About us

About the Creator
Jayson Maverick F. Mauricio .// 14 years old .//
Grade 8 student at Valenzuela City Science Highschool

Now, Let us try what have you learned. Let's do some Exercises.
Create our Little Penguin:
Step 1: The Body
Start a new document of size 400x400 pixels at a resolution of 72 pixels per inch. (Click File > New and type in these settings, then click �OK.�) Draw an ellipse using the Elliptical Marquee tool and fill it with black color using the Paint Bucket tool, (on the same button as the Gradient tool):
Create another layer (Layer > New > Layer, or Shift+Ctrl+N) and draw another ellipse as shown, then fill it with a smooth white gradient. To do this, right click on the Gradient tool (on the same button as the Paint Bucket Tool). Click and drag the Gradient tool bottom to top and experiment until you achieve the desired effect:
Step 2: The Lower Part of the Body
Create another layer and draw a new ellipse. Using the Paint Bucket tool, and changing the Opacity on the Options Bar to 80%, fill in that new ellipse with white color
This step might take a few tries to get right: Now deselect the selected ellipse (Select > Deselect, or Ctrl + D) and draw another ellipse. Try to get it as close to the outline of your original black ellipse as possible.
Once you are happy with its position, select the inverse area of this. (Select>Inverse) and press the delete key on the keyboard to remove the background image data
Step 3: The Eyes
Again create a new layer, and using the Elliptical Marquee tool and the Paint Bucket tool, draw one of the eyes, with a white ellipse and a smaller black ellipse.
Duplicate the layer (Layer>Duplicate Layer) and use the move tool to reposition this layer for its other eye. Or, alternatively, you can duplicate the layer and then flip it before you reposition the object (Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal).
Step 4: The Beak
Again create a new layer, and draw a rectangle beak with the Rectangle Marquee tool. Double click the gradient palette to get to the Gradient Editor Window, then click �Orange, Yellow, Orange� from the presets (this is the 8th option in Photoshop CS).
Now select the free transform (Edit > transform > perspective), experimenting to make the beak the shape you want: When you�re finished, click any other tool and select �Apply the transformation.� Try using drop shadow (Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow) to give a little depth.
Step 5: The Feet
Create another layer and draw an ellipse like we did previously, filling it with a gradient foot color.
Using the same process as for the eyes, duplicate the layer to make the other foot and finish the penguin.
Step 6: Putting It All Together At this time your penguin is still a stack of layers so the last step will be to merge the layers into one image.
From the Layers Pallet: Make sure that the layers and groups you want to merge are visible. (Do they have the little eye symbol next to them?)
Select the layers and groups you want to merge. Now choose Layer > Merge Layers. (Ctrl + E)