Episode 8 - Trouble in the Ball Game
Early morning, at Akagi's house....

Akagi just woke up from his bed. Luckily, it's the weekend so he doesn't have school. He does his morning chores and goes to the kitchen to have breakfast with his parents. He watched the morning news while eating breakfast when the newsflash comes...

TV Reporter:"Live Breaking News! Yesterday (even though it's live), an unexpected event occurred in Himeji High School where a huge unidentified monster attacked the school grounds, breaking the west wing of the school. Costly repairs of the school will reach about Y300,000,000!"
Tou-san(Japanese for dad):"Tsuyoshi, I forgot to mention to you about that event yesterday. What happened?"
Akagi(busy eating his breakfast):"Just watch the TV, Tou-san."
TV Reporter:"As for the good news, the monster is vanquished thanks to these huge mysterious animal-like robots, with someone controlling them who looks like our Sunday Super Sentai Show! Here are some stock photos sent by witnesses of the scene..."
(Shows photos of the robots fighting Grandflare (monster in Ep 7), and up-close shots of the Seiranger fighting at school and with the crowds.)
Akagi(quickly stands up and raises arms):"Woo hoo!!! I'm on TV!"
Tou-san:"What do you mean by that?!"
Kaa-san(Japanese for mom, and is cooking):"What do you mean you're on TV?"

[Play Opening]

Akagi:"Uh, how do I explain this....Oh, I'm the red one.."
Kaa-san:"What? You're a Super Sentai?!"
Tou-san:"Really?! Do your transformation!"
Akagi:"Uh. Ok, but in one condition.....Can you let me go to the Japan Great Baseball Finals? If you do, I'll show my transformation."
Tou-san and Kaa-san:"Well, ok..."
Akagi:"Thanks Tou-san and Kaa-san! Here goes! Sei-Kara-oh! Henshin! (changes into SeiRed)"
Tou-san and Kaa-san:"WHOA!!!!!! You can do that?!?!?"
SeiRed:"Yes. And I can fight any monsters out there!"
Tou-san:"Yeah, and the only monster I've seen is that big one on TV."
Kaa-san:"Can I try, dear?"
Akagi:"Kaa-san...You're too old for this..."
Kaa-san:"WHAATT!!! I'M OLD!?!?!?!"
BOOOM!! (Shows outside house with shaking grounds)

Meanwhile, Mitsui, Hikari, and Magnian are on the train station waiting for Akagi to go to the Baseball Stadium.

Hikari:"It's thirty minutes before the game starts!"
Mitsui:"Man! Akagi sure is very slow!"
Hikari:"Maybe he has to please his parents to go to the game..."
Mitsui:"Hey Magnian, want to know more about baseball? Since you're an alien..."
Magnian:"Well...(This brain I got knows only a little baseball)...That's fine, but I think I got the idea of how you play it...(Even though I'm confused with some parts...wierd game...)"
Mitsui:"Something in your mind?"
Magnian:"...Oh! No-nothing! I'm ok."
Hikari:"Well look who it is! It's late-boy Akagi!"
Akagi is running from the station entrance towards the group, bringing bags of food. When he meets them, they are angry at Akagi because they will be late for the game. After the exertion of anger, they rode the train going to the stadium where the Japan Great Baseball Finals will be held. While on the train..

Magnian:"Sigh...I can't believe we're going to a game while my planet is in danger..."
Hikari:"Don't worry! We'll really help you! Right guys?"
Mitsui:"Well, after we get really famous!"
Akagi:"And after we are satisfied with Earthly pleasures!"
Hikari (hits both on the head):"What are you talking about!? Hmm...You got a point...Since we'll be in another planet..."
Magnian:"OK, fine...I'll hang out for a bit..."
Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari:"Thanks (Mr.) Magnian!"

After the train trip, they headed to the stadium. As they will buy tickets, they see that the price of one is Y10,000!

Mitsui:"What a ripoff! That's too much!"
Akagi:"I know! But it's the finals!"
Hikari:"And it's very special, so they raised the price!"
Akagi:"...I got an idea! How about we enter as the Seiranger? We're kinda famous from the news, maybe they'll consider letting us in without pay!"
Magnian:"What? Using the HOLY Seigear to get in free? The gods might not give their essence in the SeiBracer if you use them in evil deeds!"
Hikari:"Good idea! Don't worry Mr. Magnian, it's not bad. We did help the people to get the fame, you know."
Mitsui:"And you will be our manager!"

The three ducked down and changed into Seiranger without everyone on the line noticing them (because it's jam-packed with people). Only after 2 minutes the people saw the Seiranger and they started circling around them! They wanted autographs, take pictures, interviews, and other stuff a fan will do. Somehow, the Seiranger, together with Magnian (the "manager"), made it inside the stadium and near the ticket booth.

Ticket Lady:"Well hello! I'm a big fan of Super Sentai! And I can't believe they are really true! can I shake your hands?"
SeiBlue:"Sure cutie!"
SeiYellow (hits SeiBlue on the head):"Quit it!" (to Ticket Lady)"We, uh, would like to buy tickets, but we're kinda "low" on cash..."
Ticket Lady:'It's Ok! Sure I would like to give you free tickets! I can't believe heroes are sometimes broke~ Oops! Sorry! I mean, I would like to do anything for you Super Sentai! Just maintain the peace in Himeji! I'm from there too!"
SeiRed:"Thank you! Sure, we'll do that!"
Ticket Lady:"And what about your companion?"
Magnian:"Oh! I'm just their friend~"
SeiBlue (whispers to Magnian):"Manager!"
Ticket Lady:"Friend? Man, you're lucky to have a Super Sentai as your friends! You'll be luckier if I give you also a free ticket, how about that!"
Magnian:"Thank you!" (to SeiBlue)"See, you don't have to be a manager to get a ticket."

After buying, I mean receiving the tickets, and the trouble of going to the seats with lots of fans blocking their way, the Seiranger finally find a comfortable location: in the VIP room(as said in their ticket). They were on a separate place away from fans so they can watch the baseball finals with ease. Soon, the game started between the Maruchan Bulldogs and the Glico Pocky Mask (note that there are made-up teams so please don't sue me :D ) I will not include the baseball game action, since this is a super sentai fanfic (and I'm not good at baseball :D ). Just think that the 2 teams are playing baseball, and Maruchan Bulldogs are leading.

Then halftime comes, and the sponsors of the Finals are holding a contest to see who in the audience can hit a homerun. The prize for the winner is Y100,000! The lucky player will be picked by randomly selecting the number of the ticket. After the selection, someone wins the draw, and it's a small, shady kid with long, frizzy hair wearing the oversized Bulldog uniform and a cap that covers his face with big glasses. As he comes down to the field...

Shady Kid:"Yay! I won! I won! It's because I'm cool! I'm cool!"
Bystander 1:"Would that kid please shut up? I'm supposed to be the one who will play at halftime by only one digit..."
Bystander 2:"He won? He doesn't even made a homerun!"
Bystander 3:"And he said he was cool? He looks more like a nerdy geek to me."
Shady Kid (who hears the conversation):"Would you shut up!?"
Bystanders all around him:"You shut up!"

The shady kid went to the batting area to make a homerun. The sponsors sent the Maruchan Bulldogs mascot, named Bulldog Bully, to annoy the shady kid, playing the halftime game, so he can't get the prize. This time, the Bulldog Bully's bullying will be harsh, since he knows the shady kid is a cocky geek.

Bully (name shortcut):"Well look who's playing today? A nerdy geek! So are you gonna hit a homerun today, geek? No, why? Because you're not cool! You're not great! You're not gonna make a homerun!"
Shady Kid (losing concentration on the pitcher):"Ooooohhh....I.....can't....stand...the....bully....Shut up you mascot!!!"
Bully:"(Hehehe, it's working, I will soon have a raise for doing this!) So nerdy geek, had enough bullying? Cause I can give you more! Why? Cause I'm cool! And you? Aren't!"

As soon as the pitcher throws the ball, the shady kid tries to hit the ball, and instead of hitting the ball, he hit himself! (Don't ask me how he did it). The audience are laughing hard at him! The shady kid is very pissed! He wants to make revenge to Bulldog Bully for not making him win. He quickly runs to the rest area of the Maruchan Bulldogs (the players aren't there, they're at the lockers at this moment) and he secretly puts something on the mascot's private drink (with Yu-Gitt Lade! The Unofficial drink of JBall!). Seems like poison, or something bad. Meanwhile on the VIP room, the Seiranger are laughing hard from the event happened at halftime.

SeiBlue:"Hahahaha! That geek sure was hit hard on the spot!"
SeiYellow:"Hihihi! Hey! Don't be like that to nerds! SeiRed might get mad!"
SeiRed:"What do you mean I'll get mad" I'm not a nerd and I don't look like one!"
Magnian:"SIgh.....That was a good laugh." (in his mind when he saw the shady kid doing his business):"Huh? What's the shady kid up to now?"

Finally, after the funny...er..the embarrassing halftime game, the second half of the Japan Great Baseball Finals begins! While they're playing ball, Bulldog Bully is drinking Yu-Gitt Lade from his private drink. The shady kid was secretly watching from behind the benches (since he doesn't want to go back to his seat and be laughed at).

Shady Kid (in his mind):"Hmph! You made me embarrassed during halfrime, now it's my turn to embarrass you during the whole game! Hahahaha (sinister laugh)!
Bully:"Ah! Refreshing! Uh- Something's wrong witH ME!!!!! WRRROOOAAARRR!!!!!
Shady Kid:"Hahaha! What you drink's called Berserk Potion! Made by me! Now you will ruin the game and attack the players! Hahahaha!"

The shady kid runs away the stadium as Bulldog Bully starts rampaging on the field. The players are running away from him, ruining the game. When the Seiranger see this, SeiRed ordered the 2 to stop the mascot while Magnian backs them up from excited fans. The audience are hoping for the Seiranger to stop the mascot from its rampage. Then appears the Seiranger on the field! They confront the raging Bulldog Bully while the audience cheer for them.

SeiBlue:"Let's stop him with the ShinmaShinjuu!"
SeiYellow:"What the!? We can't kill him! We might end up in jail for killing a person!"
SeiRed:"Well, I'll use my ShinmaShinjuu to corner the mascot while you 2 do something about it.."
SeiYellow:"Hey Mr. Magnian! What will you do?"
SeiBlue:"Are you gonna use your magic-thingy?"
Magnian:"I don't know...I think he was drugged by the shady kid. I saw him earlier. The mascot's not himself.."
SeiRed:"Then we'll just make him unconscious! Don't hurt the mascot!"
SeiBlue and SeiYellow:"OK!"
SeiRed:"Magnian. could you please use your magic to somehow remove his condition? I'll gonna go now! Sei-Noshi-Kara-Oh! Shinjuu!"
Magnian:"Well, I'll try...."(murmurs a very long chant)

Will the Seiranger be able to remove Bulldog Bully's berserk condition? And what about the shady kid? I don't know. And will the audience enjoy the fight? Find out in the next episode of Fuhen Sentai Seiranger!

[Play Ending]

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