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Velocity Micro - the difference is clear!

Just Doin' Their Job--Sound Familiar? Zombie Men in Black Clamp Down on Energy Inventors! Who Pays These Morons?? Let's Get Crackin on This One! Unsolved Mysteries, Nancy Grace?? Here's a mystery with some really major implications-- Is anyone looking into it?

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Carlos Barrera's GearTurbineTM Engine Design Now Available to Boost Energy Efficiency in All Turbine Applications

Lone Inventor Raphial Morgado's MYTTM ("Mighty Yet Tiny") Engine

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Corrected illustrations to my math paper on Fermat's Last Theorem, published in WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, July 2004 issue, originally designated as WSEAS paper no. 10-232. This paper was submitted after it was invited by WSEAS, was fully refereed, and accepted by WSEAS standard procedure. [This paper, showing a full proof of FLT, was available in print and listed online in the WSEAS Table of Contents for about 6 or 8 months, with no critiques, then abruptly withdrawn by the publisher, without explanation, warning, or any notice given to me as author. They later said emails had come in with "bad words." A later condensed version of the same paper, submitted to WSEAS in mid-2005, brought an unethical library subscription boycott threat from one very unscholarly Cretan (apparently untutored in the rather key concept of Socratic dialogue). I was not allowed to see any of the comments or "critiques" or any summary thereof. This is outrageous, most cowardly, supremely unscholarly, unethical on the part of the attacking critics and commenters! WSEAS was courageous for having published my apparently "blasphemous" paper, even if only temporarily. Any actual math critiques of the full paper are most welcome; I would like the chance to respond and try to work out any gaps that have been thought to have been found in my paper as published in 2004. I would like to know if anyone has read my paper carefully enough to understand the initial stipulations. If my stipulations can be shown to be in error, i.e., IFF my stipulations are somehow shown to be "illegal" mathematically, then the proof fails; if not, not; because the proof follows directly from the stipulations, and is completed in the first four pages of the published paper. (Photocopy will be sent on request, to a finite cardinal number of respondents.) Thank you.

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