Seaton Independent, September 29, 1949

Last Rites for Mrs. Shike Held Tuesday.  Funeral services for Mrs. Capitola Shike, 90, were held at 2o'clock from the Keithsburg Methodist church with the Rev. H.T. Jackson of Monmouth officiating.  Burial was in Greenmound cemetery at Keithsburg.
Mrs. Shike, who had been a resident of Keithsburg for 37 years, passed away in her home at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, september 25, following a 10-day illness.  She had been failing in health for some time and suffered two strokes from which she did not recover.
Mrs. Shike was born November 5, 1858, in Bald Bluff township in Henderson County, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Davis Ditto, where she grew to womanhood.  She was married to Henry Shike February 5, 1885.  They resided on their farm near Seaton until December 1919, when they moved to their home in Keithsburg.  Following Mr. Shike's death, January 24, 1924, she and her son Lester remained in the home.  She was a charter member of the Keithsburg Methodist chruch.
Surviving are three sons, George in Monmouth, Lester in Keithsburg, and Harold at Seaton.  A son Charles was killed in an auto wreck south of Seaton June 5, 1948.
Also surviving are nine grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and a sister Mrs. Mae Newell in Los Angeles, California.
Seaton Independent, April 25, 1935

LAST RITES FOR C.H. DITTO SUNDAY. Church Filled at Service for Keithsburg Redident ---Interment in Greenmound.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in Keithsburg at the Christian church for Charles H. Ditto who passed away at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at his home there.  Rev. E.E. Lowe officiated.  Miss Mora Gene Wheeler and Mrs. M.L. Kemp sang several selections with Mrs. Farms accompanist. Pall bearers were C.L. Bower, Frank Humphres, Mose H. Tweed, E.S. Peterson, Lest Dodson and H.L. Prouty. Burial was made in Greenmound cemetery.
Charles Harris Ditto, son of George and Elizabeth Davis Ditto was born June 21, 1864 in Bald Bluff township, Henderson county.  He received his education in the Henderson county schools.  His occupation was farming and he was also manufacturer of the famous Ditto Duck and Crow Call.  His other activities included those of a trapshooter and sportman.
He was married to Miss Tamma Shawley, Feb 3, 1891.  To this union seven children were born; Ethel; Charles Jr.; Martha; Mary; George; Lucy and Richard all of Keithsburg witht he exception of Mary who is in Chicago.
Besides the widow and children he leaves two brothers; Thomas Ditto of Keithsburg, Calrence Dito of Nanton, Alberta Canada; four sisters, Mrs. R.A. Newell and Mrs. Capitola Shike of Keithsburg, Mrs. Letitia Clark of Indpendence, Kansas; adn Mrs. Ada Derr of Omaha, Nebraska.
Seaton Independent, September 26, 1918 pg 7.


Lewis Napoleon Ditto, son of Andrew Jackson and Ann Margaret Ditto was born in Abington township, Mercer county, Illionis, september 17, 1840, and died at his home in Bald Bluff township, Henderson county, Illinois, September 20, 1918, aged 78 years and 3 days.
His parents died when he was quite young and he was left to care for himself at an early age.  He attended the country schools in Abington township, but owing to the early death of his parents, his opportunitie for an education were very limited and he had to gather his learning from the hard school of experience.  But of this he made the most and throughout his life was well informed in the current events of the times and rich in the thoughts of the true philosophy of life.
September 10, 1861, he was untied in marriage to Elizabeth Wheatly and immediately after their marriage they moved to his late home in Henderson county where they lived the 57 years of their happy married life.
To this union were born eleven children, namely, General M. Ditto, of Joliet, Illinois, Court G. Ditto of Lake Arthur, New Mexico, Lewis E. Ditto of Seaton, Dr. Richard C. Ditto of Oakville, Iowas, Dr. Boyd L. Ditto of gladstone, Minnie D. Hankins, Kathryn M. Ditto and Emily Ditto at home, Grace O. Kellogg of Seaton, Susie D. Rowley of Belmont, Henderson county, and Besse D. Murphy of Monmouth, all of whom together with the widow and twenty-two grandchildren are left to mourn his death.
In religion he was a charter member of the Methodist church at Seaton and maintained his affiliations with the Methodist Episcopal denomination to the time of his death.
His entire life was given tot he operation of farming and by his hard work, perseverance and still in the general advancement and betterment of farming conditions and stock raising in his won vicinity.
He died of a disease that was of long duration accompanied by intense pain and suffering, but through it all he was patient and cheerful, enduring it all with the greatest fortitude.
The expressions that he gave utterance to in his hours of suffering showed that he had been apart of the woof and warf of his long life.
In his home life he gave of everything within his power to make a home of love and comfort for his family and a place of hospitality and cheer for the stranger.
In all things he was kind and generous, of a forgiving disposition, bearing no ill will against anyone and ever seeking to do the noble things of life.
Seaton Independent, March 10, 1927

Mrs. Maurice Cox, a former Seaton resident passed away at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon at the Cottage hospital in Galesburg where she underwent a surgical operation, Saturday.  She had been ill for several weeks and death resulted from a complication of ailments.
Loie Ditto was born near Bald Bluff in Henderson county, Jan. 20, 1893. She was the daughter of Thomas and Anna Steubinger Ditto.  She lived with ehr parents in the vicinity of seaton and graduated with the cloass of 1911 from the Seaton High School.  Her sweet personality endeared her to her classmates as it did to her aoosciates throughout her life.  She united with the M.E. Church in 1901 and was a faithful follower of the church.
February 3, 1914 she was untied in marriage to Maurice Cox of near Keithsburg who with their 11 year old daughter, Pauline survive her.
She also leaves her parents in Keithsburg, six sisters, Mrs. CArrie Arnold of peoria; Miss Essie Bopps of New Boston; Mrs. Hattie Carlsons, Mrs. Neva Dahl, Mrs. Lura hawkins, her twin sister, and Mrs. Bernice Henry of Seaton and two brothers, Guy of Seaton and Ed of Kirkwood.
Three sisters preceded her in death, Maude who died in infancy, Mrs. Alta Liebengood and Mrs. Wilhelmina Streets.
Funeral services were held from the Christian church in Keithsburg at 1 o'clock this afternoon.  The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Hargis.  Interment was made in the Greenmound cemetery.
The church was filled to overflowing with relatives and friends who with beautiful floral offereings were evidence of the esteem in which Mrs. Cox was held.
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