A message from The Victorian Villa Inn

The true account of Holmes at the Villa - Revealed after a dozen years of secrecy!
What happened at The Victorian Villa? - The world of Holmes and Watson came to life!
"... an actor, and a rare one ..." - Comments about our portrayal of Sherlock Holmes
An amazing story - By Ronald J. Gibson, owner of the Villa
"Adventures and Lessons" - Mr Sherlock Holmes addresses the Criterion Bar Association
"The Noblest Bachelor" -- Mr Sherlock Holmes is interviewed at the Criterion Bar Association
Sherlock's Seven Lessons -- The Whole Art of Detection in a Nutshell
"Sherlockian Pastiches: The Dilemma" - A defense of new tales of The Master by John Sherwood
The Ribston-Pippins' visit - A Sherlockian organization battles crime!
Our Online Bookstore! MysteryVisits.com loves these books from Amazon.com!
Travel to the Villa! -- Visit The Victorian Villa Inn's own domain!
Go to John Sherwood's performance credits.
Contact John C. Sherwood by e-mail.
Bring SHERLOCK HOLMES to your own event!

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