The Jedi Estrogen Brigade


by Storm, 2000

Title:The Lost Padawan
Archive:Yes, just let me know where
Disclaimer:Star Wars places and characters are figments of George Lucas' imagination. I'm only visiting.

Eight year old Obi-Wan Kenobi had been forgotten.

Or so he thought. After having obediantly followed Master Qui-Gon through the marketplace, been absolutely quiet and still in the library, been polite and respectful to Master Windu, eaten what was put before him in the restaurant, and avoiding all the tempting puddles as they passed through the park, Master Qui-Gon had completely forgotten him.

He had entered the bus without a backward look for his apprentice. His robes had billowed out behind him, and Obi-Wan stopped suddenly, hand over his mouth to stifle a giggle. Would the robe get caught in the doors when they shut? In his fascination with the answer, he'd stood waiting for the doors to slide shut. And his wait was rewarded by the sight of the bus moving off down the throughfare with a brown Jedi robe blowing alongside. Obi-Wan's glee had been tremendous. It was only then that he realized that he was...well...not actually ON the bus with his Master. And that his Master probably had no idea.

His laughter cut short. He pondered. The young boy frowned, and grimaced as he considered his options. Home, he knew, was that way, a vague destination, a general 'feeling' of direction. He could start off if he chose, and let the Force guide his steps. Indeed, it might get him a general approving nod from Master Qui-Gon when he realized that Obi-Wan was attuned to the present so well. But more than likely, it would just get him more lost.

He could also, he realized, head for the Jedi Temple, the towering spire that could be seen from almost anywhere in this part of the city. He'd never lose his way as long as he could see the spire. However, if he arrived at the Temple as a lost Padawan, Master Yoda would no doubt have to 'speak' to Master Qui-Gon, and that would make Master Qui-Gon frown more than usual.

He could, he supposed, wait for the next bus, and get on. He had credits in his pocket to pay his fare. He knew their next stop would have been the Healing Temple. It was the second day of the week, and Master Qui-Gon always visited the Healing Temple on the second day of the week. Except the times that he didn't.

He could, of course, simply wait where he was. Master Qui-Gon must notice he was missing soon, and he would no doubt head back the way he came. But that seemed so un-Jedi, just waiting. Of course, he could use the time to meditate. Or practice being peaceful and serene.

Obi-Wan jingled the coins in his pocket and thought about his choices. He turned to seat himself on the bench and as he did, he saw a kamqhee vendor making his way through the park. A powerful thirst came over the boy, and he hesitated. Then, with a last long look up the street where his Master had gone, he turned and sprinted across the grass towards the fruit seller.

By the time he reached the vendor, his boots and pant legs were covered in mud. It wasn't his fault, he told himself. He just didn't see the puddles until it was too late. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was blushing at the prevarication, but somewhere in another part of his mind the satisfying sound of splashing was echoing.

Obi-Wan found himself shortly in front of the library again, his feet having automatically retraced his steps and he sucked the juice from his purchase. Wiping his hands on his tunic, he raced up the steps and through the doors. He headed indirectly towards the back, walking nonchanlantly and trying to appear inconspicous. A guarded look at the librarian at the desk, and then he swerved around the stack to the far corner. His guilt nagged him, but he couldn't seem to stop himself from picking up the book. Yes, this book. The one Master Qui-Gon had told him to put back. The one he'd said was 'too old' for him. After another quick look over his shoulder, Obi-Wan opened the book at random.

When the librarian called 'Time' an hour later, the boy closed the book, his eyes round. He walked to the desk determindedly, and had the book put in his name. Slipping it in his pack, he went down the library steps two at a time.

He found himself in the deepening dusk. He knew that now he must head for the Temple spire, it was much too late to be out on the streets, and he looked around for the landmark. Starting off jauntily in the right direction, his feet unerringly made for every rain puddle, and the resounding splashes were quite satisfying.

Qui-Gon 'Obi-Wan.'

Obi-Wan 'Yes, Master?'

Qui-Gon 'Did you see me get on the bus?'

Obi-Wan 'Yes Master.'

Qui-Gon 'Why didn't you get the bus with me?'


Qui-Gon 'Well?'

Obi-Wan 'I don't know, sir.'

Qui-Gon Sigh.

'Young Padawan.' A new voice. Master Yoda.

Obi-Wan 'Yes Master.'

Yoda 'Your clothing, soaked it is.'

Obi-Wan 'Yes Master.'

Yoda 'How did this happen?'


Yoda 'Louder, please, young Obi-Wan.'

Obi-Wan 'Puddles, sir.' Defiantly.

Yoda 'Puddles?'

Obi-Wan 'Yes sir.'

Qui-Gon 'Mud puddles, Obi-Wan? You've been jumping in mud puddles?'

Obi-Wan (blushing) "Yes sir.'


Qui-Gon 'Your new tunic is ruined. What are those stains?'

Obi-Wan looked down. His tunic was stained with fruit juice where he had wiped his hands. In a low voice he responded. 'Kumqhee Master.' Another pause. 'I was thirsty!'

Qui-Gon sighed again. "Obi-Wan. I found this in your pack.' Qui-Gon held out the forbidden book. Obi-Wan felt his face go white, then red with embarrassment. He didn't answer. 'We'll discuss this later. Now go take off those wet clothes and get in a hot tub. When you're warm and clean, come out and I'll have some nourishing soup ready for you. If you take a chill from this, it will be no one's fault but your own.' Qui-Gon voice was stern. 'Go on now.' he added in a kindlier voice as Obi-Wan hesitated. The boy started for the bathing room.

'Obi-Wan.' Obi-Wan turned. 'Come here.' He walked slowly over to Qui-Gon. The tall man reached out and enveloped him in a great hug, mud, juice stains and all. He leaned back and looked in the boy's face. 'Don't ever scare me like that again, Padawan.'

Obi-Wan gulped, and threw himself back into Qui-Gon's arms with a sob. 'I'm sorry Master! I really am!'

'I know, Obi-Wan. I know. Now,' and he gave the boy a gentle push. 'Get on with that bath.' Qui-Gon smiled gently. Obi-Wan's tear streaked face smiled back, and he hurried from the room.


"Yes, Master?'

'Lost your apprentice, you did.'

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 'Yes, Master.'

'How did this happen, Qui-Gon?' Yoda tapped his stick on the floor. 'To lose a coin, or to lose a piece of clothing, yes. A Padawan? No. How, Qui-Gon?'


'I don't know, Master.'


'Yes, Master.'

'We will speak more on this. Now, soup we have to make.'

'Yes, Master.'


'Yes Master.'

'Lost you once, I did.' And his gimel stick tapping, Yoda led the way into the kitchen.

Qui-Gon Jinn paused, considering that last statement.

'Master Yoda?'

'Yes Qui-Gon?'

copyright F.L.Bentz, 2000
All rights reserved.


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