Want to Sell Your House Fast and Profitable? Get to know this myth


by : Jedamagz'



Selling a house is not like selling a smartphone or laptop, it is probably one of the most expensive and worthwhile investments you will ever have. Therefore, whenever you are considering selling your home, you will want the best deal not to cover any losses. To this end, hiring a professional and expert mortgage advisor can help you through real estate market research and connect you with the ideal buyer.

Moreover, when you are about to begin the process of selling a home, you will get a lot of advice from friends and family members. You may also feel the urge to search online and by reading related forums. All of that is solely to help you sell your home quickly at a great price.

However, it's important to remember that much of this "advice" is just a myth, as any research evidence doesn't support it. They are based on what they hear from their circle of friends.

1 Major Renovations Will Get You A Higher Selling Price

home renovation
Most homeowners believe that having a high-end kitchen, terrace or bathroom will help them get a higher selling price for their home, and therefore, they tend to spend millions on this.
In reality, this is not the case. Just simple, small changes can help you get a better deal than spending a fortune on repairs. For example, you can replace your garage door or opt for better faucets and cabinet handles or knobs. You can also get a fresh coat of paint to update the look and replace the worn flooring to attract more buyers.

2 Sellers Completely Decide The Price Of The House

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While it is clear that you, as the seller, cannot sell your home to a buyer at a price you disagree with. However, the myth that you can price your home and set it as high as you want has been around for quite some time.
The selling price of your home is based on real estate market conditions, the location of your home, and its size. You can't put a price on how “luxurious” your home looks or what your family and friends tell you about your home.

3 Overpriced Properties Can Help You Negotiate Better

3 expensive property
It's a typical “myth” that when you overcharge your home, you can leave a gap to negotiate, and therefore secure a better price completely above average.
Also read Homebuyer classes: How to educate yourself on financing and ownershipToday, with the abundance of information available on the internet, shoppers are quite smart. They come well prepared and researched whenever they have to invest in property, be it Islamic or conventional.
Therefore, you cannot fool them by listing your house price higher than the market price. This will only result in buyers straying away from your home when they see a higher price tag and instead looking for an average and better priced property. This way, they will not contact you at all. Let alone negotiating!

4 You Really Must Have A Realtor To Sell A Home

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Although this may be just a myth, it is still better and will save you time in selling the house through a realtor. Find a realtor who sells homes exclusively and you can benefit from the expertise and experience that will help you through all aspects of the selling process.
A good realtor will know how to increase your chances of selling the house. However, if you have to do it yourself, do as much research as possible and make sure to present your home in the best possible appearance.

5 Quick Deals Mean Your Home Price Is Too Low

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Whenever homeowners get a quick offer as soon as they sell their home, they immediately think that their home prices are low, and this is why some buyers are attracted to their properties.
However, this did not happen. A quick bid means that you have priced your home at the current market price. Buyers who have been looking for homes for so long already know the rates. Therefore, there is no reason why they should not bid on your home if the price is not accurate.

6 It's Better To Wait A Long Time To Get A Great Promo

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Many homeowners miss out on the amazing deals that come to them in the first few weeks because they tend to believe that the more they wait, the higher the selling price will be.
However, it's important to remember that the longer your property is listed for sale, the more it makes potential buyers wonder why this seller is still unable to sell this property even after such a long period of time.
therefore, it can make buyers question the value of your home, and you can lose it quickly. Remember that time in the real estate market can be your property's enemy. 





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