.

COBRA: "THE INNER SANCTUM": Features Violentfix's awesome Dio, "Operation Rapier" and tons of photos of his massive Cobra Army.

EVILFACE'S G.I. JOE PAGE: Lots and lots of really good custom figure.  Some are even "evil."  =)

GENERAL'S JOES: General Hawk's Dio-rrific site that features toy reviews and, count them, EIGHT Dio-stories!! "Retaliation" is the latest.

G.I. JOE SCALE MODELS BY McGHIEVER: Exceptionally detailed custom figures; most are transformed into super looking statues.

HAMMERFEL'S BACKYARD BATTLES: Features Hammer's first Dio, "Disciple." Look for the innovative "moving" pictures in this one!

JOECUSTOMS.COM: "THE" website for custom G.I. Joe figures.  Submit your work, learn new techniques, and enjoy the comradery.

JOEDIOS.COM: A newer site devoted to sharing all Joe related Dio-stories and dioramas with the world.  Find the link to that new Dio here.

OKTOBER GUARD HEADQUARTERS: Stormavik's truely "RED" website dedicated to custom Oktober Guard figures and vehicles.

TEKNOKYO CUSTOMS & ACTION FIGURES: This site features the absolute best custom Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow figures around.

TIM'S JOE PAGES: Tim Elf's inspirational and groundbreaking Dios are found here.  The current story is "TERROR!" Great Stuff!!

WOWBOY'S WORLD: One of the best camo painters of the Joe community.  You can see his customs in action in "Whispers Of War!" Cool set by CAP!

ZED'S G.I. JOE SITE: Zedhatch is a truley dedicated Joe fan with his own toystore and this Dio site.  "Worlds With An End" is coming soon!


AMERICAN DREAM COMICS or TNI: Tons of news on upcoming action figures including an extensive message board area; includes G.I. Joe forum.

JOE BATTLELINES: G.I. Joe related news and message board.  Formerly the Sgt. Savage web site.

JOECUSTOMS.COM'S FORUM: My favorite Joe message board on the net!!  Learn new techniques, have your work critiqued, and look out for Brawler!!

JOEDIOS.COM'S MESSAGE BOARD: Logon and discuss the wonderful Dios and one-shots featured on this site.

JOESIGHTINGS.COM: Keep track of what Joe product is coming out and where it's showing up around the country.  Includes a message forum.

OFFICIAL HASBRO G.I. JOE SITE: Find out what's available from the horse's mouth.  Includes some fun interactive games!

YOJOE.COM'S MESSAGE BOARD: One of the older Joe related message boards on the web.  Yo Joe!!


COMPLETE GUIDE TO G.I. JOE ARAH: An exhaustive listing of everything Joe related from 1982-2005!! Data overload!! DATA OVERLOAD!!!  =)

JIM'S PRINTABLE MINIS: Jim here has made some printable props for all your Dio ambition needs.  Some pretty neat stuff to choose from.

MAGNUM 6 DELTA: Enough information about our favorite special ops team and their serpentine foes to fill up a convoy of Deuce and 1/2's!!

YO JOE.COM: This is the absolute number one resource for G.I. Joe figures, vehicles, playsets, and related swag!  It's the most popular for a reason!


BAD CAT TOYS: These folks sell airplane toys.  Lots, and lots and lots of airplanes.  They also have figures and vehicles.  Did I mention the planes?

BUILD-A-RAMA: This store features 1:18 and 1:32 scale miniature props and set pieces, many hand-made, to help add that authentic look to your Dio.

Mainly a Star Wars store, they also carry a variety of other action figures including G.I. Joe ARAH, GvC, SpyTroops, and VvV.

CMDSTORE.COM: Want an action figure made in the past two-three years?  There's a pretty good chance these guys have it.

CUSTOM DOLLHOUSE: This site sells super detailed furniture and fixtures, including working lights.  Many items will work with 1:18 scale sets.

DIECAST MUSCLE.COM: Mainly a diecast car site but, they have 1:18 scale garage tools and accessories!  VRooOOM!!

G.I. JOE HQ: Online Joe store that features free shipping with every order!!

Even though the brick and mortar stores are folding faster than laundry, this site features quite a selection of action figures and SALES!

POWERTEAM U.S.A.: You can order Powerteam Elite "World Peacekeeper" toys and potentially more from this official site.

SMALLJOES.COM: My favorite online Joe store.  Competitive prices, excellent service, and a wide selection of 1:18 scale figures, vehicles; etc.!!


BROCK LEE'S JOE ART: The coolest Joe Fan-art out there.  Stop reading this and go see for yourself!!

COBRA COMMAND ONLINE: "Serving your international and domestic terroist needs with style since 1982!" Not a site about basket weaving. =)

COBRA EMPORIUM: For some reason Cobra has a chain of dollar stores... What?  They don't?  Oh, well.  Enjoy this Cobra themed site anyway.


21ST CENTURY TOYS: The official website for the XD line and other related 21st Century Toys products.

GUNDAM OFFICIAL: It's a Gundam!!  There's another one!! And another!  Good Gravy, this place is "officially" crawling with Gundams!!

NIUBNIUB'S UNIVERSE: Check out this Star Wars themed Dio site.  NiubNiub makes jawdroppingly awesome dioramas!!!  Wow, just Wow!!

REBEL SCUM.COM: You Rebel scum!! Go here to see all the "scummy" custom figures and collections of your fellow Rebels.  You scum you.

THE FORCE.NET: Get your daily dose of Star Wars and all things Lucasfilm here.  Check out the fanfilms!! "Troops" is still the best!

TOYBIZ.COM: "Marvel" at this companies plethora of cool action figures.  LOTR and the Marvel Universe are thier bread and butter.
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