Skin - Tzanck's test: Herpesvirus hominis
Drs. Prolla and Diehl's INTERESTING CASE OF THE MONTH November 2001 case B

500x Papanicolaou staining

500x Papanicolaou staining

500x M-G-G staining

1000x M-G-G staining, high power view of above image

1000x M-G-G staining

The presence of large multinucleated cells, with ground glass type of chromatin, and marginal condensation of chromatin is typical of Herpes simplex virus or varicella zoster virus cytopathic effects. Perirectal and perineal ulcerations from HSV2 are a common opportunistic infection in AIDS patients. Enzyme immunoassay for HSV was positive. This patient was HIV positive, and responded well to acyclovir oral therapy.

See also Case A

References List of cases Atlas
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