


The Cast

olivia newton-john - kira / terpsichore

Olivia stars as Kira the Muse. she is sent down from the heavens to bring inspiration to Sonny and Danny. she is only sent to inspire and ends up falling in love with sonny. will she be allowed to stay on earth? or will the Gods force her to return to Mount Helicon? only the Gods know for sure. 

Olivia Newton-John

IMDB bio

michael beck - sonny malone

Michael stars as Sonny Malone, an aspiring artist searching for his dream. sonny had quit working to try and find that dream but gave up and returned to work at the recording studio once he couldn't make enough money to survive. his dream is to one day open up a nightclub and manage his business.

Michael Beck

IMDB bio

gene kelly - danny mcguire

The wonderful Gene Kelly stars as Danny McGuire. Danny is a past club owner and musician who has toured with the likes of Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller. He gave up on his dream many years ago when he lost his one true love. The singer in his orchestra. Yes, he once had a muse of his own. It isn't until Kira arrives that Danny understands his true destiny.

Gene Kelly
IMDB bio


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