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Self improvement and personal growth

27290637-cartoon-illustration-of-a-man-showing-showing-self-improvement.jpg                                 Personal growth is a process of both understanding yourself and pushing yourself to reach your highest potential. It means always asking yourself who you are becoming and how you plan to get there. It can involve working on new habits and hobbies, fostering new skills, and practicing new strategies to achieve your goals.  While this development starts very personal, it radiates outward and touches every aspect of your life, including your practice and professional growth.

                                 Becoming a better version of you is like an endless journey. There is no one day you will say that you are at your best. While you will be excellent in some areas there is always that one area where you can use some improvement. Self improvement is for everyone. A peasant, a president, a prime minister, a pilot, a farmer; they all want to be better than they are. It is for us all.

Click here for more information:

·      More about value of personal growth

·      Ways of self improvement and personal growth