WEDNESDAY, 25 August 2004

What Everybody is Blogging About

1. I'm: Xandor.
2. I live in: Xandorian, a three-dimensional world.
3. I love: everyone.
4. People: are strangers I meet everyday.
5. Life: is a warfare between two standards.
6. I just ate: a cookie.
7. I wanna see: the future
8. I play: fair and good.
9. It's now: 6:43 AM
10. I'm wearing: comfy home clothes
11. My phone: is right in front of me.
12. I'm worrying about: who will win in the Olympics. (duh)
13. I wanna go: inside a bird cage.
14. Britney spears is: NOT a singer.
15. Good Charlotte: is a rock band.
16. Weather: is cold.
17. My shoes are: owned by Imelda.
18. I drive: everyone crazy.
19. I smoke: (eh?)
20. My country is: the best in Asia. I'm patriotic.
21. My parents are: always right, according to them. Hehehe...
22. I think school is: a training ground.
23. Other sites i'm surfing aside from Friendster: PinoyHarryPotter.Org
24. I'm going to: be a successful individual.
25. I think this post is: tiring.

: .:: p e o p l e a r o u n d m e ::.

Your mom is: a government employee
Your dad is: a retired high ranking police officer
Your sisters: two
Your brothers: one. stupid too.
Your best friend is: her. and four certain Gryffindors.
Your crush is: her.
Your girlfriend is: sweet, kind, sweet, pretty, sweet, intelligent, God-fearing, among others.
Your grandma is: dead
Your grandpa is: dead
Your teachers are: the experiences in life. (people ba?)

.:: s t u f f t h a t i h a v e ::.

Your PC is: not my own.
Your wallet is: black and has lots of cards.
Your camera is: N/A
Your books are: comic books.
Your accessories are: in my room.
Your sunglasses are: none. They tend to hide my beautiful eyes. Hehehe.
Your towel is: clean.
Your teddies: my what?? bastos!
Your clock is : synchronized with hers.

.:: w h a t i m w e a r i n g n o w ::.

Your shirt is: green.
Your shorts/trousers are: gray.
Your shoes are: dirty.
Your jacket is: in the closet.
Your socks are: all white.
Your belt is: brown.
Your mind is: worn out thinking of stuff to write in this stupid list.
Your mind is: always full of wonderful memories about us.

I pondered on life the most wonderful thing in life at 7:04 am

MONDAY, 16 August 2004

As I've said, weekends are the greatest days of the week.

Saturday. As usual, I went to school, but I asked permission from my professor that I would leave early. At 11 am, I left the school and went to Vinzon's Hall in UP Diliman for the PHP Mini-EB. It was good to see my PHP buddies again. We played games, went to have a snack at McDo, and played some more. I really had a great time. We parted ways at 5 pm. I went home, well.. I would call it my second home... Her home. :)

Sunday. House-elf day. Swept round the garden, took out the trash and burned it, moved stuff at home. In the afternoon, I came to see her again in her home. I just love spending the day with her. Yesterday was the second time I heard mass with her family. Her parents are so kind and hospitable. They treated me to dinner. I am always welcome in their home. Her mom treats me so nice.

She's the greatest blessing I've ever received. :)

I pondered on life the most wonderful thing in life at 10:50 am

MONDAY, 09 August 2004

My recent posts seem to be describing me floating in the air. Only this time, I'm no longer dreaming. Everything is real. In everybody's own life, you have dreams and visions of what you would like life to be. You picture it in your mind over and over again.. at night before you sleep, or when you're just alone pondering about deeper things. In that picture, you are beside someone special who would like to share your dreams with you. Moreover, that person's dreams are very much like your dreams as well. And for all time, you try to search or just wait for that realization to come.

Lucky for me, I am living in that reality now. What a wonderful thing, love is.

I pondered on life at 12:14 pm

TUESDAY, 20 July 2004

Have you ever had the feeling of being lifted up so high? How about being wrapped with warmth on cold nights? Or actually hearing your heart beat so fast every time you talk to a special person, especially when that person is right beside you? And the loneliness after not seeing each other for a mere couple of hours? And the relaxing feeling seeing that person's sweet smile after a very tiring day? That your misfortunes and trials in the past are actually part of God's plan, and you are going to thank Him all your life for blessing you with something quite so good, all in perfect timing?

I do. We both have. Always.

I pondered on the wonders of life at 3:56 pm

TUESDAY, 13 July 2004

Saturday. Second day at school. The lesson was partly boring because we kept on discussing about learning the importance, implementing & installing IT in businesses. I want to move on to the real thing - hands-on exercises.

Sunday. Beautiful day. I spent the day with a special friend. A movie at Eastwood, a coffee break at Galleria, and browsing in shops.

Later that night, I attended a reunion of my original high school barkada because Jemwell is leaving for Taiwan on Wednesday. Each of us have different lives now, though everyone is still single. Some things didn't ever change - they are still the same when we graduated from high school. High school. Those were such good times.

There's something going on in my life right now. Happiness has lighten me up for the past few weeks. Never in my life have I experienced something quite wonderful such as this. Though there exists a challenge I have to face, I believe I can overcome it, because everything seems possible now that I've found my strength.

"Soft heavenly eyes gazed into me, transcending space and time. And I was rendered still. There were no words for me to find at all, as I stood there beside myself. All I could see is you and no one else."

I pondered on the wonders of life at 12:52 pm

TUESDAY, 06 July 2004

I'm a student once more. Last Saturday signalled the start of my classes at NIIT. I enrolled in a one-year program which would turn me into an IT professional. I never dreamed to be an electrical engineer, though I like engineering in general. This career shift will certainly be very beneficial. My classes are held on Saturdays, 8 am to 2 pm.

Right after my class, I headed to Glorietta for lunch. Then I met with Cheska for the story telling activity at Fully Booked. It was also around that time that I received a text message from Ms. Apol of Scholastic that story telling sessions at Fully Booked are all cancelled.

... and that's the way the cookie crumbled at 2:20:01 am

MONDAY, 28 June 2004

An update at last! Woohoo! It's been more than a month! :o

I went to the 3rd Philippine Toys and Collectible Convention at SM Megatrade Hall yesterday. I was a volunteer for Star Wars Philippines booth. We only had some items for the exhibit. It was fun there, seeing all sorts of collections, including toys, action figures, trading cards, animé CDs, and comic books. Lots of people flocked the event, kids and adults alike who are avid collectors. There were also who turned up in various costumes. Among those which I can identify are Sauron, Aragorn & Arwen (from the NW2), Shaider, Doc Ock, Spiderman kid, Astroboy, Naruto, Toy Soldiers (in full ROTC uniforms. haha), and Ragnarok characters. Gabe appeared as Doctor Doom.

There's one thing I noticed at the convention - No Harry Potter items. So sad...

I got to meet some familiar faces aside from SWP members. There were Ate Apol of Scholastic, Ma'am Nini and her daughter Anne, and Cheska.

I left the convention with Meann at around 6:30. Too bad we missed the performance of the Stormballs. LOL. (ayan, di ako stormball ha. wahahaha!)

... and that's the way the cookie crumbled at 5:52 pm

MONDAY, 24 May 2004

Mea and Mara asked me the other day: what's with South Border's Rainbow? Why do I like the song so much?

Aside from the nice beat, the message is what makes the song wonderful:

Fallin out, fallin in / Nothing's sure in this world / Breakin out, breakin in / Never knowing what lies ahead / We can really never tell it all / Say goodbye, say hello / To a lover or friend / Sometimes we never could understand / Why some things begin then just end / We can really never have it all / But oh, can't you see / That no matter what happens / Life goes on and on / So baby, just smile / Coz I'm always around you / And I'll make you see / How beautiful life is for you and me / Take a little time baby / See the butterflies colors / Listen to the birds that were sent / To sing for me and you / Can you feel me / This is such a wonderful place to be / Even if there is pain now / Everything will be alright / For as long as the world still turns / There will be night and day / Can you hear me / There's a rainbow always after the rain / Hittin high, hittin low / Win or lose you should go / Getting warm, getting cold / Weather could be so good or bad / But baby this is life / Now don't get mad / Life's full of challenges / Not all the time we get what we want / But don't despair my dear / You'll take each trial / And you'll make it through the storm coz you're strong / My faith in you is clear / So I'll say once again this world's wonderful / Let us celebrate life that's so beautiful, so beautiful.

Amidst life's challenges, the pain brought about by trials, there's always a rainbow after every storm. Nothing is sure, everything is temporary. For as long as the world still turns, there will be night and day. We never know what lies ahead. Not all the time we get what we want. That's how life is. And life must go on. Only by moving on we can get to see the butterflies' colors once again, and hear the birds singing. And if despair takes over again, just face the challenge and you'll eventually make it through. My faith in you is clear.

I'm always around you, and I'll make you see how beautiful life is for you and me.

"Who am I? You sure you wanna know? If somebody told you that I was just an average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied. Truth is, it wasn't always like this. There were times when life was a lot less complicated."
- Peter Parker, Spider-man

pretender / loser / clown wearing a happy mask / daydreamer / dark / daysleeper / ambitious / secretive / loner / the last boy scout / unique / born leader / follower / commoner / iiee-mit: ex-memcomm co-chair, ex-chair, ex-ivp, ex-pres

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