Review: The Chamber

Broadcast history: FOX Primetime January 13, 2002 - January 27, 2002
Host: Rick Schwartz

Two contestants, a man and a woman, start the competition. A list question is asked (example: Name all countries beginning with "I") and one of the players begins with one answer. This goes back and forth until one person fails to answer or answers incorrectly. Doing so lets the opponent try to steal with one more correct answer. If he or she fails then, the question is thrown out. If they steal then, however, they earn a point. More questions are asked until one player earns two points. That player then goes to "The Chamber".

"The Chamber" is a metal structure with a chair that can spin and effect muscles with shocks. Also in the chamber there are many ways of inflicting extreme low or high temperatures. Each level of the chamber lasts a minute, consisting of as many questions that will fit in the time limit. They can be multiple choice or open ended and range from general knowledge to personal facts (example: What is your mother's maiden name?). Each right answer is worth $1,000. If a player answers two consecutive questions wrong, the chamber stops and their winnings are cut in half. Also, players can call "stop the chamber" to stop the game and there also, the winnings are cut in half. The last remaining factors that stop the chamber are a raise in "stress factor" to their pre-determined danger level, or by way of doctor's suggestion.

Between each level there is a ten-second down time from questions, but not chamber effects. These effects intensify level by level, but the questions remain just about the same. Any player who can answer 25 questions or more and complete all seven levels gets their winnings tripled. When a player finishes the chamber, two new players start the game.

Each player is inflicted by only one type of effects - hot or cold.

Each player enters wearing shorts and t-shirt. In other words, exercise clothing.

Ick. I have no moral problem as others have with the "Chamber" itself. But everything else I do. The host is monotonous and the payouts are rather low for a show of its type. The questions are equally laughable, and the hook is that all of these effects from the chamber should distract them from answering the questions. Of course like most games with such questions, not every person knows these answers, so it's sheer coincidence. As seen on the premiere, the smartest of people aren't bothered by the effects when it comes to answering, but do seem in pain by the shocks and what have you.

Cast - 0.0
Game - 1.0
Bells and Whistles - 0.5
Prize - 0.5
Tilt - 0.0

[ 02.0 ]

This scored low in every category. The concept alone made me laugh a bit, and watching it more so.

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