Kelley's Works in Progress

Various Manuals to Download

Here are various manuals and other official and "semi-official" docs from my own Archives that I think you'll find useful - especially RENIX owners! Since Geocities is limiting me to 5Mb for upload size, I've had to break them into parts - you will need to download all parts of the manual before you can decompress them. In the interest of flexiblity and file size, I have elected to use WinRAR to compress and span the manuals, instead of WinZIP. WinRAR allows me to enter desired "chunk size" manually, while WinZIP will only work with various preset sizes (which are either too large or too small.) WinRAR is available as a shareware download from RARLAB software as a shareware download. As WinRAR also is able to handle .zip archives, I recommend it over WinZIP. The .rar archive format is more flexible and more efficient anyhow.

For multi-part files, make sure you get all parts of the file, put them in a convenient folder (a temporary folder will usually serve) and click on the first part. WinRAR will tell you what to do from there. Unless otherwise noted, all multi-part achives will decompress into a single output file when you're done - and you can delete the multi-part archive after you've decompressed it. You will not be able to decompress the file unless you have all parts downloaded and in the same folder!

Please Note I know this stuff has been copyrighted, but the XJ has been out of production since 2001, the MJ since 1992 and, these manuals are probably out of print, and it's all dated by at least ten years anyhow. Still, if you've any trouble with me having these things up here, please ask and I'll take them down. There is no need to involve attorneys or any such nonsense - just ask me, man to man, and it will happen. I ask nothing more.

I merely have these up as a "ready reference" for enthusiasts who can't otherwise find them.

N.B. Sometimes the links can get a little fluky. If you can't just click on the link to bring the file down, right-click on the link and select "Save As" to get it to you.
Description Filename
1984 Jeep
1984 XJ Technical Service Bulletin Indices 1984TSB.rar
1985 Jeep
1985 XJ Technical Service Bulletin Indices 1985TSB.rar
1986 Jeep
1986 XJ & MJ Technical Service Bulletin Index 1986TSB.rar
1987 Jeep
1987 XJ & MJ Technical Service Bulletin Index 1987TSB.rar
1988 Jeep
1988 XJ & MJ Technical Service Bulletin Indices 1988TSB.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (1/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part01.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (2/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part02.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (3/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part03.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (4/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part04.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (5/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part05.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (6/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part06.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (7/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part07.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (8/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part08.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Four (9/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Four.part09.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (1/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part01.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (2/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part02.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (3/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part03.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (4/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part04.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (5/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part05.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (6/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part06.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (7/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part07.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (8/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part08.rar
1988 Mitchell Jeep Six (9/9) Mitchell_1988_Jeep_Six.part09.rar
1989 Jeep
1989 XJ & MJ Technical Service Bulletin Indices Hosted by